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Here's a little sketchbook sketch.  Sorry this is all I have to post at the moment.  More is coming!!  lol

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to give a little update and say how sorry I am for being so quiet lately.  I've been struggling to balance out my life, and in that process its been hard to keep social media up to date.  

I am working hard to get closer to being able to focus much more of my time on art.  Its coming!!!  BUT it is a big terrifying leap for me!  You guys will of course be the first to know when I finally take that leap.  Until then, I'll keep working towards it, and try not to lose my mind from juggling so many things.  @_@  Haha!

I have ONE more commission to finish up (way back from Sakuracon!  Yeesh!), and then I'm going close commissions, even for personal aquaintences (my weakness! argh! lol), to try to get back on track with focusing on Patreon art for you guys, and pursuing the ideas and projects I have been wanting to draw.  

Also, a long time ago I started a ChrissaBug youtube channel and only uploaded like 3 videos before I just was too busy to bother with it.  As I get closer to spending more time on art, I'm thinking more about starting that channel up again.... but I have been thinking of making it kind of a mixed channel, where sometimes I show and talk about timelapses of the art processes and maybe there are some vlog type days.   Is that something you guys would be interested in?  It would kind of give you a chance to get to know the artist behind the tablet a bit more, I think, if you are interested in that sort of thing. 

 I dunno, just throwing the idea out there.  I haven't decided yet.  Youtube can be a scary place.  haha.

Anyway, I hope you guys are doing awesome and have an amazing day.  Thanks as always for sticking with me, even when I go silent for a while.  You rock!!!




Sounds fun! ^_^