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I did something similar with Abby and everyone seemed to like the results so I'm trying it with Ellie. In my program there's a more realistic renderer that has its pro and cons, but for simple images like this I think it looks great (minus the seams I have to edit out). This was a previous pose I did with Ellie plus some edits in various aspects.

I will probably do this with the new, more accurate model of Dina later and of Abby's friends who I'm currently working on making the model edits for.

I'm still hesitant on posting Ellie stuff on Twitter, I've gotten this far without showing her boobs lol. It may not seem like a big deal but let's just say I'm intimidated by certain Ellie fans. Though at this point I've probably already dug my hole...




Wow, she looks literally perfect here 10/10


She is beautiful