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Compatible with the 1.71.86 (February 25th) game patch.


Hey! I got you some promising new features, literally, one is just a promise, but for a good reason, so please make sure to read the last part of this release post. I'm finally introducing something that should have been done earlier, but it's a difficult project for many reasons, so even you can contribute to it if you want to.

One planned feature for this release has been delayed, and it relates to the boring "Do you want to have sex?" prompt you get from Sims asking for sex. An entirely new system has been implemented to expand this functionality with variation and flavor for a better sexual experience of Sims before, during, and after sex. Maybe you have seen the document that explains it, which is the reason for the delay, writing shouldn't be rushed or it's going to end up lame.

⚠️Warning! The v164 release uses a new format to save data related to sex animations (disabled animations, favorites, playlists, etc.), and downgrading to an earlier release of WickedWhims can result in loss of that data.

Not all of the old data is completely lost, as some files are kept with the "UNUSED" prefix, so you can revert back to it, but you're required to handle renaming and moving of files on your own.

A necessary sacrifice for progress...


  • Confirmed compatibility with the 1.71.86 (February 25th) game patch
  • Fixed sex not stopping correctly when traveling to a different location


  • Fixed random NPC Sims invading your home to have sex
  • Fixed sex failing to start or continue with certain complex objects
  • Improved handling of CC objects with incorrectly mapped parts
  • Fixed canceling asking for sex sometimes causing errors


  • Fixed the 'Haunted House' lots not being detected as residential
  • Fixed two 'Freshen Up' interactions showing up on mirrors
  • Fixed 'Change into Nude' being available to Sims with the 'Proper' trait


  • Fixed Sims traits not being properly checked when attempting asking for sex
  • Fixed sex swinging clubs not working properly
  • Fixed Bats WooHoo not working with Transforming WooHoo into TFB enabled
  • Fixed sex animations XML positioning not working correctly
  • Made the Celebrity Disguise prevent Sims sexual satisfaction from being affected by the celebrity status


  • Fixed changing Sim strapon not working
  • Fixed not being able to turn on a radio during sex


  • Fixed Attractiveness on new game saves ending up with mostly unattractive Sims
If you started a new save with the v164 release then please use the 'ww.regenerate_attractiveness_rarity' command to fix it. You are not required to do this if you enabled the Dynamic World View setting.


  • Fixed Sims refusing to start sex not working correctly
  • Fixed Sims refusing joining to sex notification not showing up
  • Improved Sims refusing sex notification consistency
  • Fixed the 'Climax' sex interaction not showing up correctly


  • Made the 'Climax' option display directly under the Sex category when Sex Context is disabled
  • Made Developing Attractiveness based on Romantic Partners available for Promised pairs
  • Fixed the Attractiveness traits occurrence values not displaying the actual state of the world
  • Fixed the Pregnancy-Not-Allowed showing up multiple times and not respecting the 'Pregnancy Notifications' settings
  • Fixed the Pregnancy-Not-Allowed notification showing up for pairs that cannot impregnate
  • Improved handling of duplicated outfit identifiers for undressing 
  • Improved responsiveness of the interactions pie menu when clicking on Sims
  • Added the 'ww.stripclub_hire_janitor_sim' command


  • Fixed rare cases of loading invalid sex animations preventing all sex animations from loading
  • Fixed asking for sex dialog displaying Sims in reverse
  • Fixed after sex relationship impact not working


  • Fixed errors when using the Animations Disabler or Pubic Hair Selector
  • Fixed the animations dumping command not working


  • Fixed the 'Climax' context tag/category not showing up


  • Added 'Wicked Store' rabbit hole for a convenient way of purchasing items
You're not longer required to order items and wait for them or buy them through Build/Buy. Just send a Sim to the Wicked Store rabbit hole and bring anything you need, the trip only takes 25 minutes. How convenient, almost like it's a convenience store!

  • Made door, stereo, and TV interactions available to Sims in sex
This applies only if the 'Vanilla Interactions Switch' sex setting is disabled.
  • Made the Town Mascot, Scarecrow, Flower Bunny, and Grim Reaper available for sex
  • Fixed Scarecrow, Flower Bunny, Grim Reaper, Bonehilda, or any skeleton visuals disappearing during sex
All of the special Sims are now available to participate in sex and their special visuals will stay during the fun. They don't have any additional "sex instruments" like Servo Sims do, at least not yet. And they don't participate in sex autonomy, you have to involve them on your own.

Sex Animations

  • Introduced Sex Animations Overrides
With the massive amount of available animations, it's difficult to go back and enhance them with additional functionalities and flavor. This is especially true for animations that come from inactive creators. That's where the Animations Overrides implementation comes in.
With the Animations Overrides you're capable of introducing your own edits to the properties and functionality of animations, but currently that's not the focus of this feature. The introduction of Animations Overrides currently focuses on making sex more meaningful, by allowing to contribute context to animations. That's where the ability to add tags to animations plays the most important role. Please read more at the end of this post.
WickedWhims comes with a default collection of overrides to improve your experience and that collection will be continuously updated to cover more animations.
All overrides are stored in the saves folder and can be shared between users. Alterations made by the user are automatically saved within the "personal.json" file. Additional files that are placed within the "sex_animations_overrides" folder will be loaded with the priority configured inside of the file. This allows sharing and combining overrides to eventually create the ultimate override file to rule them all and provide all users with the best experience possible.
  • Introduced Sex Context Tags
  • Added 'Display Sex Context Interactions' sex setting
  • Added 'Select Available Sex Contexts' sex setting menu
There it is, a context for actions performed in sex! Or is it? Well, not yet. Almost. It's just the beginning of the journey, but a very exciting beginning that you can read about at the end of this post.
Users can now start and manipulate sex using context, but this feature still needs a lot of work.
  • Added a notification informing about newly installed sex animations
Every time you turn on the game with newly installed animations, you will be informed about it, assuring you that you do have new stuff to check out. I hope this helps with the exploration of sex animations from multiple different creators, so you can be quick at giving them the feedback they need.

  • Improved consistency of actors role/gender assignment with vague animations
Some animations are configured in a really vague open-ended way, which could have caused improper role/gender assignment, causing Sims to flip their position during sex. This solution doesn't solve some animations that have complicated configuration, but it will help with the vaguely configured ones.
  • Improved consistency of animation playlists
Playlists should no longer stop working after manually progressing sex and when using animations that aren't allowed to be used as random.
  • Fixed Sims joining to sex displaying refusal notification when player refuses instead
  • Added 'REMOVE_CONDOM' animation event type
Animators can now run the 'REMOVE_CONDOM' event to take off a condom from a Sim during sex to accurately display fluid-related visual effects and props.

Sex Satisfaction

  • The amount of Friendship and Romance gained from sex is now affected by the satisfaction outcome
The journey to make sex more meaningful, contextual, and interactive, requires that satisfaction is easier to manipulate and it matters more for the player and the Sims. Major changes in regards to that are on the way and this is just a small change that came as a result of the progress around it.

Sex Autonomy

  • Added 'Maximum Sex Actors Limit' Autonomy Specifics setting
If you're tired of Sims forming huge orgies every time some NPC Sims have sex, reducing the Maximum Actors Limit number will help with that.
  • Improved scoring of sex locations
Things are now slightly more restrictive, preventing Sims from having sex at locations they shouldn't be having sex at.. but that could have made things worse for some, so let me know if I disappointed you immeasurably and ruined your day.


  • Added Pregnancy-Not-Allowed notification
  • Updated the Potential Pregnancy notification to state correct information
  • Made the Potential Pregnancy notification display for all involved in sex Sims
Pregnancy can be a big unknown, especially when playing with the Menstrual Cycle. Most of the time the source of the issues is not technical, as it comes from Sims not being fertile, using birth control, being unlucky, or not even allowed to become pregnant. The only other common problem is no more space in the household for a baby, which will now show up as a notification informing you about it.
And the notification about potential pregnancy no longer states that attempting conception sex multiple times won't work. Sims can actually try to conceive every 8 in-game hours.

Menstrual Cycle

  • Added 'Normal-To-Long' Menstrual Cycle Duration
For players with a custom life duration that's between 61 and 244 days of adult life, the Normal-To-Long duration should provide a better experience.
  • Made tampon/pad use interactions on toilets not visible for Sims without a menstrual cycle
Or when the Menstrual Cycle mode is disabled.
  • Made changing tampon/pad on toilets relieve Sim bladder


  • Introduced 'Attractiveness Frozen World View' as the new default behavior
  • Added 'Attractiveness Dynamic World View Switch' setting
Frozen? World View? What does this mean? 😱 In short, Sims perspective on how attractive something is depended on how commonly it appears in the world. As new Sims are generated in your world, they affect how common certain clothing, body shapes, and other attractive elements are, by introducing more of them to the world. Because something is very common, it becomes less special and loses its attractiveness appeal. This is why some Sims change their opinion on how attractive another Sim is because the world is shaping them this way.
So what happens when the World View is Frozen? Your current world view gets frozen and persists to the end of time, preventing Sims attractiveness opinion of others to change because of the continuously growing world population. Still, Sims attractiveness views will change if their clothing, body or other details change, or their preferences change. Attractiveness still works exactly the same as before except it doesn't unpredictably alter things behind your back.
Don't like that change? Want to keep the dynamic World View? Easy, go to Wicked Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Attractiveness Settings -> Advanced Attractiveness Settings and enable the Attractiveness Dynamic World View setting.
  • Asking about preferences is no longer unavailable when Sims are incompatible
  • Asking about preferences will now inform about Sims lack of interest due to gender preference
  • Improved writing of Attractiveness functions and interactions
To hopefully encourage more people to experiment, certain words have been altered to appear less technical. This comes with a simplification of certain functionalities to make them easier to understand.
"Generating" is now "Developing" to indicate it's about creating rather than some kind of raw technical process that requires more brainpower.
"Generator Mode" is now "Strength" as that is its purpose, to make the developed attractiveness matter more or less.
A few other minor words and mechanics have been changed to better reflect the playful intent of Attractiveness and make it seem less complicated. I hope I can continue to improve that further for the better.


  • Added support for makeup/outfit color sliders
Undressing with custom makeup (or clothing) would previously result in their custom colors resetting. Color sliders are now fully supported for all undressing functions.

Porcelain Dolls

  • Added debug interaction to turn Sim back into human


  • Improved translation strings to properly handle numbers and plural words
  • ⚠️Shortened the first loading time for users with a large number of sex animations
But how? Well, magic. Actually, animations were slow to load due to generating unique identifiers for them. These identifiers are used to manage animations faster by the code and be stored in save data. The newly implemented generation of identifiers is three times faster and a necessary step to gain extra time for processing of the overrides system.
Is there a downside? No, but there's a reason I'm mentioning this. Because all of your old save data contains old animation identifiers, the process of converting has to occur the first time you load a pre-v164 game save. Converting still requires the usage of old identifiers, so the actual first loading will still be slow. This process will rename old WickedWhims save files to their new format. The 'disabled_animations.json', 'animations_favorites.ww', and 'animations_playlists.ww' files will be saved with new names and the old files will be disabled*.
Once the automatic process of converting old animations identifiers is finished, downgrading to an earlier release of WickedWhims will not load the old save data related to sex animations. *The old files are renamed to begin with the "UNUSED" prefix, so you can revert back to them, but you're required to handle renaming and moving of files on your own.


Sex Animations Context

What is Context? It is what gives words and actions their meaning. How can sex be more meaningful and reactive? With the addition of Context! It's a simple equation that was needed to solve the problem of sex not going anywhere new for quite a while.

Animators and Players can now introduce context to sex animations by adding contextual tags to them. This is done either directly by animators when new animations are added or by players using the Animation Overrides implementation. Don't worry though, you don't have to spend time adding tags yourself, it's optional, as right now other things are happening that will help this feature grow.

Currently, there are over 70 contextual tags that you can pick from and more are most likely coming as people expose their preferences. You can start or manipulate sex using the Context interactions by simply clicking on Sims and going into the Sex->Context pie category. Just take a look at how many there are...

Contextual Tags currently don't have any major usage... because they need to be added to animations, and there's a lot of animations out there, around 10000 in fact. Each animation most likely needs multiple contextual tags added from the list of over 70 tags. This means that the process of adding tags can take over a month before it's properly done, verified, and tested.

Worry not, I'm on it right now. I've involved all active animators to contribute to this project before release to get their opinion and introduce them to the concept. I have a developer tasked with creating a tool for animators to quickly build and edit animation packages so adding tags is quick and smooth. And I will be working with people that will dedicate time to tagging animations, as well as get involved with the community sharing their progress.

How can you get involved? Simply start tagging animations that you like, it's really simple. While Sims are having sex, hold the Shift key and click on them to get access to the special interactions and under the 'Wicked' category you will find the 'Modify Currently Playing Animation Tags' interaction. All of your modifications are saved into the 'personal.json' file inside of the 'saves\WickedWhimsMod\sex_animations_overrides' folder. Copy and rename this file to share it online. All other users have to do is put your file into their "sex_animations_overrides" folder and it's done.

What do these contextual tags do? As mentioned before, currently not a lot, but they hold great potential.

As of this release, you can start and manipulate sex using contextual tags. This will help you find new animations of particular types, themes, or fetishes. It's an entirely new way of managing sex animations. If you don't like it, you can disable it in the 'Sex Context Settings' menu or you can adjust which contextual tags are displayed so you only see the ones you like.

With contextual tags, sex gets so much better. Once this feature is fully running with all animations tagged, so much more can be done. Sims will finally be able to have preferences to specific positions, behavior, fetishes, themes, introducing a new way to handle satisfaction and storytelling. I am very much looking forward to this.

Reporting Errors | Click here to read how to appropriately report error files.

You will most likely have error files to report after encountering orange error notifications, failed attempts to load the game, or after game crashes.

Help Center | Click here to read about known issues and how to resolve them.

Modding can be tricky so check out the list of common issues you might encounter under the TROUBLESHOOTING category.

- Consider using Discourse instead of commenting here for better communication.

- Please don't use the Community Tab to contact me or report issues.

- When reporting a new issue, always create a brand new comment under this post, otherwise your reply might be accidentally missed.

Instructions: Strip Club | Attractiveness | Menstrual Cycle | Private Pictures/SimHub | Pubic Hair | Sweating |  Window Peeping | Impressions




Hey I have one question does the SimHub work for teens or adults only


Yeah ! I asked for adding sexual identity to sims months ago , and you done it , its a lot of work to tag all thoses animations but as you said , possibilities are various and it will make the game way better , without it , its just 10 k random animations , I hope Nisa and the prostitution system will use it aswell .


hey is there a way to know if a sim thinks your attractive as at what level. It would be nice to know if they find you extremely attractive or unattractive.


Hey! If you receive a Suggestive Look or a social hint while talking with them, that means they are very attracted to your Sim. Asking them about preferences can help too to determine if they are even interested in your in the first place.

The Sarah O.

So excited to try this out! Thank you for all that you do! :)


You're literally doing God's work over here


Nice the animation tags seem like the start of Wicked Whims 2: Electric Boogaloo. Honestly, that's a good amount of potential there. Thank you for continuously improving the mod!


Outstanding. Contextual tags, mind blown at the possibilities. Great work.


i love you so much it hurts

Sassy Mama

YOU are AWESOME!! hugs!!


Excellent update!

D Love



Wow...the Context settings have so much potential making sex gameplay more personalized! Thanks for your vision!


Will the Static worldview attractiveness switch mean that Sexy Linda will now be the heart throb of all my game's sims? Gotta admit, she's unique looking.


Of course, why would I break the game by making her less attractive? I'm aware that would be game breaking.


Is there an new XML template for context tags? Are we going to use them so flat chested sims don't do animations with the "titjob" tag? Is the mod moving to recognize "The Big O"? The way the mod is now, you can run animations that would completely frustrate one partner and still that sim would get a "satisfied" buff, which to me is not at all a good simulation.


Hey! Good thing you reminded me, I will update the Animation XML Tuning tutorial to list the tags, but there will be different ways of handling it later too. At this point I cannot say that something like "titjob" would be used to prevent usage on Sims with small breasts, but perhaps it could be an option. The user should always have the ability to do it, but autonomy can be adjusted. I wanted to introduce an actual visual meter that represents sex satisfaction and therefor orgasm, but technical limitations didn't allow it. I think that would be needed to make it obvious when Sims had enough. And on top of it, sexual preferences, because who says that frustrating moves aren't their thing.


Pretty please impliment the social autonomy Context questionnaire described in the discord. If there was a way to trigger a question, like seeing a sim who has a high desire, or "free love" voted in, or need money and want to sell photos on simstigram, that would be great. I guess that means that the answers need to lead to sex or not.


"For players with a custom life duration that's between 61 and 244 days of adult life, the Normal-To-Long duration should provide a better experience." - do those numbers take the game lifespan setting into account? For example I have 35 days duration of adult stage set in MCCC but also I have the in-game lifespan setting set to 'long' so this results in 140 days of adult stage in the game. And so I can't understand, should I set menstrual cycle duration to Normal-To-Long or not, i.e. what number of days is valuable here, 35 or 140?


Hey! Menstrual Cycle duration will take the game lifespan setting into account if you use the 'Automatic' setting, otherwise it's what you select. Adult life includes Teen+Young Adult+Adult, these are the age stages where the cycle is active, so add these and that gives you the total of Sim adult life.

Coco Doll

Love this , i wonder if tags can get buffs . Like for the squirt tag , the guy should be automatically flirty for a while and be like “omg my girl squirted for the first time” is that possible?

Aiko Chan

you and ur ppl are Amazing ♥ thnx


I don't think that shift click on your sim during woohoo works. I don't see anything like that menu and all i see are "next", "actions...", "sex...", "Ask to join in...", "settings" and "Personalization...". Am I doing something wrong? I'm using version164 but I see 164.1 came out since I started my game.


Hi, thanks for the update. Looks like sims with a SimHub account pre v164 lose that progress when updating. None of the notifications come up when uploading pics or checking analytics on the computer, and in that computer menu it shows a clickable payout button that likewise does nothing. I tried with a couple different households w/ old and new SimHub accounts, and I also tested with v163.x and v164.1, moving the WW save folder each time.


You need to have testingcheats on for shift-clicking to work properly


Squeee..saw this last night but it was too late for me to play...scared and excited to try this lol...If I could hit the like button a million times I would...seems I need to be big brain today and learn :P When does class start for this brand spanking new update? hehe >.>


Also..I don't have life span...my sims die when I want them to..so how will this work for me? Obviously I have auto age turned off for played and unplayed >.< My sims have been with me for years, even the npcs...I just can't seem to part with them lol :O


Hey! I guess it could be, yeah, there's a lot that will be possible once this system is fully established. Sex could come with unique rare satisfaction moodlets that depend on these occurrences.


Wow, this "context" update is going to be a huge game changer! I didn't even know we needed it that much, I love it I love it, I love it! Will it be possible to get negative moodlets after sex like: "Well that was a waste of time" or "This didn't quite live up to my expectations". It would be a great touch to have sims level "Sexperience" influence the outcome of the moodlet lol. (Just a quick thing that came to mind, don't worry about it too much.) Please keep up the great work! You're an absolute legend for taking a game we allready love so much and making it even more fun!


Hey! Hmm... it seems like SimHub got really messed up at some point and I didn't notice because none of my old saves kept their account data. That's disappointing, but not as much as it could be. The entire SimHub implementation isn't that good since the initial release of the feature and I'm not surprised there are issues with it. I would like to redo the entire feature and reintroduce it, as the current version is simply bad. I'm sorry you've encountered issues with it, but I'm not able to properly resolve it at this moment. To fix your SimHub account you might need to delete it and create it again.


Hey! Hopefully you don't have to take classes to use it, I wouldn't be happy seeing people turn things down because they are too complicated :D


If you're talking about the newly added menstrual cycle duration, without any lifespan, simply pick the duration you like the most. I believe the "long" one was configured to fit the Sims reality of how time progresses.


Hey! That's the idea, yes, have Sims come with preferences and expectations that define their experience. Offering these context options to players is just a bonus, the main purpose is to make Sims sexual adventures more meaningful. The least I could offer right now is to let players manipulate it, but once all of the difficulties of this system are resolved, I will be able to expand it further.


I love the idea. It will add so much more, but I will have to wait to implement. Everything broke down when I installed it. I have other mods that cause it problems. I will have to trace down exactly which ones and may have to wait for them to be updated before I install again.


Like Putchie said it: You, good Sir, already are a legend and still you put up such efforts for taking the game to the next level. Can´t thank you enough, really. Just wow!


so should we take out all our mods? that is what I am confused about. Thank you for your continuous work!


for me i just found that some mods that use some of ww's features for their own mods (nisa, etc) have to be updated! i noticed that some mods caused this one to not work properly (and some animations too) so i would just comb through your mods and package files to see if anything conflicts w/ the newer download!


Hey! Only mods that connect with WickedWhims would break after installing this update, but Nisa K. Wicked Perversions has been already updated to support it.


Hey, is anyone else having an issue when they have multiple outfits on an sims and they are undress and it changes back to there first outfits? Each time I undress top or bottom in my secondary outfits, it will revert back to the main outfit in everyday, formal, active, and so on, even accessories and hair will revert back to the main outfits. When my main outfit is an full body outfit and I have on an secondary outfit and I try to undress I can’t remove top or bottom as I can only undress the whole outfit even tho the outfit that is on is a top and bottom.


Since this update I cant use Sum Hub, it worked fine prior to the update. Is anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?


Yes this has been happening to me too not a huge issue but kind of annoying


It seem to work great, but Im still getting an error message that this new download is outdated. I have a brand new gaming laptop so its not the PC that is the issue. Should I ignore it if the Mod still works well and doesnt cause the game to crash or lag? I will keep supporting :)


My game says, that it don't have any animations. I have them all in my Mods folder like every other day. When I downloaded back to my game last one v.163.7 every animations worked correctly.


Hi. Not sure about anyone else, but I saw while running sex scenes last night there I can't see any of the climax animations from the list if I wanted to choose one. Yet the sims can get to those scenes, so they are there just not visible when I look at the climax list.


Is there a way to disable or remove the mannequin when selecting underwear?

Aiko Chan

So, im having some lag issues after install the ww update, not sure about this... And the pop up question is wrong (i see my sim asking when it supposed to be the npc) also, i have several LE's when try to configure the mod.


I installed and removed the old mod but now when I start the game no sex options are available. Everything else is working fine though. Don't know if anyone can help with this or if another mod is making it go funny!

Jo Cara

Same here. There is an option for that; I have it enabled and still can't see it :(

Hannah Brown

I've had these issues at well. The lag and the dialogue always showing up as if my sim is asking random sims for sex instead of vice versa.. also getting LE's and errors.


Damn, this is such a huge update. I actually feel guilty for paying so little.


Hi Turbo. Regarding the stripclub: I need to report some problem with cleaning dirt by janitors. Standing with a bag of dirt in their hands for hours and eventually throwing it down. In the mean time dirt is building up. So are dishes. Q: Is there a way to speed cleaning up?


I have the same issue. I ignored it but for the family I played there was no sex last night so I haven't tested it yet.


Hey! In what way you can't use it? Have you downloaded WickedWhims from this release post? As other places won't have the SimHub feature included.


Hey! Sounds like your animations are not being loaded properly. You most likely received an error warning, which in that case you should report that error - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hey! Once a janitor picks up trash, they need to find some kind of place to remove the trash they are holding, so all they will try to do is get to it and use it. If for some reason they can't, do to placement or other Sims blocking it, they will most likely stand and not do anything. Another possibility is that they were being bothered by something else and it never occurred. It's hard to tell, but I made a tool that might help you recognize the source of it and help me adjust things. Install this mod https://turbodriver.github.io/simulation and once you see the janitor standing without reason for too long, check the 101 Diagnostics on them and look at their current state. That will tell you what they are doing, trying to do, and what they are planning on doing. Let me know what you see.


Thanks for this!!!!!


resolved ty


I downloaded this version yesterday but for some reason when I log into the game I get a popup saying it's outdated and the current version out is 164.4


I had the same thing happen today, "out of date version"


Thank you so much! This one works correctly!


after updating WW i can't seem to get into my game anymore, i'm stuck on a loading screen.


this is saying no script


I am also getting a script error


Should i update or wait till tomorrow the complaints are worrying me and i really want to play lol


Hey! In that case, you must have some outdated mods that are preventing proper work of other mods and the game. If you can't identify it, you must be receiving some error files, so report them - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hey! If you received errors, please follow the instructions on how to report them - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hey! You mean you receive the "Essential 'TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Scripts.ts4script' file is missing." message? That means you either didn't enable script mods in settings or you installed WickedWhims too deep into your Mods folder.


Hey the notification for simhub vanished and the same for the computer. It's working beford the new version, but now no.


Dearest TD, LOL, Wow all things getting better! I can see why you are excited. I am too. With these new settings shift click will we be able to permanently disable all foot sex animations, I never use those animations.


This has probably mean reported by others, but there's a bug now related to undressing outfits, wherein if you undress an item of clothing it will first reset a sim to the first outfit of that category.


Additionally, even with .3 I'm still unable to manually select climax animations. SCRATCH THAT ONE: I see I now have to select contex then "climax" from there. Honestly that's a bit awkward.


Hey! What notification are you talking about specifically? The analytical hints from the SimHub? Could you check if you still have an account on SimHub via the computer?


Quick question, I'm moving all of my WW mods/Sims game etc. from a Macbook to a PC. Your mod is the only one I'm having issues with... it's not loading the script in the custom content upon game start up. Any idea why this may be happening? I've been taking the two files out of the folder before placing in my Mods folder.


Hey! The only reason for a script to not load is if you placed it too deep into too many folders, which causes the game to not be able to find the file.


Hey! You can redownload the current release, it's fixed now.


I'm having an issue where my sim finds 99% of all other sims either unattractive or extremely unattractive and I have no idea how else to fix it. I've gone as far as to set the dude's likes to everything that is even selectable and disable all of his dislikes and he still thinks everyone is ugly.


Hey! I recommend selecting maybe 10-15 things the Sim should like, selecting too little or too much will result in either no specific preference or basically no preference when everything is a preference.


WoW Turbo this looks pretty amazing = ) The whole idea of adding context, I mean its something we all take for granted and dont give another thought to, literally sex just happens right, and how just depends on with whom and where, all context no one thinks about. So Cool You Did! thank you!


Love this, THANK YOOOU <3


I updated to the newest version but I can’t find wicked store on my phone 🥺🥺not sure if it’s a bug but the ❤️ Category is just not there

Brian Zaenglein

I found that I had to be on my home lot. My sim literally spent all her time at a motel/bar, but had to go home to her empty lot in order to go to the wicked store.


I love WW and since it's basically the heart of all of the mods I use, I figured I would ask this question here. I have googled it to death with no help and ultimately leaving google utterly confused. I have the "Paranormal Stuff" pack and first I was trying to summon Bonehilda (naturally I'm super excited to see her back). However, every time I summoned her, I was getting Tina Peeping instead! Like wtf?! That's a new level of peeping to peep so hard you come out of a rip in space and time and pretend to be the skeleton maid the summoner was expecting. Right?! So, when that happened, I figured I would turn off the Peeping Sims options all together to see if that fixed it. Well, this is were it goes from wrong to so right but still so incredibly wrong. This time when I went to summon Bonehilda, instead I got Kylo Ren! Who proceeded to roam around the house as the acting maid. Well, it didn't end there. I was finally about to meet the new NPC Guidry since I made my lot a haunted residential lot. I got the pop-up from Guidry and waiting to see him so I could beg him to use his spiritual connections for a bit of beyond the grave nepotism to land me the necessary paranormal investigator card. So, suspense up, I see the pinkish see-through specter appear and alas!!! It was Kylo Ren! Again!! This time in flirty spirit form and all he wanted to do was bang the teenage daughter. SO! Moral of the story, any idea what could be causing this? Or at least an ability to point me in the right direction because I honestly have no idea what mod to look at for this. Any help would be so greatly appreciated! And may the force be with you, apparently. Lol.


Even if I check teen sex, I can't have sex between adults and teens. What should I do?

Sassy Mama

Is there a particular reason why teen sims cant have sex, even though I've checked it off in the settings??

Terry Beary

Hey Turbo.. the "Climax" option is not available, every other option is available though. Is that by design? I tried searching in the setting to enable it but it's not there.. I've seen the changelog, but I don't understand (couldn't figure out how to find the climax option).. it isn't there on the context, nor when I disable context. It completely dissapeared. I've updated to the latest version too.


Download MC Command Centre and then allow teen sex in the woohoo settings


Hi! I'm having problems with my strip club. It won't let me open it at all. I tried to see if I could sell it and then just buy it again to fix the glitch but it won't even let me sell it. There isn't even a tab for me to manage it anymore.

Melissa Jackson

This happened to me to, what i did was save a copy of my lot to the gallery , then place it again . Then your household should be able to buy it again and run as usual

Melissa Jackson

I realise that all the ww traits seem to no longer be in the reward store . Barring making yourself crabs immune 😶 why have all the traits disappeared. I miss them


Hey! The Climax category is still there, remember that it doesn't show up immediately after you start sex, Sims need to reach the ability of Climax. Previously the option would be disabled but visible, it seems something broke, not sure how yet.


Hey! Not all, some were moved to the Wicked Attributes menu, only the ones that are actually rewards/cheats stayed in the Reward Store. You access Wicked Attributes under the Wicked->Personalization menu when clicking on a Sim.

Melissa Jackson

Thank you for the response. Was there a reason for the change ?


Please use the reply function when you can. With Wicked Attributes you can add them and remove when whenever you want on any Sim you want. You can't do that with the store.


Hello , i dont know if wicked may be conflicting with another mod that i have but when I downloaded it the settings menu was no longer available


Hey! If you mean only when clicking on Sims, then redownload the v164.4 release, it was silently updated to address it.


I do have that version downloaded i even deleted and redownloaded to make sure 🤦🏾‍♀️


Please use the reply function when you can. Could you include more details where you expect to see the Settings option but you don't? Is it everywhere? Do you receive any error notifications?


I’ve been trying to get this to work on my game but the wicked option does not appear AT ALL, the only version I can seem to get to work is v163.7. It says that the wicked whims script and tunning are in my game as they pop up on the start up menu but it’s as if WW has disappeared from my game. Is there something I’m doing wrong?!


Hey! It sounds like your game isn't loading correctly due to outdated/broken/conflicting mods. Please check if you have any error files to report and report them: https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hey TD, well just as I thought you couldn't be anymore brilliant...Contextualizing! TADA! What I like about this is that you can shift click and help with the json file.


Idea for later use. I still have a story line that I cannot implement very well, but maybe one day and I think other users would like it as well. That is to be able to set ONE sim as the hottest ticket in town, Male or Female as they interact with other sims or even walk into a room. the other sims get lust moodlets? They then would ask chosen Sim to in order Hug, Kiss (May I kiss you?) Fondle, (May I touch you?) Finally Sex, (do you want to fool around? As always good job! Oh, and after they have Sex with Sim who is the hottest ticket in town, they get the moodlet: Touched by an Angel, which I think is cute! Let me know what you think.


Ugh, this is brilliant! I'm so excited. Thank you!


Well Im New To CC And I Always Have Trouble DL This.. I Have To Download It Like 7 Times To Get


Hey! I guess a good start would be introducing an overpowered Attractiveness trait, because that would cause Suggestive Looks to happen more often for that Sim. Implementing the rest is problematic, but I understand the idea.


<3 <3 <3 I love wicked whims so much.


thank you


:o getting whiplash with all these new updates in the last 48 hours lol :P but much appreciated though xox


THANK YOU ... i know it's a lot of work .. i appreciate you .. constant updates be damned lol.. keep em coming ... XO


Hey! Remember that you can ignore them if you're not experiencing any problems or nothing seems critical in the things I fix. :D


I just want to say thank you for all your hardwork! I know I couldn't do what you do!


i am having an issue with the cum layer and the cum moodlets. so at some point, i shut down and saved my game with cum still on my sims. when i start up and resume my save file, and have my sims wash off the cum, as they are in the shower, the cum and the cum moodlets disappear. once the sims are out of the shower, both the cum layer and cum moodlets return on my sim, no matter what i do, i cant get either to remove, is this something that i have to fix manual or is it something within the mod?


I take time to appreciate how many of the other mods I really enjoy would either be without context or never inspired unless a unifying mod like your W.W.'s and a few others were updated and maintained as time moved on - perhaps I would not play the game anymore, well, go back to building anyway. The post prior used the term 'cum' - to mean ejaculative - eight (8) times; I suspect that was done with intention - or not...


What's the reason for the last exception? TurboLib: [TurboLib] Failed to run '_wickedwhims_main_zone_update' method from 'WickedWhims'. -> RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object


Hey! Hm, haven't heard of that, but I will be reimplementing some of that functionality next, so maybe things will be better after that. Meanwhile, the best you can do is use the "ww.clear_cum" command.


Hey! You always need to report the entire exception file, I cannot help with just snippets - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/

Aiko Chan

i can't see climax animations now :C any idea?


Hey! Make sure you're using the most up to date copy of WickedWhims!


I no longer see and option under wicked for ask to get naked....hopefully i didnt screw something up. Any ideas??


It would be awesome if we could ask for flashing, not just offering it.


Hi Turbo. You're doing great work so I hate to mention that I'm getting an exception error in the Strip Club. Probably my fault but I wanted to see if it was a known issue. Thanks


Hey! Read up on how to report your files here: https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception


this may not be the best place to ask, but this is the only place i can ask you directly. i want to make some personal mod with gives sims sometimes morningwood, can i do this easy by just have a lootsystem set the penis_state commodity to a high level?


Hey! For the 'Ask to Get Naked' interaction, your Sim has to be at least level 2 of a nudity skill and your Sim has to be comfortable to undress in the current situation. Could it be that the second thing was preventing it?


Hey! No, there's no way to do it just with tuning, at least not yet, as the next full release will come with additional modding capabilities. Nonetheless, I have this idea in active production, since the least release, but it was being delayed due to other bigger features. Perhaps this time I will finally implement it.


Scusate m Ho anch'io il problema Capezzoli Grigi, L'ultimo aggiornamento mi ha creato questo problema ho provato a disinstallare le ultime mods. che sono aggiornate, ho disinstallato animazioni obsolete, anche se prima funzionavano, Ho seguito le indicazioni LoversLab ho disinstallato le mods Nipples ma niente i Capezzoli continuano ad essere grigi ... come faccio?


Thank you for your amazing work and all the new features... I have lots of problems with your new feature of penis size manipulation. Can I deactivate this feature because by default the penises and strap-ons shrunk to micro-size in most animations (I use the ones by Simdulgence because they look more realistic). My Sims can't have sex anymore, because the penises and strapons are to small now to reach the vagina/anus of the partner. I have to manually upsize the penis for each sim to 100 percent and then they dont look like before the update. The micro-sized Strap-ons I can't resize because Woman don't have the Penis-size option.... Please make the original size as default or make the new feature optional... thank you


is this the updated link? i keep getting an exception error and cant use any wicked interactions


I'm having the same problem as Brittany


i am as well


I created a swapping club (of course in in-game), but before there was a new attraction system, it worked very well. They usually don't pretend to know each other, but when they have club meetings, they swap each other. However, after 164, when they were allowed to interact in club meetings, they refused each other. and the club became useless. Could you please look at this problem? Like making club interactions compelling.


Hey! Please follow the instructions on how to report errors so you can be helped - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hey! Please follow the instructions on how to report errors so you can be helped - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hey! Please follow the instructions on how to report errors so you can be helped - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


"Sorry m I too have the problem Gray Nipples, The last update created this problem for me I tried to uninstall the latest mods. that are updated, I uninstalled outdated animations, even if they worked before, I followed the LoversLab directions I uninstalled the Nipples mods but nothing Nipples continue to be gray ... how do I do?" Hey! The only thing that can cause issues with gray skin areas are outdated mods, so you still must be using mods that were not updated for the newest game patches.


Hey! So you're saying that Sims without a penis, that can only use a strapon, have the strapons show up in different size? Sims penis size is not actually enabled by default and none of the Sims penis size is changed on its own, all of it has to be manipulated by the player manually at this moment. I cannot make it any more of an optional feature right now. Have you altered this stuff in any way?


Hey! I've done some testing and you're right, swinger clubs don't work correctly. I will have that fixed soon, thanks!


After the version upgrade, sim is not Physical relationship...Can you tell me how to use the old version of animation?


I wish the aspirations were still purchasable instead of taking a slot in traits :(

Brian Zaenglein

WW has no aspirations, and also no CAS traits. A lot of what were purchasable are now under personalization, and cost nothing.


Hey! If things aren't working, make sure to report them, it's most likely something easy to fix - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/


Hay I have a suggestion for your next update? You know how you can select an object to start a sex animation if it's usable like a table etc? well why not add it so you can also select your sim and when you click wicked to select sex too not just to show settings like when you select a object? but sex top? I hope you can fellow me?


Turbo, could you please make that document available someplace for those of us who don't have discourse accounts?


Hey! Is there a problem logging into Discourse? You just log in by validating your Patreon account.


After it validated my Patreon pledge it wanted to create an account for me. I'd love to be able to read this, but I don't love having to create an entire account just to see this one document.


Unfortunately, I don't have another place to share formatted long optional posts for unreleased content. Still, the account you would be using is the Patreon account, so you already have it, you're not creating a new account, you always log in through Patreon validation.


Thinking about enabled dynamic attractiveness worldview I come to the conclusion that really rare freak sims might be considered as extremely attractive, isn't it? Not sure somebody wants this :)


Hey! Absolutely someone will want it, because they would specifically make Sims with these preferences. If by "freak sims" you mean the majority of Sims population, then yes, that would be the result, but otherwise, the "freak sims" are only considered attractive if Sim has preferences that match them.


Hi! I don't have any questions. I just wanna thank you for making the game playable.


Hello! When i choose ask to join, nothing happens and there's no notification although my sim has trait sex alluring.


and there is no longer random sex autonomy with npc. Nothing works!!


I'm not sure if this is just a me issue, but when the SimHub option was first added, my photos got a lot of positive reviews/Moodlets. I can upload a photo now that has 75% approval rating and only get negative feedback, like it saying the photo was bad or it angered my fanbase. I don't think any of my Sims that have participated in the SimHub and uploading nude photos have gotten any positive Moodlets in a really long time. Is it just chance or has the % for approval got to be above 80 for the sim to get a nice Moodlet?

Aiko Chan

the lag still there T_T also, i haven't climax options .. ill back to the free version until i can use this one

Brian Zaenglein

Yes, you have to have a pretty high percentage. But I've found that you can take pictures, see how the percentage came out, and take the same pictures again, and have the second batch have a higher percentage for some reason.


I'm a little confused. If most common attractive traits become less attractive in the dynamic worldview, how does this correlate with attractiveness developing based on most common attractive traits?


Hey! It guarantees that the Sim will see most of other Sims as attractive, because even though their looks are considered common, which is less valuable, they still fit your preferences, so they are attractive, but they will never be very attractive. It can be a good base to start from when you're not sure how the general world looks, before you introduce other elements that make your Sim preferences unique.


Hey! Have you updated to the v164.8 release? These types of issues were addressed already.


i've noticed recently that my female sims asses get bigger during sex animations is this something in your mod or is it due to the individual animations themselves thanks for any reply


Hey! I haven't heard about that before, but animations can alter Sims body shape a little. I don't know of instances like it, but if you want to provide more details, I can look into it.


Hi Turbo! I know you probably have so other features that you're working on. But have you put much thought and work into a playable stripper career? I know with GTW it would be possible to have strippers earn a good amount of money in game by completing challenges for each shift. Nisa's mod is also helpful in providing 'extra services' for more money which makes the stripper experience more exciting. Just a thought! As the strip club feature is amazing.


Bonjour, je suis nouvelle et je découvre un peu tout sauf que je sais pas comment utiliser simhub comment mettre les photos etc ? car j ai la possibilité de voir les commentaires, fermer le compte etc mais je sais pas comment mettre une photo. merci en tout cas de tout le travail effectué.


I would also love to see something like this as beautiful lache's stripper career mod isnt compatible with some of the ww strip club features


"Hello, I am new and I am discovering a bit of everything except that I do not know how to use simhub how to put the photos etc? because I have the possibility to see the comments, to close the account etc but I do not know how to put a photo. thank you anyway for all the work done." Hey! You take photos by clicking on your Sim when they are naked or while in sex, and use the "Private Pictures" option. Photos you take are in the Sim inventory, you click on them and upload them from there.


Was thinking my game was glitched with the 2 freshen up options in it lol now I feel better that it wasn't any other mod conflicting hehe thanks for the update Turbo. Can't live without ww in my game <3


Thank you for all your hard work!! Glad to be able to support the mod.


Thank you for the update! you're amazing!


Recently tried my swinger club gathering and I can say sims don't hurry to perform swinging sex autonomously, they just undress and talk and talk and talk, I saw only one autonomous sex interaction in the end of the night. Club autonomy settings are default. Maybe this can be improved somehow? It's not to interesting when I always have to launch NPC sex myself during the sex club gathering.


Hey! How many club activities do you have set? The more club activities there are, the less Sims will attempt sex, so they have the opportunity to do other activities.


Hi Turbo I often have the problem with ejaculations where the sperm is on the donor :). This problem is not related to animations since it does it to me with different animation authors. Can you do something. See attached images. https://imgur.com/a/dgxoNNF Thank you for this excellent Mod which keeps improving over time.


Hi Turbo! I have some ideas floating. Vasectomy/hysterectomy options for sims who do not want children at all. More contraception for female sims other than the pill. Such as IUD transplant (female sims go for the procedure then they are *protected* for a lengthy amount of sim days. They go back for additional implant when the buff runs out. The IUD has a chance of being shifted and they could end up pregnant somehow. More possible miscarriage scenarios. Great chance to play with menstrual cycle here. Possibly fibroids for some sims (making fertility difficult) this could be diagnosed from teen age possibly. Weak cervix (makes carrying to full term difficult for some sims). Maybe a chance to implement a Gynaecologist feature which female sims can use to get check ups but with more depth in results. Male sims can also have the issue of low sperm count, which could be diagnosed by a doctor trip (from teen age possibly). Some additional medication can be added to wicked store to treat/help manage some of these fertility issues but of course there is no guarantee.


Hello, I want to ask what atractiveness developing strenght(light/moderate/heavy) have dynamic/frozen word for existing/aged/new/ sims as your default settings? Is there any command to change it? Thanks you :)


Hey! Animation authors are the ones that set where and on who specific cum layers are placed. This is fixable with the animation override system introduced in this update, but there's no easy way of doing it yet. The system that decides where cum lands isn't very intuitive, so I'm not surprised this happens. Still, it's possible that some kind of issue exists in the code, so please provide the example animations that have this problem. Include their name, author name, and location/object they are used on. If you're right, I should be able to fix it. Otherwise, I may still investigate some potential solution if this happens on many animations.


Hey! The default strength is always MODERATE, that's how the feature was introduced, as initially there was no way to select strength. That's the balance solution, as other ones can potentially produce not picky enough or way too picky Sims, decreasing the quality of the overall attractiveness. No, there is no way to change the default settings Sims use to generate preferences. I could introduce that possibility, if you think it's actually worth altering that.


Hey TD! You mod is amazing! I know it's been said many times but it bears repeating. ;-) I started a new game recently and really wanted a way to ID the new gays and lesbians spawned through your Gender Preference Distribution. Then I rediscovered your "Sim Info" option in the shif+click menu. I had forgotten about that but it popped into my head today. So, I've been using it on every new townie I see and have been adding the LGBT traits when appropriate. Thanks again for all your hard work!


Hey hope all is well!! I just have a quick question hopefully you can help. Everytime I try and play the game it keeps saying that I have enabled the censorship I've tried the wickedwhims site and checked and made sure that nothing extra is downloaded, I've also tried to use the v164 that is now out since on wickedwhims its v162g both ways I am getting the same problem. I have deleted the localthumbcache, repaired the game, restarted my computer I don't understand lol


Hey! :) The only way for you to get that message and have the censorship enabled, is if you did in fact installed the Censorship/Streamer Mode mod. Perhaps you're not aware that it's in one of the folders in your Mods folder? The file is called "TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_StreamerMode". Try searching for it, maybe you do actually have it.


i might just be stupid, but the option to buy strip clubs isn't showing up.


I'm getting a LE every time I start up and the Better Exceptions report says the problem is the script file :( Not sure why. I've updated to your most recent update.


Hey! :D Have you made a Strip Club before? If not, I recommend reading the instructions linked below. All you need, to purchase a Strip Club business, is to have the 'Get to Work' expansion pack installed. https://turbodriver.itch.io/wickedwhims/devlog/137112/strip-clubs-lets-dance


Hey! :) You need to report the exception file so you can helped - https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/

Crystal Star Witchery

I just had Wicked Whims go nuts on me. It told me that is sad with a :( because there are two wicked whims installed. But I deleted the old one and reinstalled. I don't understand and I can't even do a hard reset of my game because when I try to rename the sims 4 folder to sims 4 old, it tells me that it is in use, like my game is still open. But it isn't. I've even checked to make sure in the task manager and I've quit origin. I've backed up my game. What's my next step?


Check to make sure that you don't have a copy installed in a weird place.


Hey! To assure you can perform this correctly, simply restart your computer, and then proceed to use the search function in your The Sims 4 Documents folder to search for any file with the word "wicked" in it, and then delete it all. Everything. And only then install the mod again.


Hey Turbo! I just tried, for the third time, to run my game with the newest version you uploaded but it keeps causing my game to crash. It runs fine without it but as soon as I put it back in my mods folder, the game crashes again. Not sure if anyone else has reported the same thing but that's what is happening to me. It happened with the update prior to that so that time I just re-downloaded it and it was fine. Tried that this time around and it didn't work 😒. Any suggestions?


So I use Nisa's WP with this mod and every time someone uses the "risky flirt" option on my dancers the interaction cancels and nothing happens. The charming interactions work but that's it. How can I fix this?


I'm having the same issue. Once I took it out of my game it worked perfectly fine.


You’re always so fast!


wow <3


yes thank you!


a few updates ago i lost the SimHub feature and it hasn't returned, everything else looks good so i'm not sure what it could be


I had this happened to me aswell when the Sim with the Simhub account moved houses. Easiest way to solve it is to delete the account and create a new one. Worked for me, so you could try that

Silly Filly

how do i change penis size again? i know but i get lost with all the menu tree and i need help sometimes. :,(


Hey! The feature is disabled by default, so make sure to enable it first in Nudity Settings -> Body Settings. Then it's under Wicked -> Personalization -> Anatomy & Clothing.


I uninstalled the new update and downloaded it again, I uninstalled origin and installed it again, I powered my laptop on and off and my scripts and package still hasn't popped up not once. what can I do to fix this ?


Hi,Turbodriver. I've been a fan of the many WickedWhims mods you have released over the years, but I sometimes struggled with their compatibility with Nisa's wicked perversions mods. Could it be possible to include compatibility information in your new mod releases, so that users who also have the Nisa's mod installed knew if that mod is compatible with the new release or it also needs an update? Best regards, Sergey.

Brian Zaenglein

Are mods and scripting mods enabled in game options? They automatically disable your mods whenever there's a new patch.

Brian Zaenglein

Generally, when Turbo rolls out the new monthly version, Nisa will have to update in response. MOST of the time, the minor fix updates don't require an update on Nisa's part. Nisa usually has it done later the same day. So, minor updates, hardly ever a problem with NWP. Monthly updates, hold off until Nisa catches up. It really isn't on Turbo to play around with someone else's mod, and try out all the different stuff, to see if it's compatible. That's up to the author of the other mod.


Hey Turbo, Please help Simdulgence add his custom condoms to your wicked store.


Hey! Big fan of the mod. Do you think the ability to add different parts in the body selector for vampire dark forms/mermaids could be implemented at some point? IE as a human they have an average dick but in their dark form they have a big one lol. Thanks, I apologize in advance if this feature already exists and I missed it or if it has been requested before.


Hey! The Body Selector was meant to be working like that when it was initially introduced, but its introduction was a pretty problematic journey so it came as is. Not ready to handle occult forms. I would like it to work like that though, but that does require redoing it, as the data for the body parts isn't stored in a way that allows this approach. Hopefully not for too long. :D


Hi Turbo, I've never had this kind of issue with tampon/pads before but my sims are using both pad and tampon at the same time and their periods never seem to end. I also added the trait extra absorbency but the pad gets soaked too fast like only in 3-4 sim hours or so.


I don't have access to the adultworld to be able to complete the webcam model career. Is there another MOD I would have to download?


Hey! :D If you feel that period take too long, just open Pregnancy Settings and adjust Menstrual Cycle Duration to be something shorter, maybe you have it set for a very long cycle. As for leaking, because I assume that's what you mean, that's very unfortunate, but you might simply be unlucky. Using the trait will help with newly applied pads/tampons, as they will get additional life time, otherwise the more they soak, the higher the chance of them leaking. Even at the low levels of soak you can encounter leaking, although it should be rare.


Hey! You're talking about a different mod, that I don't have any knowledge about. Try asking the creator of that mod, Ksuihuh.


You're amazing for interacting with us I was so nervous to ask questions and I seen you replying to others answering the questions I had. Much appreciated!

Sassy Mama

Is the inappropriate mod not working? (Did you make that, or someone else?)


Hey Turbo, Every since I downloaded the most recent update, I can’t seem to be able to turn the camera (the part that allows you turn the whole camera angle 360 when taking pictures while the sims are having sex. )


Hey. This isn't the most recent release post, so please write under it. As for your issue, now you need to use the WASD keys on your keyboard to move the camera around.


Sorry for that and thank you for the tip🤗


hi, currently having the same problem


Being able to move the camera freely is so amazing! thank you very much for this. Now if only we could pause and unpause while in camera mode! There isn't a mod that allows that is there?