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  • FiveofSwords_Timelapse60sec.mp4



⁤The Five of Swords can symbolize conflict, tension, and defeat. ⁤⁤The red haired warrior stands gathering swords. ⁤⁤Meanwhile the background reveals two figures- one turning away in resignation and the other kneeling in despair, highlighting the card's dual themes of victory and loss.

Oooh, this was a tricky card! The composition of this card was definitely a challenge when it came to fitting in the 3 figures and all of the swords! I hope you like how it turned out!

It isn't necessarily one of the nice or feel good cards, but I think it is one that is really good at shedding light on potential conflicts that might be going on in your life, especially in regards to relationships!

Also, just a little PSA, don't grab sword blades like this lady is doing. It isn't the safest way to handle blades.


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All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my family.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3



Brittney Klein

Beautiful I love how no one part takes away from the rest with the card having such a split aspect. Perfection


It's amazing! 🙏🏻 Didn't have the time to check it out with full attention before. I feel like you put in so many little details/textures, and it does encompass so many possible moods/feels/situations, it's really neat. 😊


Aww, well thank you!! It's cool to hear that you were able to see more on a second look!