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Camera version: 1.0.8 (Classic), v1.0.13 (Next Gen)
Released on: 12-may-2023 (Classic), 30-may-2024 (Next Gen)
Compatible with: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 'Classic' v1.31/1.32 (normal or GOTY), Steam, GoG, or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 'Next Gen' v4.0.4+ (DX12)
Documentation: https://opm.fransbouma.com/Cameras/witcher3.htm

NOTE: There are two camera tools attached to this post, one for the 'Classic' version (game version v1.31/1.32, use camera 1.0.8) and for the 'Next Gen' version (game version v4.0.4 REDKit, released on May 21st 2024. As CDPR broke the tools for v4.0.4 when they released their patch for REDKit for 4.0.4 (while keeping the game the same version), I pulled the tools v1.0.11. These won't be attached later. If you use The Witcher 3 next gen, you have to install the latest version of the game with REDKit support and use the tools v1.0.13.

Be sure to use the right tools with the game version you have. 


  • Camera control: (Also in cut scenes)

  • FoV control

  • Free unlimited camera movement and rotation

  • Timestop / game pause control

  • NPC pause / animation speed control

  • Camera paths support ('dolly cam') for defining moving camera trajectories for movies.

  • Flexible camera shake for handshot videos and camera paths

  • Black bar removal in cutscenes

  • Optionally disable of foliage fading when the camera is close

  • Configurable input interpolation for smooth camera movement/rotation/fov zoom in/out

  • Game speed control (slow-motion, speed up)

  • Frameskip

  • HUD toggle

  • Time of Day control

  • Optional no pause when alt-tabbing.

  • Hotsampling (resize the game window to any resolution)

  • Ansel everywhere, also in cutscenes

  • Higher LODs

v1.0.13:- FIXED: The hud toggle added in v1.0.12 could crash the game.
v1.0.12:- FIXED: fixed for patch v4.0.4 REDKit, released on May 21st. Of course CDPR kept the version the same, to make life more difficult I guess...
v1.0.11:- FIXED: fixed for patch v4.0.4
v1.0.10:- FIXED: fixed for patch v4.0.3
       - ADDED camera shake for camera paths and camera movement
       - ADDED reshade support for camera paths via the IGCSConnector 2.0
       - ADDED 3 camera position save slots (Ctrl-F6/F7/F8 to store, F6/F7/F8 to recall) when the camera is active.
v1.0.9: - (Next gen version) ADDED: Another way to block xbox controllers so it should no longer be the case geralt moves when the camera moves.
v1.0.8 (Classic version): - ADDED camera shake for camera paths and camera movement
       - ADDED reshade support for camera paths via the IGCSConnector 2.0
       - ADDED 3 camera position save slots (Ctrl-F6/F7/F8 to store, F6/F7/F8 to recall) when the camera is active.
v1.0.8: - (Next gen version) FIXED: Using a PS4/5 controller would still send input to the game when the camera was enabled.
v1.0.7: - (Next gen version) Ported to The Witcher 3 Next Gen.
- CHANGED: Fast movement now no longer affects rotations.
- CHANGED: Marked the client that it's for classic only.
v1.0.5: - ADDED: Camera movement/rotation/fov interpolation factors. These factors can be used to make the camera movement/rotation/fov be interpolated over multiple frames so you can get smooth camera movement, rotation and fov zoom in/out for videos without the need for camera paths.
- ADDED: Support for the IGCS Connector so you can create automated horizontal panoramas and lightfield screenshots.
- CHANGED: the hooking of dxgi for syncing the camera movement with the framerate could take a long time while the game would appear to 'hang'. The tools now implement a direct hook with the call to dxgi's present method so it syncs with the framerate and the hook is set immediately without a hang.
v1.0.4: - FIXED: Better Time of Day interception: it now can be enabled also in areas where the game has it switched off and it's always available and also changes when the game is paused.
- FIXED: Time of Day is now properly recorded and used in camera paths.
- FIXED: Sometimes the initial value for foliage fading disable wasn't properly activated at start
- CHANGED: The camera path window's gamespeed slider is now wider and has a smaller delta so it's easier to set the right value.
v1.0.3: - FIXED: When the tools haven't intercepted the Time of Day location yet, enabling time of day in the client could crash the tools due to a  bug in the tools.
v1.0.2: - ADDED: A way to disable foliage fading on camera collision.
v1.0.1: - FIXED: Marked AnselEverywhere as non-essential, so if you have a mod installed which enables Ansel everywhere already, the tools wouldn't find the location and flag the camera feature as not-available. This is now fixed: if you have that mod installed, it'll ignore the error.
- ADDED: Removed black bars in cutscenes when using aspect ratios other than 16:9
- CHANGED: the gamespeed code was broken, I've added a more reliable one. Still won't work in some cutscenes, but that's the engine.
v1.0.0: First release



For some reason after injecting the dll it doesn't find the camera, it says "not connected". Sorry to be that person :-(


In windows file explorer -> Right click the igcs client exe (and dll too after this) select 'Properties -> general tab' and see if there's an 'unblock' checkbox there. If so, check it. Also be sure to inject the right tools in the right game version, so next gen version needs the next gen tools


Thank you so much for replying, I had some issues with the antivirus and somehow ended up downloading the 109d version and that was the one that didn't connect. Tried it with 109 and it works. I hate being a newbie :-)


Hey no need to apologize, we've all been new to something at one point :) Interesting that the d version didn't work, as that's the debug version which should work too. but perhaps I made a mistake with building it (like not including debug dlls which would cause the dll not to work). I'll check and upload a better one. Thanks for the feedback!


I indeed made a mistake with the 109d version: it wouldn't work if you didn't have visual studio on your system, so it was my fault. I've updated the zip file and it should work now, but if the 109 version (so not the 'd' zip) already works, use that, as it's preferable!


Thanks for the tool! I'm having an issue though: after setting manual focus DoF with in Reshade and hotsampling, the DoF goes absolutely crazy - resembling nothing of the depth of field I set in the smaller window. I've been reading all of the documentation I can, but can't seem to find the root of the issue (and wondering if I'm just missing something obvious!) Thanks for the tool, again, and sorry for bothering.


With every resolution, Reshade picks the depth buffer with the most draw calls. However, that might not be the depth buffer with the scene depth. If you go to the 'Add-on' tab in reshade, you'll see under the Depth addon that there are multiple depth buffers in play. It's likely after hotsampling, you have to pick the right one from the list. This might be tricky tho. But sadly there's little that can be done about that for this game; sometimes reshade picks the wrong one after a resize and you then have to pick the right one manually.


Thank you for the elaborate answer, very helpful! I'll keep on experimenting, then. Thanks again!

Second Entity

For some reason, i’m not able to control the free cam with my controller (Dualsense). The controller/gamepad has worked in the past for your other Cameras like Elden Ring and UE4U, so I’m not sure what’s going on in this instance? Using Next-gen version with Steam. Any ideas?


Use ds4windows to make your controller an xbox controller and uncheck the controller in steam for the game.


ty so much for ur work, i used on bg3 and ff7r and it worked perfectly, on tw3 the initialization completes but it camera is never enabled, running v1011 on dx12, tried running v109 on dx11 and i get "cant find pattern for block aob" log error


Be sure not to use the 'next gen' version on the old version of the game, it is meant for the next gen tw3 version. Also be sure your game is updated to the latest patch


Game version has to be the official one, not a pirated copy. Version 4.0.4, I just tested it, works fine with 1.0.11


its steam version and no mods installed, i get complete initialization but then i get an error "one or more interceptions offsets weren't found"


Well, dunno what's wrong, but here it works fine. You also didn't say which version you have, which I assume is 4.0.4 and a not a pirated copy. In any case, there's little I can do, I tested it on the latest official version.


yeah its the 4.0.4 and not pirated, i thought i might have clashed with some reshade i had previously so i uninstalled all of them but didnt work, gonna keep trying

Jason Bentata

Hello, my game is crashing as soon as i click on inject dll. TW3 Next-Gen v4.04 on GOG. Any suggestions ?


It's likely the GOG Galaxy in-game overlay. It also causes crashes in CP 2077. Please disable that overlay in the gog galaxy settings


The game crashes every time I try to add a Camera Path, anyone else with this issue? (Steam)

Anıl Kurt

Hello, in the classic version of the game unfortunately i can't freeze only Npc's and enemies and move Geralt for better position as you told in your guide. When i use Enemy / NPC animation speed and Game speed options, both of the options are makes freeze Geralt as well. Any idea what's might be wrong and how i can only freeze enemies and not geralt ? Thanks in advance.


When I pause the npcs using the npc speed setting in the igcsclient, geralt is still moveable. However when I press END nothing happens, this is likely a bug that only occurs sometimes. When you use the gamespeed option, geralt will freeze too.

Wind Breaker

Toggling HUD on/off crashes the game. Does this also happen to anyone else?


I asked it to you long time ago, finally u made it :) Thank you Frans


I have an issue where Geralt will still move around even though the camera is enabled. The only game I've had this issue in before was AC Valhalla but I fixed it by changing input to mouse and keyboard with the in game settings but The Witcher 3 doesn't have that. Anyone got a fix for this? (Disabling input to game only works for keyboard and not controller)


I have the GoG version and it's working there (controller input blocking), I guess you have the steam version? You use a PS4/5 controller through the steam settings? Or through ds4windows? If through steam, could you try using ds4windows (and enable 'hide controller' in ds4windows) for testing? Thanks


I could reproduce it with a PS4 controller and no xbox controller on the gog version. I've found the function which is specific for PS4/5 controllers and will disable it in the tools. Stay tuned


Sir,is Ansel everywhere still working in next-gen update?I tried but it still didn't work in cutscenes


No I didn't implement that as ansel is broken in the next gen update (high res shots are blocky, moving the camera around gives blocky images etc.) nor did I feel the need as you can pause the cutscenes and enable my camera. If you want to use filters, you can still do that, use Alt-F3


Thanks for your reply, one more thing, when I press pause in cutscenes, sometimes unpausing will cause cutscenes to skip a lot, is this fixable?


Nope, sorry. You tried pausing by bringing up the menu and then hud toggle?


The photomode worked perfectly until today. Since the patch today the game crashes as soon as the camera is activated. Every time.


Will try to fix it tomorrow. I wasn't aware of any patch today, otherwise I'd have fixed it sooner


I can't reproduce it. I use the GoG version, and patched it today, tried both dx12 and dx11 versions and they worked 100%. Do you get any errors in the log tab? Which version do you use?


Steam-Version There are no errors in the log. The game freezes as soon as Num-0 is pressed. But not in the pause mode - 4-5 seconds later the game crash message appears. I will (again) check the integrity.


Might be a mod you have installed tho, as the tools by default have Ctrl-Numpad 0 assigned as pause (As photomode2in1 has Numpad 0 as pause as well and people want to use both)


you are right, it works in the gog version. (I own both) Now I'm a little confused. Again the Steam version, crash -shrug- And no, I only reinstalled it with the next-gen, no mods. Possibly a problem caused by the (Steam) overlay, which the patch should fix. Idk


Unfortunately, I didn't think about deactivating the overlay beforehand and trying again. GoG version installed and it works. Thank you


After today's patch it's working flawlessly again! (@Steam-Version) :)

Neil Sharma

This is working for next gen update correct? What are the installation instructions and where it can be found?


These are in the readme that comes with the tools and on the documentation page that's linked at in the post above plus linked in the readme and on the help page in the client.

Neil Sharma

Many thanks for this - random question will you be making a mod like this for AC Mirage when it comes out?