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I'm working on other stuff which will come later in the the month, I've just been pretty busy with various things lately.

I kinda shared this before, but I thought it'd be a good idea to link to my The Last of Us fanfictions I've written. I put a lot of effort into these too and some people have told me they really enjoy them. My public profile with almost all my fics is right here, I've got some interesting prompts in there, most are shipping heavy. But below I'll summarize the more smutty ones that may be of interest to y'all and link to them. They're all M/F and these are all Abby/Owen, sorry to Abby x female characters appreciators but though I'll explore that with renders, I don't have any interest writing it. I recommend this blog for Abby/female reader smut.

Shorter fics, somewhat or mostly smutty

Last Night

E,  A little fill-in-the-blank fic of that little fade to black scene Abby and Owen have


E,  After the Fireflies are decimated, Abby struggles with her emotions on the road

The first time

E,  Abby and Owen take their relationship to the next level.

Taking What’s Wanted

E, They’re not together anymore, but Abby and Owen can’t stop just like that

Leah's Bachelorette 

E, It's Leah's bachelorette party and the girls get real close and personal with the male strippers... and each other.

Longer stories

My only long multi-chaptered story, there's some smut in it but it's not the focus. If you want a nice The Last of Us AU where Abby and others get a happier ending.

The Light Over the Water

M, Abby/Owen, Abby & Lev & Yara, Multi-chaptered. Fate ends up going a different way on the third day in Seattle, which leads to a standoff between Abby’s group and Ellie’s crew. After having the chance to talk things out, will the two be able to let their wrongdoings go, and will Abby be able to find peace with the Fireflies with her people behind her? (Complete) 63.5k words

Mostly just smut

Birthday Weekend

E, All Owen wants for his birthday is from Abby to be alone with him at the Aquarium, and for once she agrees. 8.2k words

Told you they were spotted

E, Abby and Owen agree to sneak out and climb up to that Ferris wheel by the waterfront together. Rewrite of the in game flashback to be a little different and have a bit of a happier ending. 9.2k words

in this together

EIII,* III, IV Those times Abby and Owen were together, they’ll always remember. Combined 13k words.

* A special fic that has corresponding renders to go along with it.

The High Ground 

E, Illustrated with pics! Non illustrated version here. When Owen comes over to pick Abby up and take her to a Firefly Club Halloween party, they get a bit sidetracked.


So those aren't the only ones I've written, I have a couple more non kosher ones I don't want to put on my public profile because they have uh.. questionable themes and content. These ones aren't for the easily offended by creative writings, but as you all also are Patrons of me so I'd hope we're good. I'll briefly describe them here and the documents linked will have their full content warnings.

the worst to come

Abby doesn't have a good time when she's first captured by the Rattlers, Owen's there too. 1.9k words 

the ones who love you 

An alternate history of what happened in St. Mary's hospital. Definitely my most out there fic. Pls read the warnings on it, it's a lot. 15k words

dark of heart 

This is the Abby/Joel fic I think should exist but doesn't, so I'm making it exist... I'm going to work my Abby in Jackson renders into this too in the future and maybe set it up like my other fic "II" with renders as like sort of a visual novel, but it's not done yet. It's an active fic I'm 2 chapters in, and it's gonna be around 8 chapters. When I update it again maybe in a few weeks I'll let y'all know. I'm thinking of maybe publishing it somewhere under a different name because yeah it's mostly smut but there's also plot, lol. Currently 10.4k words.

feel free to comment or dm me your thoughts on any of them! Or not, that's okay too 😪



Just finished to read the rattlers fan fics, the part where he pulls down her pants is crazy. I hope that It will inspire a future set

Emmet Bryan

All of them are amazing <3<3