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Heyooo!  I just wanted to let you guys know that I am moving my streaming fully to Twitch.  

I have been streaming on both Picarto and Twitch for a little while to gauge which one is a better fit for me and after a couple days of long streams, I have decided to switch over to twitch.

So, if you were catching my streams on Picarto, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I would love it if you still continued to watch my art streams over on twitch.  If you haven't been catching my streams, but wanna start watching and chatting, I would also be so appreciative if you would follow me on twitch.  

I am going to be working really hard to try and maintain a consistent streaming schedule, and want to grow a little community over on twitch, and I would love your help with that!

Here is currently what I am thinking for my Twitch schedule.  I know this isn't great for everyone, but I'll probably have some additional evening and weekend streams mixed in every once and a while.  That way, hopefully everyone who wants to, will have a chance to watch.  

And if you ever miss a stream, I keep recent broadcast videos on my Twitch for you to watch.

In the meantime, I also host other artist channels when they stream.  That way it helps spread the love to other artists as well!

I'm really excited to be streaming more regularly again(after the holidays), so I hope you will be able to join me!




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