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This might seem like a small update, but it actually is pretty huge, and in addition, it is quite experimental. The most recent game update that adds support for the upcoming Cats & Dogs expansion changed a lot. Whenever a big update like that happens, things tend to break, and as you can imagine, that just happened. I expect a lot of things to be still somewhat unstable, but without your help and error reports, I can't fix it all, so please help. :)

Please Check Out The Help Center!

  • Added support for version
This does not count as support for the Cats & Dogs Expansion but only support for the most recent game update. After the expansion gets released, there is a chance for more things to break.
  • Added 'Nudist' Lot Trait  
    • Removes all skill based undressing restrictions when on the lot
    • Lowers amount of nudity skill experience gained by 75% when on the lot
New Nudist lot trait should help you make nudity oriented lots, where Sims feel comfortable being naked. With nudity motivating more nudity, undressing autonomy can get pretty crazy.
  • Reworked 'Ask to Get Naked' to depend on the current situation and not nudity skill
  • Made Sims more willing to undress if other Sims around are already undressed
  • Updated censorship override for pets
Yes, this does remove censorship from pets.
  • Fixed being able to use condoms even if Sims don't need them

  • +120.1 Added generated report file with a list of all animations
  • +120.1 Made mod exception files include the mod version in the file name
  • +120.1 Updated Sims rig thanks to Denton47
  • +120.1 Fixed an issue with Maxis code related to animations

  • +120.2 Fixed dynamic overrides not being applied correctly
This fixes an issue with teens not getting any indication of pregnancy.

Please Check Out The Help Center!

Please Check Out The Help Center!

Please Check Out The Help Center!

Please don't use the Community Tab to contact me.




Thank you very much :)


Thank you so much for working on this so quickly! You are a saint!


Gonna give it a go now. Thank you from Australia. You're the real MVP.


I agree with Emily. I appreciate you so much right now.


It's like rain on the dry land...<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbUC-UaAxE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbUC-UaAxE</a>


I so totally don't understand how this stuff work, just that it does. That being said (and a huge thank you to you for creating this mod), do the WW animations from other creators have to be updated or are they good to go with your update?


thank you so much! Sorry if this is a silly question but I downloaded and installed the extra skin tones and the willy is just black and not showing, I'm not sure how to get it to work, am I supposed to delete the original default one? Any help would be appreciated thank you! (I have checked the help page and I don't seem to have any conflicting penis overrides and can pee whilst standing, will double check though

Simmin Nikki

You're so AWESOME! Thank you so much!


Thank you! :) All animations should work fine. I am planning on testing them all to make sure I am actually right, but they should be all fine.


Hey! You don't need any penis overrides to have things break, just skin tone overrides. If your Sim is using a skin tone that is not supported, the penis will be displayed black. Make sure what skin tone is your Sim set to and if it's a default one, you might have a conflicting skin tone mod. And you don't need the extra skin tones. They are optional.

Lucinda Tungsten

YAY Thank you for the fast response to EA's screw job


Censorship for pets? Lol


Thank you so much the hard work you put into this mod is crazy and I appreciate it.


Hey Turbo......Thank you very much, because thanks to the error messages of WW I have been able to detect easily and more or less quickly my obsolete mods and faulty objects.


Vielen Dank für den Mod. Ich spiele die Erweiterung an die Arbeit. Leider habe ich keinen Zugriff mehr auf die Einstellungen (wickedwhims taucht auch nicht im simsPCmenu auf und Nackt sein wird auch nicht angezeigt). Ansonsten läuft alles im Hintergrund, auch der MC_Controller läuft (habe ihn noch vor dem EA-Update eingetellt) nun keine Möglichkeit mehr im Spiel. Ich hoffe das dies keine allzu großen Probleme sind und mir geholfen werden kann. Schon jetzt besten DANK für deine Bemühungen und Zeit. mfg Steffen

Mr. C porn

I can play but my unit interface (where I select cloth in CAS and start interactions popup display) is gone. I can't use anything. I see the sims doing their own thing but i can't tell them to do anything


Well, if you haven't clean up your mods folder after the game update, a lot of them are most likely broken. You should start cleaning up.


Well, with help of Google Translate I think I get what you need. You probably haven't clean up your mods folder after the game update, a lot of them are most likely broken. You should start cleaning up.

Mr. C porn

Wicked whims shows as mod conflict in the sims 4 conflict detector, same with every mod that uses wicked whims. Same with scriptfiles from MCC, anyone has something pinpoint it because from my detector it states every script files and animated packages

Mr. C porn

Yeah! For real! EA screws up people work all the time. They are a problem with these patches

Mr. C porn

A game without wicked woohoo mods is no game at all. Im gonna cry now 😢


A little advice.. If you run any script mods, don't update until all the mods you can't live without have been updated. Turn auto updates off in Origin. I typically wait 30 days before updating my game after a major patch and a week or two for minor ones. This gives mod authors a chance to update their mods and EA the chance to fix what their patches have broken, because they always break something.


And I try to keep WW backward compatible so people like you can use this version without updating the game. :)


Just became a patron to download this, and I will stay a patron for a long time to come. :) I'm the one who suggested autonomy for solo interactions on the forums. Is that still in the works?


Totally! I'm all about improving sex-related content in WW right now. :D Thank You!


Thanks for the updated!! :=)

Marie Duran

I went to the help page and I want to thank you for the info.


Thanks for all the effort your putting into this!


I downloaded the updated files and it says some files are missing :(

Diamond Rose

Why is the male private part skin don't match the skin?


i downloaded all things but i still cant use it, please help me, how can i do

Athena Apollos

FYI if you're having CC bed issues: Sims 4 Studio just released a new version that fixes CC bed issues. Link: <a href="http://sims4studio.com/board/6/download-sims-studio-open-version" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sims4studio.com/board/6/download-sims-studio-open-version</a>


Apparently the cum stains don't clear after showering? The command doesn't work too.


I gotta ask, and I don't know if this has been asked already, (id be surprised if it wasnt) are there gonna be bestiality mods to go with the new pets update?? lol have any of the animators dared to dive into that kink? lol


Turbo, this here is not new but I figured I'll mention it. The new penis ruins the male's detailed butt. Figured you can throw that in the fixing while you add it.

Mikey Bohmer

I've updated the mod but I'm still getting exceptions. There are so many they spam the notifications until the game freezes. I checked the last exception file and there are heaps and they're all to do with WickedWhims I assume that each time you start the game and get new exceptions the file is cleared of the old ones and replaced by the latest ones rather than just adding exceptions each time. I'd post the exception list but it's massive. Is there any way to get it to you because I don't understand any of it but I'm sure you do.

Mikey Bohmer

You can email me at geldoon@gmail.com if that helps.


Just put in the update and it's still not working. I click on the Sim and no menu pops up. It doesn't even let me open the menu to save and exit the game. There's also the Sim picture where you can select your Sim missing at the bottom. Anyone else having this problem?


My update works fine, thank you! Only thing that's an issue is there is an script error code that flags when my game starts and when sims (Whether they're mine or NPC) go to carry out some animations - there's actually one on the toilet where one of the sims disappears and re-spawns somewhere on the lot? x

Mikey Bohmer

Okay, my apologies. It wasn't a problem with WickedWhims per se, it was another mod that over rides the easels in the game along you to put them in your personal inventory making them a portable easel. Once I took it out everything seems to be running okay...so far, fingers crossed and touch wood...ha ha, touch wood, WickedWhims, get it? There'll be plenty of touching wood in my game now!! Sorry, that was terrible.


Do you have this Mod? Needs a Update. -&gt; <a href="http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=558548" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=558548</a> ?


Hey! Make sure all WW files are in the same folder and you don't have multiple versions installed at the same time.


If your male Sim is using a skin tone that is not supported, the penis will be displayed black. Make sure what skin tone is your Sim set to and if it's a default one, you might have a conflicting skin tone mod.


Hey! Have you checked out the most basic installation process and installation mistakes? Here: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Don't seem to have a problem with that. Are you sure 'ww.clearcum' doesn't work?


I'm not really looking into doing anything specific with it now. Just doing animations is not really enough if people want to explore this topic. I think it should be already possible with the basic tools that I'm offering.


Please don't assume you know what exception files mean if you don't actually know how to read them. That doesn't help anybody. This is directed to everybody. Always send them to me, it doesn't take much for me to read them and it helps a lot more.


Not sure exactly what do you mean by "script error code that flags". Do you get an orange exception notification? At the bottom of this page is how to report that: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Yeah that's exactly what it is! Thank you will report it now :)


Everything seems fine for me except the sims always end up back in the middle of the bed after the climax animation - just where they start the first sex animation from, sort of merged together. It's not a big deal as I just direct them to walk somewhere different but thought it might be worth mentioning. Edited to add this is with the Cats and Dogs pack not just the latest patch

Mr. C porn

Yep! It was UI cheat extension and the more columns! Wow! :D


Aw, still doesn't work D:


you don't know how happy I was to receive the email about this update, you're great !!


Hey Turbo, keep up the great work. Trying to find the right settings to get WW and MC pregnancies to coincide with each other. I don't really care that much about the NPCs, unless they are my Sim's relatives. So, I am gonna ask if you have it set up so NPCs use MCCC's pregnancies? (I think this would be good, just to keep the rest of the world populated) - And before you ask, yes, same gal from Discord with the Vampire Sim I love to play.




Some animations aren't undressing properly as of the latest update (both 120 and 120.1). For example, my character stays fully clothed when I use "Masturbation 1" by Amra72. It used to undress the bottom half, but no longer does that.


hey some of my options aren't showing up on my pregnancy settings, is the one that's paid for different from the free one


<a href="https://pastebin.com/HYvLV8YC" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/HYvLV8YC</a>


thank you :)


Hey, I just realized the teddy bear's head has gone missing in your icon😅


Hey Airianna! I can't really help you with MCCC, I don't know much. The only thing you need to keep the same between MCCC and WW is the pregnancy duration. The rest depends on you.


OHH THANK YOU FOR THIS! I just now broke down and paid the $4.50. lol Wicked whims is good enough Im willing to support. though I usually cringe at the idea of paying for mods, but turbo is doing this full time so Il help him out :P


Hey! I don't think it depends on the animation, there is an issue with that where Sim would randomly not undress. I will look into it when reworking that part of the mod.


Hey! I'm not sure what do you mean with the last part of your comment. What sort of settings?


Do you have like custom content beds or half walls? Some of that stuff is broken in the new patch, you should look into that.


Hello, turbo, I already put the mod but I get the scrip error and when you pass the mod cleaner, one goes out in red and says broken mod. Help me please, I love your mod! I'm from Mexico I do not speak English


Hello TURBODRIVER havent used wickedwhims yet but have heard so much good things about i brought a pledge keep up the great work


Hey! Check out the Help Center and read at the bottom how to report exception files - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


hello turbo, my games works great, only thing is my teen sim is pregnant but she does not look it , and there are no moodlets to show, but she can invite or be asked to feel baby. What should I do in order to fix that issue


Your Mod is really important for me, I can't play without it anymore! You did and do a great job and I wanted to thank you for this awesome mod. I have a couple (Teen/Adult) and I will check if everything is fine with your recent update. If I have any issues I will let you know :)


Hey! Good find, thanks! Looks like that got somehow broken in the update. I will look into it soon.


<a href="https://pastebin.com/fwDNauQu" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/fwDNauQu</a>

Athena Apollos

Do you have any CC double beds??? It looks like your game doesn't recognize your Sims' bed. All is not lost, however. The latest version of Sims 4 Studio for both Windows and Mac has a Batch Fix tool to fix CC beds. Link <a href="http://sims4studio.com/board/6/download-sims-studio-open-version" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sims4studio.com/board/6/download-sims-studio-open-version</a>


Does This have the pregancy updates ?


Is anyone having trouble with CAS? It goes to it but you can't edit the sims or exit making me restart the game.


Please help :) <a href="https://pastebin.com/6SY6snER" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/6SY6snER</a>

Diamond Rose

How does my sim take her birth control pills?


Buy pills and check out the Wicked Whims settings


yes! i was worried i wouldn't be able to play, but this hotfix seems to be working with the expansion! nicely done


Need help with another problem..<a href="https://pastebin.com/QWHyu1tV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/QWHyu1tV</a>


It is working very well! Thank you! :)


Bah!..it was the Bench ..i don't know why i installed so many furniture mod with cc


'Unable to find joint b__subroot__6 on object_bedDoubleQA_02:0x0b12064c34ed1524[6] it's seem like same problem with me, if you using window 7 or xp follow this athena apollos's advice. or if u using widow 10, just delete the custom double bed mod.


Just letting you know I've just had another message from origin in regards to another game update 💀💀💀


I've just seen on loverslab that this is compatible with cats and dogs but i'm too scared to buy it until it's confirmed lol :)


So I'm not sure but is anyone having issue with ww with pets???


Is there a new update for it


<a href="https://pastebin.com/pVuHAkR2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/pVuHAkR2</a> I don't know about this...some kind of attribute or trait problem appeared, but i didn't get any of that kind mod...


Every next update has the content of the previous ones. There are slight bugs with pregnancy content though, I will be working on it now.


Once you order them via computer and receive them, you unpack the birth control pills box in the Sim inventory and then take one pill each day or allow the automatic system take it for you.

kerry epps

I just love your mod but since this new cats and dogs it broke a lot of mods like the cmar under wear remover mod and I also had the morphing and sliders male parts mod my question is do I need these mods with your mod


Can't really do anything with this error now, but I attempted to fix it in version, so make sure you have that.


You don't need anything else to use WickedWhims. Any detailed skin, animations or body replacements should work fine. Thank You!


It just tells me that there's a mod that needs to be updated and it was working before I added pets


And then wickedwhims doesn't show up


At first it was saying congrats you have now nothing pops up. Do u have any suggestions


Please use the curvy arrow under comments to respond to them and not make a new one every time. What's it? Do you mean an orange notification? In the post there is a link to the Help Center, you will learn there how to report exception files. Please check that out. Mods break with releases of new updates and expansion packs. <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


So lets just say hypothetically there were players sick enough to wonder if WW Support would come to animals for animations... Is that a feature in consideration?... Hypothetically.


Hi, I appreciate that you are commenting on every single query on here. I need some help as well. The mod is shown in the pop up at launch but there were no "wicked" option in the game. Please advise! I have removed animations in case of conflicts. Thank you!


Its cool now, I just reinstall and it works. Thanks for your hard work!

Nathalie Hill

where do i download the wicked sex shop???? HELP


TD, you said you updated the rig thanks to Denton47, does this mean the more realistic penis has moveable bones? Also, is Whims now compatible with the Cats and Dogs expansion? Thank you for all your hard work, I appreciate you taking the time to reply to all of us on here!


hi Turbo, it doesn't work!


I didn't have problems with Whims and the animals last night. though I did add in a mod then had an exception with whims. but before I added that mod all i did was batch fix the beds with the updated Sim Studio and no more issues


Hello I can't find an installation for ww mod could you give me a link?

Nathalie Hill

I downloaded this and ite doesnt work for me what should i do


<a href="https://pastebin.com/kUjNhJg0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/kUjNhJg0</a>


Hey Turbo. Don't know if you are aware of this or not but i have an alien sim that gets confused when he is sitting for the toilet. standing is fine. Kind of hard to explain but when he sits, he gets mixed up with his disguise. If he's in his alien form, he goes into his disguise but the skin color stays alien. The same goes for the disguise, he sits, goes into alien form but skin color stays human (and he gets nekkid!!!)


when I joined my basic household this came up: <a href="http://txt.do/dl7jj" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://txt.do/dl7jj</a>

Carol Branciforte

Thank you for working so hard on this, but it doesn't work.....when get into the game and click on my household to play it goes threw the EA screen like it should but then the game closes out....When I take the mode out of the game I have no problem it takes me right to my sim to play.....


Hi TD, just another suggestion/idea to run by you! I know we have a mod that makes boobs move in a more realistic way (which would be awesome if this could be incorporated in just normal game play not just WW animations) is there anyway to get booties to move in the same way? (I don't mean full on wobble constantly but just a little wiggly movement when they walk/run/dance) I know 'Black Cinema' has made some AMAZING dance mods, so I'm just thinking paring natural moving boobs and butt in with that would be cool! :) x


I really appreciate you're work! My game still works fine it's just my teen sims can no longer do their homework. If there is a way you can fix that it would be great!


In version, didn't read former underwear setting


Yeah, I am getting CTD whenever I enter the save screen. All mods removed except WW. Definitely the issue. <a href="https://pastebin.com/hB1sKyFU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/hB1sKyFU</a>


hola turbo mi pregunta es cual pongo este wockedwhims o el este


Hi! I just wanted to suggest different moodlets after the termination of pregnancy?


With WickedWhims installed my sim has two "Ask on Date" interactions in their phone.


Hello Turbo, could you tell me where I can download the translation into Italian of this latest version of ww? thank you


Hypothetically it should be already possible, but I haven't tested it and I don't have interest in any expansions yet.


Sorry, there is no Sex Shop building, it's just a shop you access via computer. :D


Denton47 did not make any penis rigs, but one is almost done and it's in the testing phase. It will maybe be in the next update. Yes, WW should work fine with cats and dogs installed. Thanks! :D


All the download links are at the bottom of the post, just above the comments. :)


Do you know when you had this error happen? What was happening at the time in your game. I don't see this being related to WW, but I can't be sure.


Hey! Yes, it seems like a mismatch happens when a Sim with a second form undresses for the first time after changing their form. I will look into that. Thank you for the report!


I'm sorry to say, but I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with WickedWhims. You must have other mods that are causing issues. Game crashing is generally caused by Custom Content objects and clothing.


Hey! I'm pretty sure there is already a way to make butts move more, it just doesn't seem to be utilized much by animators. I don't know the full extent of the possibilities, but some range of motion currently exists.


I don't know anything about any homework or how that would be in any way related to WW, sorry.


Well, I still don't know why people are experiencing certain save data resets, sorry.....


If you think this error is from the crash, you did not remove all mods at all. And when you say "all mods", you do count all Custom Content clothing and objects, right? Because these cause crashes.


Hey! If I understand right, you always want to use the version with the highest number at the end, so


Turbo, Thanks for everything you are doing to get us all back up and playing again. I've been going through withdrawal not being able to play the game with WickedWhims and other custom content lol. Do you think a new version will be done soon that works with the game update?


Hey! There is no translation for this version, but you can use this one: <a href="http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3310-sims-4-italian-translation-for-wickedwhims-traduzione-italiana-29092017/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3310-sims-4-italian-translation-for-wickedwhims-traduzione-italiana-29092017/</a> It will be lacking new text translations though.


WW doesn't do anything with any of the expansions yet. So no.


It should all be working good. Just make sure you don't have other outdated mods. Thanks!


Everything works fine now. Thank you for the update c:


Everything works fine now,Will there be mod with animals like in the sims 3?


When my sims have sex the females outfits get messed up in the everyday category. Instead of 5 different outfits it'll be the same outfit in each slot. I hope im explaining this correctly.


Hi Turbo, i just wanted to check, in the sims statics, it doesnt work properly if sim has sex at work? (get to work expansion pack) meaning it does not calculate it as the sim doing anything at work. When there not at work it works as normal and keeps count of what the sim is doing ie on sims statics.


Hey! I understand what you're saying, but nothing like that is happening in my game. How would I go about causing this issue to happen?


Can't say anything right now, but I'm pretty sure animators have everything to do something like without my intervention.

Lady L

Hey Turbo, I always wanted to ask this question how do I change the pregnancy chance in ww because my simself took the fertility test and it said she have 0% chances to become pregnant..


Hey! If you're playing on the Simple Pregnancy Mode, you just change it in the Sex -&gt; Pregnancy Settings. If you're playing on the Menstrual Cycle Mode, pregnancy chance depends on your menstrual cycle, you should know how that works, you need to wait for her fertility window. You change the Pregnancy Mode in the Sex -&gt; Pregnancy Settings.

Lady L

Ok Thank You!


have a question I have this mod in my game and command center my sims are unable to have a baby they say they are pregant but no baby I took the command center out tried it like that no help I did a repair on the game no help if you could give n-e feed back that would be awesome ty so much:)


Hey! What does "unable to have a baby" means if they are pregnant? Could you explain that?


Hello I downloaded both links and I went through my mod file and removed all of the old wicked whims files. And it doesn’t work in the game. Does having an Apple computer make a difference? I’m very new to the custom content world so have a little mercy on me. What did I do wrong?

Marie Duran

I have two questions, one what if you don't get the C&amp;D update can you still use this patch, also can I still use the body parts from LoverLab? If I can, which ones do you recommend?


I've gone through taking my mods out and recently added CC but discovered it seems the error is linked to the wicked career as I tested it and the error message came up and my sim didn't go to work :) x

Nathalie Hill

I have a question I tried to download the mike24 animations and its asking me for a password for the encrypted file its only for this set of animations


Update not working for me. Running sims at

Carol Branciforte

I found the problem, MTS_ArtUrlWWW_MegaMod which was updated to the new patch conflicts with your mod and MCCC, found it with the Mod Conflict detector. I tested it with just WhickWhims and MCCC and my game keep on closing out,had taken the mod out and i can play the game again....Thank you Turbo for responding your a gem....


I need an update of this for the Cats &amp; Dogs Expansion as it doesn't work and causes my game to exit all the time.

Punished "Venom" Link

I'm having a posture problem with my female sims. Their arms seem to go through their hips. It only recently happend though.

Punished "Venom" Link

I've discovered that [BB][Female]Bottom.package is making my female sims have their hands pass though their hips when wearing CC.


Hi, I don't know for sure as I don't have the BB bottom package, but could this issue be linked to the general cc problem that was reported by a lot on the sims4 forum, Sims4 Studio was updated yesterday to include a batch fix for CAS cc.


Hi, this isn't working for me at all and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong... I downloaded the mod from this post and then used WinRar to extract and put it into my mods folder but when I launch the game I just get the script error pop up on the top right hand side of the screen. I cant see 'wicked' when i click on something (bed, couch etc) like I could when I had the old version of the mod (removed this entirely). I have the most recent update and the cats and dogs expansion pack but no other mods except the fixed version of MC Command center. Any advice on what I'm doing wrong?


hi every time I try to download animations for this mod it crashes, I'm very new to cc, and I'm trying to use this mod but it wont let me use any of the animations, where is everyone getting theyre animations????? please help!!!!


Turbo, First I'll say sorry for bothering again. I notice that most of my WW interactions are requiring a solo start then asking others to join in. Have you heard of this or know what that me be from? Also I get the orange WARNING! box at startup saying there may be old mods. I have the most current WW patch. Is that due to the older animations?


Got it working!! Don't know what I was doing wrong lol


OKAY back again, not even trying to be annoying lol. but I just had to reinstall the Wicked Whim mod, because my computer crashed and before it crashed the mod was working perfectly fine,,,,,,,,, but when I put it back into my game , it crashed.....,...... So then I uninstalled it to reinstall it, I put it in it in its own wicked whims in folder in my mods folder and did not crasnow its not working at all. my game starts up fine, no error messages telling me my game crashed. just nothing with the mod at all. I'm sure its something I`m doing. considering I know little to nothing about computers or mods or c.c. but I really really need help. PLEASE HELP ME.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I LIKE MY GAME, TO BE AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE, AND WITH OUT THE WICKED WHIMS MOD, AND CERTIAN OTHER MODS. THE GAME JUST ISNT EVEN FUN.


Hi, Mine wasn't showing up for ages either, I just kept removing it, loading the game, leaving the game, and adding it back and eventually it worked. Probably not much help, sorry!


Basemental Drugs dont work with this?


lol =D thanks . its annoying this update killed my freaking game.. smh it sucks. I'm goimng to keep trying..


can someone help when I click to buy birth control an condoms they don't pop in my inventory do I have to wait by mail ?


It will be delivered to your letter box (sorry for my bad english), Tinymiblog ^^


thank you


having trouble. is this compatible with pets. purchased everything and its showing up at popup but not allowing me to use wicked whims as an option.


I’m having the same issue, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and the mod comes up in my custom content list but I have no option for WW


It doesn’t work in the new world....I feel like an idiot


It works for me, but I just paid twice and I can't terminate pregnancy! Are still there some mistakes must be repaired?


Installing in the same folder (overwritting). Then repairing the sims 4 in origin. And it worked. But my sims is taking the birth control pill and is pregnant! Lol. There're some mistakes...


I didnt have an issue until my sims had sex. Once they have sex my game crashes. It keeps saying that its an issue with the turbodriver mod. I have uninstalled twice and started my games all over twice and its still not working.


I know if I have the wicked whims mod that there really isn't any need for the plain woohoo option, but my sims no longer have the option to woohoo. I believe that is has something to do with the wicked whims mod because I removed the mod and the option was back... Anyone else having this issue, or is that just part of the mod?


OTL....my boys can't pregnant...OTL


when will sims be able to actually bleed on their periods or have to use tampons or pads ?


Hey you guys I don’t know if I have done something wrong but I don’t see the WickedWhims option in my game at all

Athena Apollos

Do you have a LastException file??? If so, then upload it to pastebin.com and paste the link.

Athena Apollos

WW shouldn't override normal EA Woohoo. Do you have any other romance/pregnancy related mods??? Also, do you have any custom furniture, especially beds, sofas, and loveseats? If you have custom furniture, then you need to batch fix it in the latest version of Sims 4 Studio.


Can someone please help me? I haven't had any success with the mod working with the new patch

Damier Don

It's working fine for me. I deleted all of my cc sofas, loveseats, and beds. I'm not sure if that did anything. Just make sure the files stay in the same folder and put it in your Mods folder.


Went to share a line of coke from dresser, done many times before, have the newest WW, BMD, MCC, and have ran Sims studio C&amp;D batch fix.. cant find the link to report the exception . Its short thank god. &lt;root&gt; &lt;report&gt;&lt;version&gt;2&lt;/version&gt;&lt;sessionid&gt;71a4e28c1713bdae5a0a4017&lt;/sessionid&gt;&lt;type&gt;desync&lt;/type&gt;&lt;sku&gt;ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc&lt;/sku&gt;&lt;createtime&gt;2017-11-13 19:02:29&lt;/createtime&gt;&lt;buildsignature&gt;Local.Unknown.Unknown.;/buildsignature&gt;&lt;categoryid&gt;__init__.py:239&lt;/categoryid&gt;&lt;desyncid&gt;71a4e28c1713bdae5a0a4017&lt;/desyncid&gt;&lt;systemconfig&gt;&lt;/systemconfig&gt;&lt;screenshot&gt;&lt;/screenshot&gt;&lt;desyncdata&gt;Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception running Element (KeyError: 'get_joint_transform_from_rig: Joint name [(null)] was not found in the specified rig [d39aa4fb441637b0.8eaf13de]. JointNameHash [1584861488]().') Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 212, in simulate File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\animation_element.py", line 1257, in _run File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\animation_element.py", line 1173, in get_asm File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py", line 5291, in get_asm File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\postures\posture.py", line 1434, in get_registered_asm File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py", line 5273, in &lt;lambda&gt; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py", line 5323, in setup_asm_default File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\slots.py", line 112, in get_surface_height_parameter_for_object File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\slots.py", line 297, in position File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\slots.py", line 290, in transform File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\slots.py", line 282, in location File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\native\animation\__init__.py", line 239, in get_joint_transform_from_rig KeyError: 'get_joint_transform_from_rig: Joint name [(null)] was not found in the specified rig [d39aa4fb441637b0.8eaf13de]. JointNameHash [1584861488]().' &lt;/desyncdata&gt;&lt;/report&gt; &lt;/root&gt;


I've tried reinstalling the mod but no option, it is now showing up on my mod list that pops up when you start playing but I don't have the menu option during game play. I downloaded the skins mod and that is working fine but not the wicked whims. I've been reading the comment section and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. My MC command mod hasn't been working either up until today randomly when it decided to come up in the gameplay and I didn't do anything to get it to start working. I've removed the mod, started gameplay and then saving and exiting and then reinstalling it into the game and starting again. I removed all the mods from my game after the update since my game would go into a loading screen and never move off that




Since I got it work finally I will share with you all still having issues like I was about 5 minutes ago. I am running the latest version of the update on a MacBook. I kept running into the problem of it not showing up in gameplay. Before you get frustrated look to see how the folder is when you download it. It didn't click to me to open the folder to see how many layers of folders were there. Click the WickedWhims and you will see 3 things inside one of which is another folder. That is the only folder you need to put in your mod folder. Any mods that I have downloaded in the past I have had to take out of the folder and place directly into the mod section. So remove the WickedWhimsMod folder and place only that into the folder. Script mods cannot be hidden within layers. You need to extract the actual mod itself and place in folder. The game cannot find things within layers. The most layers you can have and have a mod still work is ONE layer. It cannot have more than one folder to still work. I am thanking my brain for suddenly having that click to me. Ive been watching videos for a few days now, searching the web whenever I wasn't at work and then a nap and a breath of fresh air finally made it click. I started thinking I got old and forgot how to use computers LOL. Hope this helps others


Ran Sims 4 Studio again, ... THEN down loaded all the others, WW, BMD, &amp; MCC, seems all seems good for now, not sure if running Studio First, instead of last was the issue. not real sure... It's working, &amp; that's all that counts. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!


Now it is time to test the animations out. I will keep you guys updated!


Thank you Turbodriver for a mod I cannot live without. Cannot wait to see future updates. &lt;3


Hi! Sorry to bug you but I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have the most recent version of WhickedWhims installed. I do get the "Wicked" tab that opens upon clicking on people/objects. However, the option for Exhibitionism and Sex are not there anymore (only the settings option shows up). Did I Install something wrong? I do not have any other mods installed and Script Mods are Enabled. All the packages that come with the mod are only in ONE folder, there is not a layer of mods. Hope someone can help me out, I LOVE this mod and hate playing without it!

Athena Apollos

Can you paste a link to your entire LastException using something like Pastebin.com? We need to see the entire error message to figure out what's going on. Thanks!!!


hey i have a mac. i did (hopefully) what you recommended above. before i did my sims could get fully naked and thats about it. now the orange window pops up for wicked whims but it doesn't actually do anything. now the sims can't get fully naked. i think ill just delete everything and redownload.... and do what you said above.




I have Patreon Still, there's a problem with clothes that are still changing in costumes... I want to solve the problem............please..

comprehensive galaxy

Two glitches I'm noticing: 1) The global jealousy cheat/individual polyamory reward doesn't seem to be working quite right any more, as one of my sims with the Jealous trait instantly shot into a jealous rage when I started the game after updating the WW mod. 2) Sims with cum stains don't lose those stains when they shower or bathe; they seem to stick around no matter what. WW and the associated animations are the only mods I have, so no interference causing this. Seems inherent.


I think turbodriver is working hard for an updated mod that works with the latest expansion! I still didn’t download the new ep because I’m waiting for the mod update first! xD


Like David said. I will also wait with the new EP and patch until Turbo is ready. I think better is.....


Hey! All mods should work the same on every system, so that's never an issue. I could only repeat the installation process and common installation mistakes, so please look at that in the Help Center - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Yes and I would recommend BetterBody or the most recent EVE Body when it gets released.


Hey! WickedWhims was updated and tested with the new update as well as the Cats &amp; Dogs expansion, it should work just fine. Please make sure you don't have other outdated or broken mods.


Please don't use conflict detectors, they aren't helpful with mods like these, only with clothing and overrides. I explained that further in the Help Center if you want to learn more, as well as learn about crashes - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Hey! WickedWhims was updated and tested with the new update as well as the Cats &amp; Dogs expansion, it should work just fine. Please make sure you don't have other outdated or broken mods.


Hey! I'm not sure what sort of issues you could get with animations since I'm using all of the existing ones and don't have any problems. Please read about crash causes in the Help Center, that might help you - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


I did a little more troubleshooting and found out that 1. the two "Ask on Date" interactions only showed on my sim that was a teen and 2. There was only two "Ask on Date" interactions when "Allow All Ages Romance" was enabled.


Hey! WickedWhims was updated and tested with the new update as well as the Cats &amp; Dogs expansion, it should work just fine. Please make sure you don't have other outdated or broken mods.


You most likely have realistic birth control enabled in settings, which has a low chance of getting pregnant even on birth control pills.


Hey! What keeps saying "that its an issue with the turbodriver mod"? There is nothing that can say that. Please read the Help Center and send necessary info to help you - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Hey! It sounds like you have everything right. What do you expect to see when you click on something? I'm not sure how do you tell things are actually not working for you. If you get an orange notification about errors, you can read at the end of the Help Center page how to report them - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Hey! WickedWhims was updated and tested with the new update as well as the Cats &amp; Dogs expansion, it should work just fine. Please make sure you don't have other outdated or broken mods and report the exception file you get they way it is explained at the end of the Help Center page - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


You mean Sims in costumes are glitchy when undressing? I am aware of that, I will be working on it soon.


Hey! Well, I tested both jealousy cheat and polyamours trait, they work just fine. I tested the cum layers too, and they get cleaned. Sorry to say, but I don't see the issues you have. Please consider doing a full Save Clean explained here - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Hey! WickedWhims was updated and tested with the new update as well as the Cats &amp; Dogs expansion, it should work just fine. There are still few minor issues I need to fix, but overall it should be good. :D


Except few minor issues, you should all be fine. Just keep all of your mods updated.


please help as lve just paid for this and it dosent work l have download it and put in to my game but it dozent work what am l doing wrong


Hey Turbo my Sims don't automatically dress up after they finished showering even with naturism only at level 1


Hey, Huge fan of your work, however with new update of sims and new update of WW I am having loads of problems 11/14/17 19:48:16 File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 195, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 203, in c_api_server_tick File ".\WickedWhims\turbolib\injector_util.py", line 8, in _wrapped_function File ".\WickedWhims\turbolib\events\core.py", line 174, in _turbolib_zone_game_update File ".\WickedWhims\turbolib\special\custom_exception_watcher.py", line 25, in log_custom_exception WickedWhimsError: [TurboLib] Failed to run '_on_zone_update_event' at 'Zone.update'. then I cant have sex with anyone, and I cant access settings on WW tab on a sims HELP


Hey! I just got an error message, and I can't seem to save my game. I found WW mentioned in the last exception file generated. <a href="https://pastebin.com/DVYwZQxZ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/DVYwZQxZ</a>


Your sim just wants to be free let them live!! Haha just kidding, just click them to clothe them


Can you help me? I just bought a base and dog kit, have not bought any stuff yet. I used your mod, adjusted for 100% pregnancy but it does not seem to work. Does pregnancy rate apply to men? Can your mod make men pregnant? I mean homosexuality, gays and lesbians can not get pregnant. sorry if my english is not good! OTL


Hey! Have you actually updated WickedWhims? Since the error you sent it visibly from version "". And please don't send error like this, instead, read how to do it at the end of the Help Center page - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/162155667731/tumblr_orzqcqrRrd1vwgrfi</a>


Hey! Have you read how pregnancy works in WickedWhims? Make sure to have NPC pregnancy enabled to 100% too if you have your Sim have sex with NPC Sims. You can read more about this here - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/post/148188716006/basic-sex-tutorial" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/post/148188716006/basic-sex-tutorial</a>


Hey Turbo, at some point will you be adding penis rig to you mod like you did for breast? if not are you going to make azmodan22's rig compatible with the new penis?


Hey! Yup, I'm adding it next update, and I'm testing it right now with few animators.


Hello Turbo, I found this mod crashes when social events happen (ex. date, party..). The requirements system does not work with this crash. I made a copy of last Exception.txt. Please see the link below. I appreciate your work and hopefully all errors are resolved soon. Thanks! <a href="https://pastebin.com/6FdncVju" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/6FdncVju</a>

Miguel M

Hey there Turbo, I've been coming across an issue where my sims statistics keep on being reset. I have not uninstalled your mod and I have only reloaded a save to find that the times that they have done it has been reset to 0. Is there a way we can edit these statistics?


New update for sims 4, is it compatible?


Hey! I don't see this being related to WW in any way. I was just testing a date and it worked fine. I think you might have something else installed that causes issues.


Hey! Yes, I am aware of this issue, but so far I had no luck finding the cause of it. There is nothing that can be done to always reproduce it, so I can't easily fix it. There is no easy way to edit statistics. Only by editing the "sim_" files in the saves folder.


Any help appreciated. I have script mods and CC enabled, but Wicked Whims is not even showing up as an option for me with my sims. I am positive I have the most recent version as I joined Patreon just to get this particular update. I tried removing mods via 50/50, but it never showed for me unlike before. My lastException file is not mentioning a failure even though I do get script error notifications and then get booted from the game after about 10 mins. of live mode play.


Hi, this mod is awesome, have been trying it out for a few days. Is it possible to have the difficulty of getting woohoo increased or maybe have a setting for it? Keep up the good stuff :)


As far as I know I've updated everything as much as I can but still had these 2 exception files pop up after playing the game last night. the wicked whims file seems to be the same thing over and over. Please help :) <a href="https://pastebin.com/FqQs1Fnk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/FqQs1Fnk</a> <a href="https://pastebin.com/NHBCDGLy" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/NHBCDGLy</a>


<a href="https://pastebin.com/Uc8wga9K" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/Uc8wga9K</a> just thought you'd wanna see this!! great work by the way!


Sims 4 has another update thru origin will this mess up my mods again

Deus Ex Archangel

Hi! Quick question - there have been 2 attempts at a WW career on LL. One is defunct and the other not yet updated for Cats and Dogs. I read on the first one that you may start a career track - is this currently in the works? ^^


Hey turbo. ww wont show up in my mods at all i have re download the mod and everything it still wont show up in game.....


Hi Turbo. Since the last update there are two settings I noticed no longer work: first, the pregnancy duration (I set it to 1, click ok, then check back and it's back on 3), and second, the "simple" pregnancy mode. Even though I set it to Simple, pregnancy chance for player sim on 100%, my Sim is not getting pregnant, and the option to check fertility phase is still available on the toilet (though it says 100%). I've uninstalled all other mods but both problems still exist. Last exception: <a href="https://pastebin.com/P73VV5B1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/P73VV5B1</a> (Ever thought of adding the possibility to increase/decrease the pregnancy chance with the menstrual cycle mode? As in, if the chance at peak fertility is ~50%, allow to tweak it, etc. to 100, 70, 30, 10% etc., then proportionally lesser in other phases of the cycle, down to 0. Just a thought.)

Katz 52

Hey Turbo! Love your mod and am sure the recent updates have been a much bigger headache for you than any of us can imagine...but you asked for errors and such so you can fix stuff, so this is my first attempt at a pastebin...hope I did it correctly and thanx in advance for all you do! <a href="https://pastebin.com/e8mFpsWD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/e8mFpsWD</a>


is this the latest update?


can you help me? When i start to play sims 4 , an error pops up on the screen <a href="https://pastebin.com/b9qqZHNH" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/b9qqZHNH</a>


Heyy Turbo ! love this mod, will you eventually add a mod for miscarriages in the Sims 4 ?


idk if yesterday's patch messed with your skin because the penis area is black now


Yes Turbo did mention this in Wicked Whims update ((The Menstrual Cycle System is not yet finished, but it can be enabled in settings. Blood, Miscarriage, better Pregnancy Termination, Birth Control Pills, better Condoms and a lot of tiny details are coming in the next update) This update has not been released yet.


Hey! So what is it? Is your exception file empty? Because if it isn't, I want to see it.


Hey! You mean the asking for sex itself being more difficult? I plan on redoing that process as well as adding a whole new layer of relationship depth to make it more interesting, but that won't happen that soon. I will consider having the ability to pick a difficulty level too.


Hey! You will have to perform a Save Clean explained in the help Center and please update your game for the most recent patch - <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help</a>


Hey! You can ignore this error, it's nothing important. And please make sure to update WW to the most recent version.


Hey! It's not currently in works, but I will be working on it for sure. Can't exactly determine when though.


Hey! Have you checked out the common installation mistakes at the Help Center? <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help</a>


Hey! Unfortunately, you can't set the pregnancy duration for shorter than 3 days, that would break some stuff, I can't allow it. The ability to test for fertility is not removed when you use the simple mode, but you can clearly tell that it's pointless to use it. The amount of steps that has to be taken to just hide it is too much to do it now. I will fix that eventually. Have you read how pregnancy works? It's important to set NPC pregnancy to 100% too if you're having your Sims have sex with NPC Sims. You can read more here: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/post/148188716006/basic-sex-tutorial" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/post/148188716006/basic-sex-tutorial</a> Your exception file is related to food serving, could be just a one time error. I am planning on adding a way to affect the pregnancy chances with some in-game interactions.


Hey! You did it perfectly! ;) Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this error. It can't be caused by WW and I don't know if it's caused by other mods. Sorry, can't say much here. It could be some outdated/broken mod though.


Hey! Looks like you might have some mod that affects how your Sims are when they go away somewhere. I never saw this before and I don't see how WW would be related. Please consider cleaning up your mods folder.


Hey! It looks just fine. Are you sure you haven't installed any new mods that would conflict with skin tones?


just wondering will there ever be a pet add on to do things with pets ;3 also i was also wanting to know would be possible add somthing like the kinky world in sims 3 were you could make your sims get calls and then take the drops were they actually go the house or were ever to do the deed.


Hey! I don't have any opinion about pets yet, I'm not focusing on expansions at this moment. I will be looking into it at some other time. Being a callgirl would be a part of adding careers to WW, which will happen at some point for sure.


Hello I have a lastexception for you <a href="https://pastebin.com/uUceDFV7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/uUceDFV7</a> Bye


So, I'm not getting a lastexception, but vanilla shower and bath interactions aren't working. Only WickedWhim ones.


Hey Turbo. Just to let you know your mod works absolutely fine for me but during sexual interactions I keep getting 'Error Logged' notifications literally one after the other until the interaction has finished. It says this even though everything works fine. Love your mod, can't live without it! Hopefully this bug is fixed soon :)


I'm getting the lastexception error. I reinstalled my animation mods that updated and got rid of the ones I never used, but that didn't seem to work. Here's the pastebin <a href="https://pastebin.com/QMHF1aHS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/QMHF1aHS</a>

Athena Apollos

Do you have WW version installed? Your LE says that you have version Update to the latest version and see if you still get errors.

Athena Apollos

Do you have an LastException file that you can link to??? Paste a link to your LE here and we can take a look at it.


LOVE and ADORE this update. Me and a few others have this same error occur that we hoped could be looked at. Whenever we use any animations our Sims clothing will be duplicated when we go to change outfits. I only use your mod and mc command center. When I left yours in it still occurred specifically when I use your mod. This is a problem because I spend so much time planning outfits, all categories. There is no error code that I can find logged and this has never happened to me before. I will continue to test different solutions but hoping you could take a look. Again thanks for the hard work of this mod. It's great.


I'm getting a last exception error when using the mod and when I look at the exception, it talks about posture being the error. It only happens in the middle of an animation.

Lucinda Tungsten

I am having same issue,I think EA changes coding and such trying to eliminate mods they don't want in game,basemental hasn't been working right either and I finally removed it until things get worked out,maybe if I remove most WW animations WW will work properly I would hate to remove it as well but game is becoming unplayable with all the warnings.


Hey! What do you mean by "Only WickedWhim ones."? Showers and baths work just fine for me, are you sure you don't have other broken/outdated mods? Are you perhaps using CC objects?


Hey! Thank You! :) I've talked with few other people about this issue and it's apparently a problem in the game itself, not WW. It tends to occur differently for everybody, even without WW, but WW just seems to cause it happen more often than not. I really don't see a way to do something with it, but I will try.


Hi I just pledged so I can get the period version but I'm sorry I don't know which one it is


Hey! You always download the most recent version. Which in this case is Please don't write a new comment every time and use the curvy arrow under the comment to chain them. I will remove the rest of them to clean up space.


Do male teens who can get pregnant also experience the menstrual cycle/cramps etc?


So ever since the latest update for Sims 4 and the updates for this mod, I can't load or even start a new game. What should I do?

Athena Apollos

You should delete all caches, meaning all contents in any folder that has "cache" in the name and your localthumbscache.package file. Then repair your game in Origin. Then, you should test your game with just WW installed. Next, you should test your CC and update or remove any CC that predates 10 Nov. You can fix some of your CC yourself by batch fixing it in the latest version of Sims 4 Studio.


Hi Turbo, Hi Turbo, sorry the question, probably stupid too. I'm not an IT computer but I love your mods and your work. I downloaded your latest WW update. During the report, I only have an animation (cowgirl), I'm not clear how to get it .... sorry again and thank you for everything!


Hi I REALLYYYY NEED HELP. Everything works fine to my knowledge I just can't see the new pregnant options like the period and stuff. I don't know why and I don't have any cache. pleaseeee help


Hey I received your email saying the mod was ready but the link is broken. I get a 404. Please, let me know what is up.


Which animations have been updated? The links on the tumblr page are broken.


Is the miscarriage part in here yet? I looked in the settings and couldn't find it


Anyone? I can't seem to get my setting right for my male teens to get any of the new menstrual stuff... or do they just not experience it?


HELLO I have a problem after updated version. Some of my female sims has the D and I already fix it in CAS mode at gender panel but it doesn't work pls help me and sorry for my poorly English.


Hey! So are you just looking for more animations? You can find a list here: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/155389576571/tumblr_oj9d1wA5JW1vwgrfi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/private/155389576571/tumblr_oj9d1wA5JW1vwgrfi</a>


Hey! Once you have the most recent version of the mod installed, you can check if the menstrual cycle is enabled in Wicked -&gt; Settings -&gt; Sex Settings -&gt; Pregnancy Settings. If it's enabled, you're eventually going to notice Sims being on their period.


Hey! All the links on WickedWhims Tumblr work, I checked them all. Animations don't have to be updated to work, you can download any of them.


Hey! When you set your Sim to not have a penis in CAS Gender Settings, but they still have one, it means that you have a non-compatible with WickedWhims penis installed. You can only use known to me penis mods which are BetterBody, LunarEclipse or Noir Pornstar Cock. Make sure to remove anything else.


Hello I have a lastexception <a href="https://pastebin.com/CXeYNRiD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/CXeYNRiD</a> Bye


Hey! I think you reported that error before, it's about undressing outfit top. I will have that fixed in the next release, thanks! ;)

Maid Molly

There's a feature I'd really like to see added to the Disable Animations panel. There are some animators that I may like only a few of their teasing or handjob animations. I would love to see an Uncheck All option at the top of each animations page for all categories so I can uncheck everything and then select the ones I do want. Every time I start a new game, I have to go through the tedious process of weeding out what doesn't float my boat. Or if I have teens that are fooling around, maybe I want to disable all vaginal animations so they are "doing everything but the girl". It's way too time consuming to do that now. Is that feature you would consider adding?


Hey! I would like to redo the animations disabling menu for sure. I might actually look into it really soon. Once I figure out a simple base to work with, I can add a lot more complex options, like yours. Thank you for the suggestion! :D


LastException here, thank you so much for all you do. <a href="https://pastebin.com/raw/pRgH5Nh2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/raw/pRgH5Nh2</a>


Hey! This is from version Once you updated, you should be fine. ;)


Will you be adding a forced/rape feature like kinkyworld for the sims 3 has ?


hello I have updated with the current WW but keep getting this error code <a href="https://pastebin.com/0waNye2W" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/0waNye2W</a> And the sims won't perform any animations its like they reset.

Sarah Kamar

I'm having the same problem as before. When I have pregnancy chance on 100% my sims are not getting pregnant.


Using the batch fix Cas CC for pets and batch fix objects for cats and dogs in the latest version of sims 4 studio resolved most of my issues and last exception reports. I know this has already been mentioned but I figured I would post it here incase somebody sees it and it helps. :)


my sims are not getting pregnant


it says I need permission after ive extracted the file


Hey! I don't know exactly how KW stuff works, so it won't be the same thing. I'm still trying to figure out the exact way something like that should work. It's a really big deal to add a feature like this and I don't want to do it just like that.


Hey! Can you try fully reinstalling WW? I don't even know if this error is related to the mod and nobody ever tried to explain to me how they deal with this issue. I would be glad if you could help me with this.


Hey! Both Player and NPC Sims are set to 100%? Do you have the pregnancy notification during sex enabled? Did you receive that notification? If not, then that sex didn't cause pregnancy.


Hey! What Pregnancy Mode are you using? If Menstrual Cycle, was your Sim capable of getting pregnant? If it's the Simple Mode, have you set it for both Player and NPC Sims? Do you have the pregnancy notification during sex enabled? DId you receive that notification during sex? Are you aware that only Vaginal and Climax sex can cause pregnancy? After sex, you need to use the toilet pregnancy test or wait two hours to trigger pregnancy properly. Don't use MCCC or other mods for this.


Hey! What needs permission? If it's the installer and you're bothered by that, just ignore it and copy the 'WickedWhimsMod' folder directly to your 'Mods' folder and everything should work fine. :)


I'd like to know, how far advanced you are with the idea of making jobs and careers based on sex?


Hey! If you expect to see them soon, I'm sorry to say, but I'm not working on that at this moment. I would really like to add jobs and careers, but there is a strict order of things that have to be done before it.


Not sure if this is the proper place to put this, but my sim has a birth control buff stuck. I tried using the remove all buffs cheat, but it reappeared. Any command prompt that can help remove the birth control buff?


I need help does this version include everything else from the other versions? Im just a little confused...


And another thing when I update my game do I delete all the wicked files except the animations and stuff and put the new folder in? Im sorry im asking so many questions,


Hello After buying condoms, you have to unpack them in your inventory and most importantly we must go into the settings of pregnancy and enable automatic birth control. For me it works very well. Bye


<a href="https://pastebin.com/mMKKWUTP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/mMKKWUTP</a>


my guys penis is always pitch black too :/


if you are updating wicked Whims then all you have to do is replace the wickedwhims folder with the one you downloaded. keep all your animations and other CC. and yes new versions include the full mod so you only have to download the latest version.


the new period options won't show.. I don't know what to do


If it's Better Body, you have to put the body skin with it.


Hello The period is not necessarily seen when starting the game. Is random. If you want to see where your sim is in his cycle, you tell him to go to the toilet and you do a test and then you'll see in how many days it will be in period. Look in the settings under pregnancy for options. When your sim will start its period, you will see specific moodlets appear and your sim will have mood changes. It works well for me. Bye


KEEP getting last Extension error for wicked whims.... so I’m not it’s sure what’s to do.


I keep getting an error message then my game crashes :( anyone know if i can sort this somehow?


Last extension error is really irritating...I've gone and removed all mods except WW to see if it was caused by any of them but I still get the error. I hope it gets fixed soon

Mikey Bohmer

I'm also getting this problem. I'm no expert and have to idea what the gobbledygook in the exception means but it seems to have something to do with Autonomy. How do I go about sending you a copy of the extension because you'll understand it :) Thanks and have a Merry 'Gift Giving Day'


Hey! The birth control status depends on the day, so once one day passes, the buff should not reappear again. Has a new day started and the buff is still there or you claim it's stuck for a different reason?


Yes, every next released version contains everything that every previous version had.


Hey! This looks like an error with the game while Sims are greeting. Unless you are aware of a mod that modifies Sims interactions or relationships somehow. Otherwise, you can ignore it.


Hey! Here's an instruction on how to report exception files: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception</a> You most likely have outdated/broken mods and/or furniture. You can read more about crashes here too: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help</a>


Hey! It won't get fixed if you don't report it. ;) Check how to do that here: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception</a>


Hey! I made a special separate instruction just on sending exception files, check it out: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception</a>


I'm having trouble finding the NOV 2017 update of wicked whims, I thought I had it installed properly but I don't b/c I keep getting error msgs. Now I can't find it on your page to check &amp; see what I may have missed.


The Nov Wicked Whims, the latest one is above the comments here under continue reading. In Red 10 Nov 2017 is the latest download update ur looking for.


Anything new about pets ?


I suggest you add the absorbents and tampax, you could also add that after the first time of anal sex or how losing virginity there is a painful state. Then you could add objects like butt plugs to "train" the rectal muscles. The game would be much more varied with these elements and more and more like reality. Sincerely, Francesco Torrisi aka ZaXeL (I write this message again)


Is there any way to get cum off the face of a Sim after she has been covered? I have a sim walking around for like a week with her face still covered in cum. Is there anyway we can have this disappear when they have a shower or bath?

Lucinda Tungsten

Usually shower or bath works,if not try ctrl+shift+c testingcheats on/ww.fix/ww.clearcum I am assuming you know how to enter testing cheats if not google it.good luck hope that solves your problem.p.s. every few days try deleting localthumbcache.package

peter piper

Just signed up for 4.50 per month and this new version is saying its a broken mod and all the file contents are conflicting mods Not happy at all


dont get it yet, i did. now my game is a disaster i dont know how to fix it. im not a computor person. wish i never got it


Hi, there was a new update today and now there is an error with the mod. Thank you!


I just pledged, reading all these comments make me worry about adding this to my game. Should I just wait for the next update or is it worth trying to add it to my game and see what happens?


hey turbo, should i just give up trying to make the mod work after installing the pets package??


what a mess. i dont know why but i had to get rid of everything slowly re install everything. I still dont have all my old stuff. But I finally did get it working and now need to re install all my animations, after I find them again. I may have went the long way to fix something simple.. shrug.. Im not like I said, a computer person


Hey! Uh, well, I'm going to focus on the anal portion of your comment. Some ways of training, getting skilled, and getting used to would be required once I redo the sex portion of the mod. A way of progressing and including more feelings will be a thing for sure. Thank you for the suggestions.


Hey! WickedWhims is fully updated for the most recent patch and the Cats &amp; Dogs expansion. Warning notification is mentioning all other mods you have that are causing trouble. You need to look into that and clean up all your outdated/broken mods, including custom content furniture.


I ended up putting it i my game and it works just fine so far!! I did get one last exception that I will send in later this evening, not sure what it was for though.


Hey! New update? The last one was released on November 15th. WickedWhims is still fully functional for that update.


Hey! You should only be worried if you don't care about cleaning up all other mods you have and removing/updating them. Do the responsible thing and remove your old CC content, WickedWhims itself is working just fine and I always make sure of it. It makes me mad when people are ignorant and can only blame the first thing they see when I am the one that is warning everybody about errors in their game. Thank you for asking.


Yes, it's a lot of work to clean up all your mods and get everything running without errors. The main issue of installing mods.


Hey Turbo, any idea what this error means? <a href="https://pastebin.com/ZetVhMgC" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/ZetVhMgC</a>


hey i have an error code if you can help please do. thank you <a href="https://pastebin.com/2BxB14EH" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/2BxB14EH</a>


Hey! Make sure you're using the version. I don't know exactly what this issue is, but I think you might not have the newest version of WW installed.


Ok thank you


Just want to thank you for all this great work, me and my girlfriend are really enjoying it! Any new builds coming up soon?


Nothing to report or complain about, just wanted to pop in and say you're doing fantastic work and I'm so hyped to finally be able to support this awesome project!


Hey! Thank you, I really appreciate that! :) Yes, I always want to have a build out before the month ends.


Hey this error popped up when I loaded my household: <a href="https://pastebin.com/st7qtyQT" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/st7qtyQT</a>


does it work for mac?


Hey, my sim is now suddenly unable to get pregnant via sex... I have it on simple mode - 100% pregnancy chance settings for sims and NPC's and always vaginal or climax animation. I'm not getting the pregnancy notification anymore and the option to test for pregnancy isn't appearing after sex. It was working fine earlier today and I haven't changed anything since. Any help appreciated, I really don't want to go back to "try for a baby"!!


Hey, so, this has popped up while playing: <a href="https://pastebin.com/a2QZd99Z" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/a2QZd99Z</a> And I was wondering if this like did any changes to pet pregnancy (?), because my cats been in labour for days when it supposed to be a few "game hours" but I only installed this mod and MC CC, so I'm not sure?


Hey! You're using outdated CC double beds. You need to either remove them, update them, or fix them by using Sims4Studio.


Hey! Well, that sounds worrying. It could be that your Sim is already pregnant, but you can't see it. You can try enabling testincheats and using the "pregnancy.clear" command. Try starting a pregnancy then.


Hey! It doesn't seem to be related. There are some issues with the Sauce Pot and the Frying Pan object. It could be just a glitchy game or not enough space in the kitchen. Other than that, I don't see anything else being wrong.


In the removing outfit options, it seems to recognize Accessory as a wrong part. remove head Accessory is keep pop up without hair accessory and it removing custom hair, and if i use the right hand accessory and try to remove in game with WW remove accessory (some jackets and coat thing using that part.) it didn't work.


Hey. Since updating I'm having a problem where my male sims penises are green. I'm trying to figure out what is causing them to glitch like that :/


Small detail I noticed it while on the menstruation setting. On the "On period" moodlet it says that the "ovaries are shedding" which is not true. It is Uterus that sheds.


First, thank you for your hard work on this great mod... just one question... does WickedWhims work if I haven't updated my game to Cats &amp; Dogs, or do I have to use an older version?


Hey! Everything seems to be working in order. WickedWhims uses the in-game tagging. Your issue seems to be on the side of content creators tagging the outfits as different types of accessories. This is generally done to allow combining different clothing by cheating its actual body part. I can't do anything about that, you just need to know what to not undress.


Hey! Using unsupported skin tones will cause that. You need to remove any skin tone overrides for the penis texture to be displayed correctly.


I hate these descriptions so much... they took me like a month to write, with help of many people, and they still suck and are wrong. I don't even want to touch it anymore. But thank you, I will try to fix this when I'm brave enough.


I'm amazed how quickly you make everything work again every time, Turbo! Kudos! I have a small issue though, and haven't seen it in the comments yet. Whenever I upgrade naturism to exhibitionism (which weirdly is purchasable before naturism hits level 3) the skill "exhibitionism" disappears from the skills tab. It shows up briefly after I buy the trait, but once I close the skills tab and open it again it's gone. And I don't have any mods that add or temper with skills. Any hints? :)


I saw this same behavior as well, with at least two different sims.

Simmin Nikki

My game is crashing every time I save how do I send you the lastexception report? I have removed mods from other reports, but I can't figure this one out.


Hi, is this the most recent version of WickedWhims?


Hey! Crashing is a pretty severe issue and it generally is not caused by mods like WW or MCCC. You can read about that more here: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/help</a> And this is how you report errors: <a href="http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wickedwhims.tumblr.com/exception</a>


so I have taken out every skin possible and the penis is still green but good news is it appears to not float anymore, please help


Hi what is in your skin tone file and can I install it with the Eve Body mesh and cmars nipple download ? Or will it mess it up?


Do you have other penis mods installed? They generally include skin tones with them, have you removed them?


Hey! Skin tones are just colors for the Sim skin, no matter what custom skin you're using, they are unrelated. Nothing should break.


Oh ok lol 😂😂