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Hello everyone, I apologize for the unstable work, and I want to introduce another model 1/56 (28mm) BA 6 Soviet medium armored car of the interwar period and the times of WWII. When creating an armored car, a three-axle (6 × 4) chassis of a GAZ-AAA truck was used.




Hi, I know you are living through unusual times in Ukraine. You continue to do great work. Could you consider the Polish Wz29 and Wz34 armoured cars on you to-do list too? Difficult to get many nice Polish vehicles (except the ones you have already made).


Ahh, missed the wz34 when I looked before. Yes you have the wz28 but not the wz29 https://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/polish/polish_wz29_ursus.php or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samoch%C3%B3d_pancerny_wz._29