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  • PowerofRyzenTimelapse60.mp4



Hello! I'm not dead! We are in the middle of our pause month, but I thought I would pop in with another set of throw-back goodies and give you guys an update with how things are going so far!

I've been working hard to get caught up with various projects, and am pleased to say that so far it is going well.

  • I only have 5 more tutorials to do for my 2nd book before I move into the editing phase! (5 is a lot to do still but close to done if you consider the whole book has over 40)

  • And for one of the other client projects that ballooned to be bigger than expected, it seems we're finally making some headway in checking various parts of that project off as complete! Still plenty to do, but it feels good to see stuff start to get checked off the list!

  • There's a couple of other client projects that I'm hoping to check off my list as well soon.

Once that's all done, I'm excited to jump into more personal artworks, projects and patreon content again in July! I will probably be in editing hell in July buuuut with the other stuff complete, it will be MUCH more manageable.

I do hope to squeeze in at least one new personal piece this month for midsummer that I'll post here later this month even though we are paused.

Anyway, I guess I'm saying that things are going well and according to plan. Thank you guys for sticking with me through this pause and I hope it has given you a chance to also get caught up with some rewards and tutorials here that you may have missed.

For this throwback, I thought it was appropriate because it's title is "power" and nothing makes me feel more powerful than being productive and accomplishing plans! haha!

Happy Friday my dears and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

The energy pulsating from the magical artifact suddenly shifted, turning electric at the touch of her hand.  The power surged up her arm, buzzing through her body, igniting dormant strength in her armor, her muscles, and even the very core of her spirt.  

Her gaze remains fixated on the object of power, basking in it's brilliance, and she wonders how she had been without this for so long.  Now that she knew the feeling, the potential, there was no going back.

Important Reminder (maybe you are sick of reminders, but I just want as many people see the memo as possible!)

  • Patreon is paused and No pledges will be charged in June! That means a free month of access if you remain pledged.  

  • If your pledge is typically charged later in the month, you will not be charged on that date in June and you will have the free month of access from that date.

  • Annual memberships get an auto 1-month extension for free.

  • If you cancel, you may not be able to rejoin in June because new signups are closed during the pause.

  • Read more details about the pause


Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art

  • TimelapseVideo

  • Sketch

  • Lineart

  • Process Shots

  • Wallpapers

All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3



Lia Graf

There's such a flow and energy to this piece, nicely done!


Did I miss the summary post for May or was there none?


Since we are paused for June and no pledges are being charged this month, the Art Pack 82 summary will go up at the end of June instead of May. If you haven't already, please check out this important announcement post and look through all of the points that explain what's going on: https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-june-104638446