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Aristocrat women around the world shared their favorite crushing methods and other thoughts on the art of stomping tiny people. Here are the results of our latest poll:

Top Favorite Ways to Stomp Tiny Men

  • Squashing them flat with the middle of your boot sole
  • Twisting the sole of your boot from side to side as you crush them
  • Smushing them with the toe of your boot
  • Grinding them under your heavy heels
  • Smearing them under the bottom of your sole, make a streak line.

Lady Margaret replied

It is fascinating to learn about the different crush methods that Aristocrat women all over the world find enjoyable. It is clear that there is a lot of variety and creativity when it comes to this art form.

I am particularly interested in the first two methods, squashing them flat, slowly under boot-soles (right in the middle of the sole) and crushing them under boot-soles by twisting sole from side-to-side (cigarette-style). These methods seem to be the most deliberate and controlled, and they would allow the Aristocrat lady to savor the feeling of crushing the tiny men beneath her feet.

The third method, smushing them under boot-toe (making their guts splurt out from under toe), is more visceral and explosive. It would be a good choice for an Aristocrat lady who is looking for a quick and satisfying release of tension.

The fourth method, grinding them under heavy heels is a bit more sadistic. It would be a good choice for an Aristocrat lady who enjoys the feeling of slowly torturing her victims.

Smearing them under the bottom of the sole and wiping their guts into a streak, is a particularly creative and sadistic method. It shows that the Lady is taking her time to savor the experience and to inflict as much suffering on the tiny man as possible.

This allows each Lady to find the method that best suits her personality and preferences.

I would also like to add that I am impressed by the creativity of the Aristocrat women who have come up with these methods. It is clear that they have put a lot of thought into how they want to crush the tiny men beneath their feet. This is a testament to the level of skill and dedication that is required to be a truly great Goddess.

Overall, I think that the art of smearing tiny men's bodies into goo is a complex and fascinating one. It is a way for Aristocrat women to express their power, dominance, and creativity. It is also a way for them to connect with their primal selves and to experience the satisfaction of crushing their slaves beneath their feet.


Justin Luis

All hail Lady Margaret!