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This is a cleanup update. At one point or another, all of the accumulated content has to be reevaluated, cleaned up, fixed up, and improved. Each and every new thing I get to work on contributes something to the set of tools that I've been building for WickedWhims. With time, old tools are retired and replaced with more efficient, stable, and versatile tools. This is especially true when working on uncharted territories, progressive development is needed to not get stuck repeating the same mistakes and open doors for new possibilities. I love to find new ways to make old things better and more powerful. Unfortunately, that comes with the cost of not working on brand new content, which this update lacks. I still find a lot of value in doing this, as letting myself to be surrounded by old barely working code would be the #1 thing to discourage me from continuing. Every time I get to invent a new approach to an old idea, I get excited again, and this excitement is the most valuable feeling you can get as a developer.

Discover University Expansion pack is going to be out November 15th and the next game patch is coming November 12th. I won't be able to make a compatibility update for most of the new content until the release of the expansion, but I will be ready to fix things up when the patch drops. New life state, new living environment, and new situations and relationships will definitely need covering.

To any users of Nisa's Wicked Perversions, make sure to update to avoid severe errors.


  • Fixed errors caused by undressing shoes of NPC Sims
  • Fixed errors caused by breastfeeding


  • Fixed unpacking boxes only giving one item


  • Added 'Adaptive Roles Reassignment' setting
  • Made dance floors, mirrors, bars, and workout machines less likely to be used for sex autonomy
  • Improved reliability of Attractiveness affecting who Sims want to talk to
  • Improved Attractiveness scoring performance
  • Fixed Attractiveness being flipped in social interactions
  • Made the 'ww.random_sims_underwear' apply random underwear to all outfit indexes
  • Fixed issues with save data consistency
  • Fixed other very minor issues


  • Fixed errors caused by Romance Sex Autonomy trigger
  • Fixed errors caused by the Sims Extra Values system


  • Added 'Have Sex' interaction to quickly initiate sex with a partner
  • Added visible progress bar timer of the current sex position
  • Made names of NPC Sims in sex visible when hovering over them
  • Simplified social outcome from asking for sex
Relationship outcome from asking a Sim for sex has been reworked to be integrated with the base game instead of using an entirely custom outcome. This should help with stability, consistency, and keeping up with minor changes to how relationships are handled from update to update and expansion to expansion.
  • Made Sims have a chat after sex
  • Added 'Talk After Sex Switch' setting
Once Sims are done having sex, instead of going away to deal with their usual life, they will talk for a little. If you think there are situations where talking after sex isn't ideal, let me know so it can be adjusted.
  • Added Adaptive Actors Roles Reassignment
When switching animations manually or automatically, Sims roles are checked and reassigned to fit the best role in a given sex animation. This becomes a problem when swapping Sims around.
Adaptive Actors Role Reassignment takes an extra step to verify if roles were swapped against the originally assigned roles and disable roles reassignment to prevent them from swapping back to normal in the next animation.
For example, if you want the female actor to dominate over the male actor in usual animations, swapping their roles will keep it that way instead of reassigning to the original roles intended by the animation creator.
  • Improved code stability and performance

Sex Autonomy

  • Made Sex Autonomy not trigger when Sim is about to go to work
Sims that are at work or will be going to work in an hour are excluded from autonomous sex to prevent them from skipping work. This includes jobs performed at home, so if you think this approach might cause issues, let me know so it can be adjusted.
  • Made Travel Sex Autonomy occur less often on public venues
  • Fixed 'Travel Sex Probability' setting not working
Sex Autonomy 'Travel Sex' trigger wasn't properly configured to take the chance roll into account, so if you disabled it for being way too active, you can now adjust it properly in settings. Additionally, the chance of it occurring in public venues has been decreased.


  • Fixed mermaids taking baths not cleaning cum

Birth Control / Menstrual Cycle

  • Fixed unpacking boxes in the Sim inventory not working sometimes


  • Made Sims dress up before walking to a location that prevents nudity
  • Added 'Dress Up In Advance Switch' setting to disable dressing up before walking
Sims that are planning to walk outside or into a room with someone else will first dress up if they won't feel comfortable at the destination. Instead of having Sims walk naked into a room full of guests, they will first think for a second and dress up beforehand, unless they do actually want to flash their butt in front of everybody.
  • Made the "Respect Children's Eyes" setting be affected by the presence of child Sims on lot
Previously Sims would only dress up when child Sims notice them, but now they dress up when they are present on the lot itself to avoid embarrassing encounters.
  • Improved code stability and performance

Window Peeping

  • Made beating up Peeping Sims avoidable
  • Made relationship loss from beating up Peeping Sims less severe
Beating up Peeping Sims is now optional if you really don't want it to happen.
  • Improved code stability and performance

Body Sweating

  • Improved code stability and performance

Situational Undressing

  • Improved code stability and performance of undressing to pee/breastfeed

Strip Club

  • Made drinking clients consider doing other things instead of leaving when the bar is missing supplies
  • Made dancers react less to vampires and celebrities
  • Made dancers and clients hard during dances
  • Made dancers and clients go into action faster after spawning
  • Made some clients show up at early hours
  • Made visited clubs always open
  • Fixed starting social events causing errors
  • Removed Lap Dance Urge implementation
A special system was put in place that would trigger an urge to ask for a lap dance. Unfortunately, at the same time, it would often cause Sims to simply get stuck making things worse. To avoid making things even more complicated, the system was removed. This change might at the same time decrease the number of lap dances or increase the number of lap dances in your club. It's hard to estimate how noticeable will be the effect.
  • Fixed clients watching dancers through walls
This one was something else. If your club was built with a stage by lifting the building foundation, this is where problems began. After debugging everything possible about Sims routing, line of sight, and building structure, I've found out that the edges of the foundation are considered full-sized walls that Sims can't see through... the other half of the day was figuring out how that can be circumvented. Thankfully even more anomalies about Sims line of sight system were found which helped me filter out some of the "fake walls" Sims can't see through. With everything finally being sorted out, line of sight tests are now enabled for watching dancers and Sims will no longer stand outside to "see" the show.


  • Added attractiveness information when hovering over Sims in the Relationship panel

  • Made Attractiveness have a stronger effect on romantic interactions outcome
The outcome of romantic interactions is now heavily affected by the level of attractiveness towards the Sim. Previously the effect was less noticeable to not interfere too much with the game base mechanics, but this change might end up making relationships a little more interesting. Remember, if you don't want Attractiveness to affect romantic interactions, disable the "Attractiveness Relationship Scoring" setting in Relationship Settings.
  • Added 'Picker' preferences generator
The new "Picker" Preferences Generator lets you pick the Sims you want your preferences to be based on. If you want your Sim to generate preferences based on a specific group of Sims, this is a way to do it. Simply select who you want your Sim to be attracted to, and new preferences will be generated to make it happen.
  • Made all gender preference commands affect Attractiveness preferences
  • Added Islander Outfit Style Trait, Mermaid Occult Trait, and Spellcaster Occult Trait
  • Made Sims in a bear outfit not be considered as attractive
Bear bar nights will get a little less eventful.
  • Removed 'Personality' traits
Personality Attractive Traits had minimal to no effect on Sims attractiveness and are somewhat of an oddity in a visual focused system. Their purpose was to assign a personality to the walking style a Sim has, but it's almost impossible to tell which walking style corresponds to which personality so it's better to just remove it.
  • Reworked attractiveness functions to improve gameplay performance


  • Improved loading times with animation clips caching
  • Added 'ww.clear_animation_clips_cache' command to clear animation clips cache
Animation clips data is now cached externally which saves time when loading sex/dance animations. This will have the biggest effect when you have 6000+ sex animations, making load times a few seconds shorter. Don't expect the first loading to be shorter, it needs to first cache the animations.
Animation clips data cache is cleared automatically after each mod update to assure it is in sync with the actual animations state. If there is a need to clear the cache, the 'ww.clear_animation_clips_cache' command will do just that, but it's unlikely you will need to use it.
  • Improved overall gameplay performance
  • Improved save data consistency

Technical Sex Animations

  • Added support for 'WITCH' sex gender role
  • Added 'animation_negative_duration_offset' animation tuning variable
To fight against the timing desync, animations used as transitions or one-time play can add extra padding to the animation itself and subtract it from the duration by using this variable.
Animations that are not intended to loop can use this to prevent the animation from ghost looping for a split second (caused by desync) before the sex interaction progresses to the next animation.
The idea is to make one-time play animations longer than intended and subtract the time added by the additional padding to avoid the animation looping. This will greatly benefit climax and transition animations.
Assigning one of the INAPPROPRIATE tags will prevent the animation from being randomly picked when sex is indoors/outdoors.

Reporting Exceptions | Help Center

Please don't use the Community Tab to contact me or report issues.

Always create a brand new comment under this post when talking about a new issue for improved visibility. Otherwise your reply might be missed.

Download is available in the most recent release post!




THANK YOU!! I especially love that you added the 'Have Sex' interaction. I hated having to pick everything that they did. I wanted it to be more natural, but that meant either leaving them alone until one of them decided to ask for sex, or having them flirt until it triggered the autonomy, which still didn't feel natural. So, again, thank you!


Hey! Thanks, I hope it works well, it's pretty much the same behavior as autonomy, so if more people get to use it, I bet I will learn what still needs to be improved about autonomy location picking.


Thank you so much for this! All the little tweaks are greatly appreciated! We don't always need new features every update. I especially love the addition of attraction showing up in the relationship panel!

Diamond Rose

Love this update thank you Turbo, Can i disabled Attractiveness in settings? If so how?


Hey, Attractiveness is a Relationship feature so you will find all the controls for it in the Relationship Settings, including a on/off switch.

Diamond Rose

i'm getting LE i was told it's the Outdated Tunable Resource Error Outdated Tunable Resource (Interaction) requires removing. TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning


Thank you for answering my question on the other thread, you kinda dropped this while I was typing lol


Are we able to start club gatherings at the strip club yet? and club members act like normal strip club goers? Ex. watching dancers, throwing money, chatting, lap dances etc etc?


Wow, there is some really good updates in this. Always love anthing to do with improving performance. I would love to try the Attractiveness options again but unless you have found the fix for the attractiveness preferences resetting randomly (possibly after area or household switch) I will have to leave it off. I appreciate it might be a difficult problem to reproduce.


Sooo many of my strip club clients have died from inclement weather while watching the show from outside 😂 😂 I’m glad that’s fixed now 👏🏾👏🏾


Hey, I would need any kind of details on what this interaction is that you speak of.


Hey, I've tested it. I made a club that meets at the Strip Club and everything worked like usual. If you have any details you can provide that would point me to a different conclusion, I will take a look at it.


Hey! I haven't received a lot of information about potential resets of Attractiveness recently. I've changed some things around it in the last update to improve its stability, so it could be that it's good now, but I can't be sure yet.


I can appreciate this update. It's all in the details ;-) Thank you


hmmm, installed it this morning, now when it starts up, I keep getting the orange error message, every 5 seconds , worked fine last night...


Is there a way to activate teen/young Adult woohoo?


I think the "Talk after Sex" should only trigger if your friendship and relationship levels are high enough

Diamond Rose

i'm getting the same thing discord told me the tuning needs to be updated. I told Turbo about it.

Brian Zaenglein

Patreon insisted that be removed. Someone has found a way around it, but you'll have to ask/look around on Lover's Lab.

Brian Zaenglein

So with the watching through walls fixed, will that also apply to nudity reactions? My current household has aged up now and don't mind seeing each other naked, but as kids I was always getting one kid freaking out because his sister was taking a shower. In the other room, with proper walls in the way.


Hey. That's handled by native line of sight tests, unless you are talking about WW reactions to nudity. not base game embarrassment. The game line of sight can't see up and down for improved performance so it's possible for Sims to see through walls on an angle when going up or down stairs or hills.


i would love it if we made STD's a thing

Brian Zaenglein

I know it's on the future plans list, but as for when, nobody knows. Probably not even Turbo lol.


The fact that Bella belongs to a cosplay club in your file is adorable


hey! This is all really amazing and I’m excited about all these new little details! One suggestion if possible is if the sex was bad having them argue/insult each other instead of casually talking. Second suggestion if it was possible for them to do a quick kiss or hug in addition to them talking after


Hey! Thanks. Sure, that could possibly be expanded. Right now they simply start a chat and the game decides where it goes. Deciding based on the context of the relationship and the outcome of sex could make things even more interesting.


How do we find 'Picker' preferences generator?


Hey! It's where every other generator is, you click on a Sim -> Attractiveness -> Generate Preferences.


Okay now this happened... https://pastebin.com/Q7XajFQy


I updated from 147 to 147.1, Now I am getting hammered every second with errors? https://pastebin.com/JHgidYWM


Hey, the error you sent it from version v147, not v147.1. Are you sure you updated?


Hey TURBO! First off thank you for this wonderful mod and the hard work you put into it! One thing I thought maybe mentioning is that with the attraction system. My Sim can find another Sim extremely unattractive and that particular unacctractive Sim is able to successfully flirt and build a very high relationship with my Sim. I thought the unacctractive Sim would fail epically with the flirting. But I just thought it was worth bringing this to your attention. Again thanks for the hard work! :)


Hi! Were you playing the unattractive Sim and flirting with your Sim?


Thanks again TURBO for doing all you are doing with this mod! I just had a weird issue, 2 NPC sims decided to have autonomous sex, but when they went to the place to start, my game froze for a few seconds before crashing.


Hey! Is this able to be replicated? Do you know where they were going for sex, and would you be able to test it?

Luci Martin

Hi turbo, Thanks for the update. Personally I don't need you explain although I am appreciative of it. I get animations and mods regularly and while i love new stuff I really love a solid maintenance on the things you don't see. So knowing the work you put in to solidify the new changes is your priority, is why I chose to support you on this forum. After all... without a solid foundation, a house will eventually fall...

Brian Zaenglein

Making beating up peeping sims optional- thank you! Even sims with Exhibitionist, who LIKE being peeped on, would still kick their asses if they caught them.


Personally I love such technical updates that makes already existing features work better or expand their capabilities. Sometimes such updates are more significant for me although they don't bring any new functional. So thank you so much for paying attention to all those technical improvements, especially for animations! I have 2 little questions: Does attractiveness affect only romance interactions or it influences friendly interactions too (when "Attractiveness Relationship Scoring" is enabled)? Personality Attractive Traits that has been removed, which ones exactly they are?

Margaret Johnson

The sweat isn't clearing off of my sims, even with the ww. cheat. I like the 'have sex' feature but I think it'd be wicked if we could create animation playlists that our sims would just randomly pick from that instead of random sex from the lists of animations. Does that make sense?


Hey, friendly interactions are not affected by attractiveness, but besides romantic interactions, some jokes are a little funnier and you do better at retail. The entire Personality category was removed. I don't really see the point of listing it all, if you're really interested take a look at an older release, but it's really not worth it.


The update looks awesome! I especially like the attractiveness changes and I am looking forward to playing around with it. Thanks very much!


Hello I got this LE https://pastebin.com/DE8pzUNd Bye


Hey, I will fix the command to clear the sweat visuals in the next update, that should help. An ability to create playlist will be added in the future, you can expect that.


loveeeee youuuuuu

Nick Bauman

Condom boxes now contain a single rubber.


Hey! Thanks, I will get that fixed soon, looks like any object that unpacks something of quantity higher than 1 fails.


I don't see the 'Have Sex' Option.


Since updating Nisa's Wicked Perversions doesn't want to seem to work at all? Not blaming you just wondering if you've got any ideas.


Hey! Thank you for the awesome update! Just coming to report that birth control is acing like a 'one-use-only' object! It's disappearing as soon as my sims use it once.


Hey Turbo! I'm getting this lastexception not all the times, but quite frequently, whenever one of my employees at the strip club tries to sit: https://pastebin.com/SctEKFJP


commenting here and on nisa's page. since updating my game mods last night and today, my sims animations have been off. during sex my sims tongues and penises are frozen mid-air while everything else goes on as normal. its pretty weird and i'm not sure which mod is doing it. curious if anyone else is having this issue. also the condoms are stuck on auto-use.


One of my male dancers penis was going through the stripper pole and most things have been off except in CAS.


Hi! You might have another rig in your Mods folder. This is explained under Distorted Penis at the top: https://wickedwhimsmod.com/penis-issues/


Hey! if the penis is going through the pole then that's because of the animation. A lot of things in Sims 4 clip through things. This sounds like one of those instances.


Hi! Which version of WP do you have? You need to make sure WP is updated since there were a lot of technical changes in this update and Nisa had to change a lot of things because of this.


hey just noticed and i tried with both the public and non-public of the mod, but the age restrictions switch is gone just rolled back and everything is working great


Hey, I'm not exactly sure why this happens or if it's actually caused by WW, but I gave it an attempt to fix it in v147.3.


I was hoping to find the option to stay naked in this update. oh well, Great Job man.


As always, Awesome job!

comprehensive galaxy

Oh man, super happy with all these fixes, thank you! Is a fix on the list for getting Sims to remove leggings before having sex? Looks kind of strange to keep them, and it looks like dancers in the strip clubs don't remove them reliably while dancing either.


Is there any possibility in the future of being able to not have needs adjust as soon as the strip club opens? I 100% understand the purpose of maxing them out, but my sim has the never weary, steel bladder and always full trait, and, while it's not a big deal to cheat the needs back up, still wouldn't mind an option to turn off the maxing of needs upon strip club opening. Also, will there ever be any add on for the strippers to offer "extra" to the patrons at the club?


Just one thing related to performance - I notice in the backup sim_slot JSON data that I have data for several thousand sims, including names of sim that died out and were culled a long long time ago. So as that data must be coming from within the current game somehow. Would it improve save/load times if it didn't keep data (purge old data) for sims that are no longer active?


Hey Turbo, appreciate all the work, am wondering though how to make the strip club more efficient. Most of the time dancers are just standing around, so constantly trying to interact with them to get them dancing, which ends up that half of the open time they aren't really dancing. Also DJ keeps leaving half way through the night. Any suggestions will be helpful, thanks


prévenue en jeu de la mise à jour ! c'est pas du luxe c'est carrément royale !! *0*


Hey Turbo! Thanks for the fix. Quick question, since the update for today, did you move the Strip Club menu from the phone to actual the businesses section? I can access it from that menu and not the phone also I can not change the outfits of my dancers. All of this was possible before the update today. Thanks for all that you do!


I noticed that after the update from today, the dancers that are supposed to charm clients just sit and watch the other dancers perform.


It seems like we are getting less socializers at my club

Per Persen

What happened to the incest trait and feature? It seems the trait was removed and so was the option in settings?

Brian Zaenglein

Yes, Patreon insisted that be removed. Someone has found a way around it, but you'll have to ask/look around on Lover's Lab.


I'm having a lot of issues with this update. I've had the strip club version for a couple weeks now but I actually never tried to own a strip club until tonight. None of my phone options are showing up except "hire self as dancer" and when I click that option, it throws and LE.


You can change that in nudity setting i think under outfit options.. least as far as undressing in sex and out goes. Just check the box that says undress leggings with bottom. Not sure if this is exactly what you mean by remove before sex and with your strippers but only thing i can think of that deals with that in particular.


Hi, my sims can't get naked in CAS anymore since the update. Does someone else experience this?

peter piper

Everyone in the strip club just stand around doing nothing Dancers and charmers just sit at tables


Hey Turbo, great job, love your work. Just thought I'd mention that "Attractiveness" doesn't save, I can set the attractive traits on any or all sims but once I log out and back in they are attracted to other sims again. I tried with a single sim and with all sims.


I’m not sure if this is being caused by this mod but I think it is because for some reason all my young adult sims have those light squares on them and I know it’s nothing my sims have worn because I removed everything and the squares were still showing up


All my customers walk up to the door and leave, or they step in for a couple seconds and leave. i literally dont make money, i lose money by just paying the strippers. charmers just stand around or sit around and also the lap dance dont work.


Hey! That feature does not exist and will never exist in the Patreon release. There are mods from WickedAssistant on LoversLab that bring back this kind of content.


Hey! I will take a look at separating situation adjustment between playable Sims and NPC Sims to avoid that in the future. As for any extras, I'm still on a stage where I need to figure out all of the quirks and issues before I'm comfortable just adding content, so sure, but I don't know when yet.


Hey! That data could be cleaned up, that's true, but as far as it affecting performance, it shouldn't be very noticeable. None of that data is actually being used in the game and dumping it into the files is very fast, but that's no reason to keep it around. I will see about some way of purging it, the hard part is isolating the save data that's still relevant.


Hey! The dancers should obviously not just stand around, if you can enable cheats and shift+click on one, and then go to 'Wicked -> Debug -> Sim Information' to read what interactions they are running/queuing, you maybe will be able to tell why. If this is an issue with Charming dancers, and they are sitting or clients are sitting and not talking, this is an issue with the base game, which I hope will be fixed in the tomorrow's patch. Still, I don't encounter this problem in my club. As for the DJ, one will leave around 11:00PM for a new one to show up and that process should not take longer than 30 in-game minutes for a normally running game.


Hey, no, nothing has changed, everything seems to be functional on my side, and I haven't changed anything in relation to it. Something about detecting the business state in your game has to be off, perhaps I need to redo that part.


Hey! Can you make a new save and try to get it to reset and provide me with step by step instructions on how to do it?


Hey! Light squares? What light squares? Can you send a picture? There are no squares in WickedWhims.


Hey! Can you remove all of your Mods from the Mods folder, including all clothing, furniture, and literally every file and just install WickedWhims and give it a test again? Does it still happen with a clean installation?


Hey! Can you remove all of your Mods from the Mods folder, including all clothing, furniture, and literally every file and just install WickedWhims and give it a test again? Does it still happen with a clean installation?


Why can't I have a relationship with my family?,Can you bring this system back?


Hey! That feature does not exist and will never exist in the Patreon release. There are mods from WickedAssistant on LoversLab that bring back this kind of content.

The House of Mao

Hello Turbo, I haven been playing with the mods after the latest release focusing on Attractive Engine, and I have to say that it is awesome, right now I have more control on the relationships of my sims, but I have a question. I noticed that the engine is capable to define the attractiveness score based on skin attribute like asian, caucasian, etc, but what happen with those sims with Skins Overlays, I supposed that it will affect in some way the scoring or we have to be aware of the original skin color. How the system identify wich sims belongs to an specific group like asian or middle east. There is a formula or a tool that I can use?... I would like to see which categories applies to my sims to make my filters more accurate.


Hey! Thanks! Attractiveness detection of skin tone is the weakest point right now and there is no way to make it properly detect Sims every time. First, only default skin tones are detected, and second, no skin overlays are detected at all. The only solution is to simply give the user the ability to set it manually, which I will have to introduce at some point. As for how skin of the Sim is assigned to a specific group, it just follows how the developers did it. No skin tone is 100% one archetype, so it's all mixed anyway, but I just follow what was already decided on.


Hey, mermaids not cleans sweat in shower or bath. I think this was working in previous main version.


Hey, if it isn't working now, there's no reason it would work before, I haven't changed anything around it. Are you sure about showers not working? I can see why baths aren't working though.


is there a command to reset sweat layers? Mine is currently stuck


Thanks I was wondering that too. Fave of mine since TD implemented this and the tongue as well. Peeping Toms and attraction system not so much, the sweat adds a lot of realism. Changing my light settings in the game makes you really see them sweat. I love that you can see it.

Brian Zaenglein

Just had something really odd happen. My sim traveled from home to the park, and she arrived with cum on her face and an Unsatisfied moodlet. I guess during the loading screen she gave someone a BJ?

Brian Zaenglein

Oh, and I have NOT updated the game yet, I'm offline until the modders catch up.


Is this safe to uoad without patch?


Hey, are you asking if this release is safe to use without the 1.58.63 game patch? I don't think so, you will encounter errors.


I added this new patch, I load my game and once I click on my saved house. it crashes. not sure why. should I take out the new patch?


Hey! Typical procedure, have you updated all of your mods? WickedPerversions and mods from Sacrificial are known to crash without proper fixes.

James McGoey

I haven't patched pre-DU Nov. 12 in my game yet. Can 147.4 be used on it or should I wait until it's updated?


Hi I've downloaded the patch and now my game is constantly crashing


Make sure your games updated, might be wrong but I think I of click on something that mentions it on the games main menu. If you installed it all corrected and other mods aren't conflicting then not sure what else.


Is 148.7 the most current version? Pretty suddenly it started making my game drag and crash today. I have taken out all my mods cleaned my cache and used the in-game commands to clear WW data and it still won't run well if I have this mod in my game.


the unappropriate unlock didn't work since the beggining of November, is that normal ?