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I've got a fun idea that could help create something interesting friends! This time, instead of suggesting a character you guys could suggest a topic for the pic in the comments (don't worry, we won't do this every time, it's just a fun way to mix stuff up.) Think of it like suggesting a tag, so please only pic one or a few words.  ex: bondage, anal, blowjob, creampie etc

Basically, suggest a topic you'd like to see me draw! It could be a great way to get me to draw something I never have :D

A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶s̶u̶g̶g̶e̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶"̶o̶r̶g̶y̶"̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶h̶a̶.̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶

Suggestions end 1/23/2018 or once everyone has made a suggestion


JetN Amplify

#anal is always a good place to start


hell yea it is

Skittle Cuddler

vaginal creampie impregnation???


Anal is great. Bondage can be fun too. It's could be like a Reese's pieces commercial!


we've got anal so I'll put you down for some bondage ;) Yea that's a good idea, maybe I'll combine some of the winners! we'll see what happens haha


Nice suggestions, I think I'll throw in "blindfold" as something kinky ^^