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So there's still so much to add and fix with this, the clothes clip a lot despite me following all the steps, the rig doesn't deform as nice as I'd like, you have to finesse the face to look like her game expressions, and many other things. But I'm gonna try and put in the must needs in and release a beta version of this model very soon. I don't think any of you are 3D people so when I release it I'll be like if anyone want to help me improve this file that'd be great 😭 Then I can update it as there's more improvements. It'll be free and linked on Twitter and Deviantart.

Some things I recently added in here are some shape keys so her arms can inflate more as they would if she bent them, erect nipple keys, and there'll be genital keys which'll hopefully handle opening her up for funny business lol. Also made it so she can furrow her brow somewhat, and just decides to swap her pubic hair with the ones from Daz, I think it looks better quality and also I'll put different versions in there.

Also if you're following my Abby and Joel fic, chapter 5 is done ~ 



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