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Hey! Since this month looks to be patchless for the game, here's a random update to address a couple of issues and annoyances you pointed out. Thankiesss.


  • Extended the number of satisfaction moodlets that can be awarded after sex
  • Fixed sex breaking when no additional animations are installed
As odd as it might sound, not installing additional sex animations would cause sex interactions to break. You no longer have to do it to use sex interactions, but I still recommended it.

Sex Party

  • Fixed not being able to invite the Sim starting the event
Although the Sim starting the event was meant to always be invited, you can now decide if you want them to participate... because they wouldn't actually participate in the first place.


  • Fixed Sims reacting to privacy with some objects when not supposed to
When using 'Nudity Permitted' signs or when the 'Nudity Privacy Switch' setting is disabled, you would expect Sims not to react to privacy, but they would still do it with open showers, toilet stalls, and waterfall showering.

Window Peeping

  • Improved precision of windows height detection
If you ever encountered a peeping Sim looking through a wall, this should improve the situation quite a bit... at least for Non-Custom-Content windows.


I haven't talked about this before, but there's a mod available if you don't like custom Attractiveness CAS Likes & Dislikes. This mod will remove them, and with this update it will disable all CAS Likes & Dislikes affecting Sims Attractiveness preferences.

Wicked Attributes

  • Improved randomization of attributes behavior
Randomizing will now distribute Wicked Attributes on Sims depending on a linear curve that decides about the probability of the distributed number of traits where the middle values are most likely to be picked, and lowest and highest values are least likely to be picked... It just works differently now, okay?

Looking for the original post with the full list of additions and changes?
WickedWhims v168 | Click here to read about the v168 release.

Multi-Sims Sex Starting, Ability to Leave Sex, Showering Together, Sex Animations and Relationships Improvements, Sex Party Events, a new trait, expanded booty calls, and more...

WickedWhims v168.4 | Click here to read about the v168.4 release.

Fixes and improvements.

Reporting Errors | Click here to read how to appropriately report error files.

You will most likely have error files to report after encountering orange error notifications, failed attempts to load the game, or after game crashes.

Help Center | Click here to read about known issues and how to resolve them.

Modding can be tricky so check out the list of common issues you might encounter under the TROUBLESHOOTING category.

❕ Consider using Discourse instead of commenting here for better communication.

❕ Please don't use the Community Tab to contact me or report issues.

❕ When reporting a new issue, always create a brand new comment under this post, otherwise your reply might be accidentally missed.

Instructions: Strip Club | Attractiveness | Menstrual Cycle | Private Pictures/SimHub | Pubic Hair | Sweating |  Window Peeping | Impressions




Thanks a lot for the update Turbo and special thanks for the CAS Preferences Disabler! Will you inform us about the need to update it if it's required?


Thanks, Cause my game kept freezing when I did a sex interaction

Brian Zaenglein

Not terribly important, but I'm curious. What situations would get a negative reaction out of the Peepings? I had a husband and wife getting busy while the Mrs was pregnant, and Tina got angry/kept walking away from the window. Couple days later, the baby's been born, Tina's watching them and rubbing one out. They have caught her enough times that the wife is about 20% negative friendship with her, I think the husband invited her in once when the wife was out and they still have a little bit of positive left. So, does she sometimes, but not always, pick up on the negative relationship and get angry that a disliked sim is having fun? Or does she not like watching preggo sex?


I didn't see it on your side of things nor Lumpinou either after I made a post on hers about it. I've been having NPC's using protection when none inventory for regular woohoo and only way to stop it was unchecking not to autonomously used condoms/pads from inventory even though none was in inventory


Hey! A peeping Sim got angry? This is difficult to determine. It would usually be caused by jealousy, but Tina has the Cuckquean trait which prevents it. Peeping Sims can get angry if watching someone they don't like having sex or if they are in stressed mood there's a chance for it too.


Hey! That is the intended behavior, NPC Sims don't buy condoms so it's implied they have them. You might say that there should be a setting to control it, and you're right, there should be one, right now they just always use one... I believe this is a mistake so I will address it in the future.


Not related to the post above, but I'm curious when npc's hook-up is the setting for chance of pregnancy set differently than one I have it set too? I normally have mine set to rare for npc's to use protection and because of that I check to see when random npc's hook-up to see what day of their cycle they are on and have come across many times when they should have for they were on day 0-1 but didn't. At least 1 out of 10 might get marked when on the last day of cycle. My point is, I rarely have npc's sims become pregnant through your mod even though I have my settings to short cycle too and this is maybe me checking roughly about 100+ npc sims over the last year(s) with maybe 1 out 10 being marked when on their last day of cycle if that makes sense.


Again not related to the post's from above and hopefully not to be annoying either. :) I'm curious if you might consider adding a percent chance of married npc's that would cheat instead of none with exception of non-committal one? I'm only asking since I feel there is some other traits that should have chance of cheating as well like Self-absorb, evil, mean, materialistic, ambitious, and maybe the new trait High maintenance.

Nick Gabrielson

good with everything just need to add more dialogue if possible, and often gestures, you know like that good ole slap on the butt, ya know intimate type stuff. plus would be cool if someone were able to figure out the psychics between rain and soaking wet shirt ;P


Now that's a mod I'd like to see. T-shirts that become transparent with rain or other water (and other blouses). Which would suggest the add-on of wet t-shirt contests.


Hey! I don't fully understand, but you point out that NPC Sims rarely get pregnant even when using the short menstrual cycle, which I have to guess is what the issue is. I'm not really sure what you're expecting to happen, but with short cycle there are the least number of days that would allow Sims to get pregnant, therefore it would be the least likely for you to encounter it, except... In the long run, it's a 50/50 chance if they are capable of becoming pregnant per cycle (since half of the cycle is fertile) and then it depends on the fertility setting you're using. I don't know what the marking thing you're talking about is. Sounds like you're looking at something specific but I don't really know what.


Hm, perhaps you're right. A more open approach could be introduced, where personality traits have a greater impact if a Sim will cheat and an additional trait that fully prevents it can be introduced along with a global setting. The main issue with this is communication, there isn't a great way to indicate which Sims could cheat and having a world full of cheaters isn't ideal as I think most players would still rather have a high level of integrity than sexual chaos. Hah, looks like you have a lot to say, remember you can always message me directly with whatever you want to tell me 😄


It seem like a lot of people are having problems with the new update it’s not appearing in the game anymore !


It keeps saying script failed in my game how do I fix it ?


I keep getting a fatal error of a rig messing with the game but I cant find anything that would be messing with it.

Katchioga Bediako

I left, but I couldn't stay away. Did you know this mod is addictive?


Hey! I'm not aware of any actual issues with the mod, most if not all are related to incorrect installation, other mods being outdated/broken therefore causing errors, or outdated game/using outdated WW. If the mod is not appearing in your game, you either didn't enable script mods or installed the mod incorrectly. These are really common things, here's a dedicated page explaining these: https://wickedwhimsmod.com/installation-mistakes


Hey! What is saying it? If you received any error files, report these. https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception


Hey! You mean the "Conflicting Sim 'Animating Rig' has been detected!" message? That means you installed another mod that comes with a rig file, you have to find it and remove it, that's the only way to stop this message and fix issues with the rig. You must have installed something that modifies the Sim rig. Could be stuff like animated hair, animated wings, overrides for Sim head, animated tongue.


Hey, yeah, I know it too well, I don't want to stop having fun making it either 😜


Hi! I've noticed a few times over the last several months that my attractiveness preferences are resetting so that no preferences are chosen. I found a thread on the LL site discussing a similar issue but I didn't see what might be causing it. One person suggested the settings could be changing when I begin playing a new household. However, my current couple found each other "extremely attractive" when they moved in together and just a bit ago, one was "attractive" and the other "basic looking". I really don't want to have to keep resetting all my sims preferences. Any ideas what might cause all preferences to be removed?


Can First person view be fixed? or only by other modders. That coordinates there animations with this mod? Can understand it was originally experimental. When Devs released it, so it will probably always have conflicts or bugs.


Sounds to me like the flames of romance have died down prematurely...


Hey! I would like to fix it, technically it should be possible. Currently there's an issue in the game involving misalignment of animations. This issue has been solved within WickedWhims but at the cost of breaking the first person view. It was a choice, either fix sex animations or keep the first person view. I'm sure there is a way to have both but since this problem was introduced, I haven't found a way to do it... yet.


i keep having the sim's tongue in the view when first point view is on, it does look creepy.


음핵피어싱은 더이상 사용할수 없는건가요? 그전엔 사용했었는데 지금은 보이질 않네요


Hey I was wondering how to hire more dancers for my strip club, the cheats I have found do not seem to be working or does the club have to be open before I’ll see changes?

Brian Zaenglein

"‎can i no longer use clitoral piercings? i used to use it before, but i don't see it now." That's from Nisa's Wicked Perversions, so if you have that installed, it's on a computer, under TAM Explorer.‎


Turbo .. I have a room set up in a bar for a sex club. With the door to the room set to only allow club members, I'm getting random non-club members joining in the sex with the non-played sims that are in the club. Any way to prevent that? Or do I need to keep using the NPC Stop Sex?


my naturism no longer goes up on aany of my characters naturally i have to cheat to get it to increase

Brian Zaenglein

You need to give them the Nudity Enthusiast trait, or in settings check the "All Sims Nudity Enthusiasts" option.


Hey! Do you have any kind of tongue replacement installed or anything like it? The tongue should be invisible while in first person view and normally not visible unless Sims are having sex.


Hey! While you're at the club, simply type into the console "ww.set_stripclub_dancers_employee_limit 12" and it will increase the number of dancers you can hire to 12, you can't go higher than that.


Hey! That's news to me. WickedWhims does allow NPC Sims to go through gender-specific doors when routing to sex, but not club-specific doors. I would have to test it myself to see what happens.


Random Unsolicited Opinion: With the Spa Day Refresh, it would be really cool if WW had an option to sell "services" at the massage table. I have some animations that work with the massage table and it would be really cool for a Sim to be able to make money doing that.

Nathalie Hill

My party is not working at all it won't allow me to invite guest


Just curious, was the teen to adult relationship disabled or am I just not finding it now. My young adult and teen were in a relationship and now they can't romance each other now.


Random question. Do you think you will do this mod for other life sims such as Paralives when it comes out? Just curious. ^-^


I just joined and sponsored. I want to download all the latest versions, what should I do?

Brian Zaenglein

All you need is the file above, which replaces the public version. You can keep all the animations you already have, they will still work fine.


Hey! If I ever get to see the game come out, then I will know. So far we can't be sure how it will play. Another thing is that I recall the developers stating that modding will be limited to adding objects and clothing, so scripting might not be possible. It's a big unknown.


Hey Turbo! In a future update, do you think it would be possible to add a setting similar to strip clubs but for household furniture? Where you can reserve a piece of furniture like a sofa for example only to be used for sex purposes without Sims ever sitting on it or taking a nap on it at all please? Just i think it would be a little QOL improvement XD . Thank you for your hard work, love the mod!

Meriam Foreverbauerfan

my wicked whims isn't working anymore it says that the script is missing and the tuning package is missing but it's all in my game,I think the mod is broken or something,was there a update what i have missed?


your just FUCKING awesome!!!! ... carry on


Hey! Could you give me a little bit more background on the idea? How did you come up with that and what would it help with when playing?


Hey Turbo! First of all, I really appreciate your work. What you come up with is really awesome. Everything works perfectly for me, even with many, many other Mods. But there is one little thing that bothers me with the strip club feature, since you released it: So I opened a Strip Club with a couple of NPC dancers and player sim dancers. I always get creative when it comes to the outfits and because of that, I would like my sims to take them off slowly bit by bit. My problem is, whenever someone gives my dancers a tip, they mostly take off the complete outfit at once and are naked just by that single tip. I personally would really love to have an option to turn that off, so we can do it manually and decide on our own, when they are going to undress a specific thing. I was thinking of 2 switches. One for striptease and another for lapdances, because the lapdance undressing behavior is perfectly fine and I don't want that to change too. Or maybe even an option to choose, how many tips are required for them to undress the top and bottom outfits. My only workaround is to completly turn off the payment for the dancers and increase the income of the bar instead. But of course there wont be any money throwing anymore. I guess for you, it's probably not that big of a deal to do, but I would absolutely appreciate that little quality of life update. Oh, and as I am writing this, I just remembered one other thing: When you place a stripper pole or a marker on a random community lot and someone is dancing, nobody cares. Maybe a bit later, when the NPCs get this little shock, if they see a naked sim, but thats it. Would be cool, when a couple NPCs would come by just to look for a bit, just like in the strip clubs, but without the money throwing. I just think little details like that do a big difference. So as always: I can't thank you enough for everything you do. Thank you for listening and always take the time you need for the updates. Thanks alot, Turbo! :D


I cant change the hours of my stripclub. When I open the hours window and try to change , it doesnt do anything. Will not change


Hey! You're right, the balance for required tips to undress is bad. When I first released it, dancers would always first undress their top and only after a few more tips they would undress their bottom. Right now a single tip can be powerful enough to undress both, which isn't ideal. I will have that corrected. I would like to make dancing poles and spots an NPC object, so a Sim would spawn on any lot to serve it. This way you could make a regular night club with dancers. I think that's when I would introduce proper behavior for watching, although I don't know how it will work to not disrupt the usual game behavior. It's a little tricky. Thanks!


Hey! Unfortunately with a recent game patch, they broke these menus a little. With the new behavior, you are required to first UNSELECT an already selected option and then SELECT a new one. Trying to select another option without first unselecting the already selected option won't do anything.

Aiko Chan

hey, anyone know if there are a spanish traslation for this version that works? T_T

Nathalie Hill

My sex party option is not working it will not allow me to select guest or move forward


Hey! Will not allow to select guests, so you get to the screen where you select participants and what do you see? What happens? I haven't heard of this before so I'm not sure what this is.


Hi,sorry for my poor english. I don't know why, I can sign up for lost eden, but no customer call in, except this, everything work fine. i already del other mod, only use the latest MC center/WW/Nisa(public version) ,it still no customer call in, but when I use the WW public version, everyting work fine/_\


Can you drop your link to Discord


With the new update that came out today it wont let me play with my mods


FYI: I found that it was this package file that was causing my UI issue with the newest patch on 11/02: "thepancake1-ColorSlidersUI-v1f-1.77.package". If you have it delete it.


I found the penis size personalization is no longer available. I don't think it's the mod's fault, it's the update that broke it! ERRRRR >.<