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  • abbyKass vyet3d 2k.mp4
  • abbyKass vyet3d 1080.mp4



2K view and download HERE 

1080p with watermark HERE 

Traveling through time, the great warrior Kassandra comes upon a the only woman who could seemingly be her match. These two muscular tall women with long braids find they have much in common, and are instantly drawn to one another. Rather than fighting with fist and blades however, the Athenian and the Wolf find a better way to battle.

I never actually played Odyssey but I thought Kassandra was pretty cool, and I thought it'd also be rare to see two muscular female characters (without dicks?) doing it. This took so long though lol, there's little things I'd fix but the rendering also took many hours so I'm gonna just leave it here and take it as learning experience for my next one 😅 I've got some things in the works, but probably no more animations for at least a month lol...


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