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Hi all,

Firstly I appreciate all of you who have subbed to my Patreon whether it's been for a while or just recently. I've been doing this and going strong for over 2.5 years, it's kind of been like a part-time job, though mostly I've kept going because it's fun and nice having this little community.

That being said, I think I need to scale back a bit. I've thought about just quitting and completely stopping, but I don't think I want to do that just yet. However me trying to have a post a week and doing 4-5 posts a month I think has been holding me back from doing other things creatively. Right now it's like I'm always working on something for Patreon and if I haven't in a few days then I feel like I'm behind and that people will expect a post every week.

So I'm wanting to continue but by doing this more casually. I'll still have at least have 2 posts a month and Tier 3's exclusive album will also continue, as TheLustofUs wants to keep doing their posts too. Not sure how high or low effort my posts will be, but I'm going back to working on my comic (will post a preview soon I probably). I might also do more compilation posts like the last where it's a couple pics of multiple couples/scenes in one so I can cover more bases.

If you keep pledging I appreciate it! I still think the content I'll post here will be worth the couple bucks, but I get it if this is a little disappointing and you no longer want to pledge. But I just can't keep up with this pace anymore and thought I should make a change.



your art is totally worth it, creating and coming up with all these fun ideas takes time so I believe it's healthy to reduce the amount of work if needed


I'll echo the others - if you feel like this is an obligation then you won't like it as much. The point is to have fun isn't it? So make what you WANT to make, not what you think you HAVE to make.


It is still fun and I'd make more animations and long sets if I could, but the obligation feeling and things taking too long to create is a bit of a problem 🙃


It happens to a fair few creatives. Just gotta take care of yourself :D