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More foundation for sex autonomy is now in place! There is still quite a lot to do in terms for NPC Sims recognizing the current situation, location, and relations, but that is already the next step to work on.

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  • Added support for exclusive NPC sex interaction
  • Added ability to start NPC sex interactions
    • Unlocked with 'ww.manualnpcsex' command
    • Added setting for NPC sex interaction duration (by default 3 minutes)
    • NPC Sims will try to end the sex interaction after set time in settings or after climax if possible
Support for exclusive NPC sex is the first step to sex autonomy. NPC Sims need to be able to continue and end sex on their own, and this update makes it so. For testing purposes, I had to add ways to initiate NPC sex and now these ways are available to you.

After using the 'ww.manualnpcsex' command you will be able to start NPC sex anywhere you want with any Sim around the clicked position/object. Currently, Sims will follow the general rules so you might need to enable 'Always Accept' setting if you want to use this. There is one new setting for the NPC sex duration that is independent of the normal sex duration. You can change the position, apply cum, undress and stop the sex interaction.
  • Made sex interaction animations not stage to climax if it's not available yet
  • Made sex interaction animations progression allow climax
Animations designed to stage to climax will now avoid it if Sims in the sex interaction aren't ready for it yet. In addition, if Sims are ready, the sex interaction will be able to progress to climax on its own.
  • Improved sex interaction animations progression
    • Teasing -> Handjob/Footjob -> Oraljob
    • Oraljob -> Vaginal/Anal/Climax
    • Vaginal/Anal -> Oraljob/Vaginal/Anal/Climax
    • Climax (if can progress after climax) -> Handjob/Oraljob/Vaginal/Anal
Every sex progression setting follows these basic rules. Progression to the next sex category is random which means that the next animation doesn't always have to be a different sex category, but it will always follow the order presented above.
  • Fixed Sims not always leaving after reacting to sex
  • Fixed Sims fighting privacy rules when going to the sex location

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Patrick Poulsen

installed newest version..... new options are available in the settings.... but they are blank...no words to tell us what they say.... opened one and it had a 3 that was changeable.


You might have two versions of the mod installed at once, some weird translation installed or bug with the game that requires some fixing: <a href="http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4/OPEN-Codes-instead-of-text-Blank-text-and-bubbles/m-p/4213308/highlight/true" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4/OPEN-Codes-instead-of-text-Blank-text-and-bubbles/m-p/4213308/highlight/true</a>#M27260


edit: things appear to be working smoothly after fiddling with settings


it seems the three minute limit is ideal when choosing random animations and climax settings are ideal when choosing specific animation progressions, i had one instance where a random animation made no progress on climax only ending settings and I had to manually cancel the sex


The ending setting doesn't matter, NPC Sims will ignore it. NPC exclusive sex interaction will always end with a time limit, but they will attempt to choose a climax animation as the last one if possible.

Ottena Rowe

<a href="https://pastebin.com/mpAUS1C7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/mpAUS1C7</a> my game keeps crashing after i hire a repar tech. im not getting a lastException notice just a the sims 4 has stopped working, i havent had that in like a year now. not sure what is going on i know its just a crash report i was hoping you could help me? i took out my mods folder then repaired the game and put the mods folder back in and its still crashing, im wondering if its my household im playing? i havent played them in a long time. im trying to read the code so i can figure out what cc or mod is making it crash so i dont have to bother you with this .


This is really happening!! I can't get over the thrill of having 5 strippers dancing at the same time on their own stripper poles ... with a packed club!! amazing work!! can't wait to see what else is coming. :)


my game keeps crashing omg :/


Crash reports are useless, there is nothing in them that will help. Using the repair option is almost as useless to fix problems. Just pointing these out for future reference. Crashes generally happen immediately once the issue occurs. CAS clothing or anything that can appear on the screen is the most common reason for crashes. An example would be the repair man you mentioned. Maybe you have a mod that changes his clothing or the tools he uses. There is not much else I can do to help. I explained crash reasons a little bit more here: <a href="http://www.loverslab.com/topic/77386-wickedwhims-help-center/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.loverslab.com/topic/77386-wickedwhims-help-center/</a>

Ottena Rowe

Awesome thank you so much turbodriver! I will go and read the link . From now on I will go to the help center first thank you I didn't know you had one


Thank you installed it. It's working great.


Hello I can not find the command WW Manualnpcsex in the game and I do not know how to make the NPC have sex. Can explain how to use the new functions. Thank you


Hey! In-game you open up the game console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C and then type in 'ww.manualnpcsex'. You should get a text saying it's enabled. If you have not got the text then you either entered the command wrong or you have not updated the mod. Once it's enabled you start the sex by using the 'NPC Sex' interaction after clicking on the ground or objects.


Thank you very much for the answer.I like what you do and your mod brings a little spice to The Sims game. :)


Making sex clubs is becoming more and more possible :D


man, i love this Feature so much, thank you for adding it Turbo! It works perfectly fine. However, if you could make us apply cum to npcs manually as well it would be even better.


You can but the NPC Sims have to be ready to climax which is different from them. Their climax is unlocked 25 seconds before the end of the interaction. I guess this might need a little tweaking.


Turbo bro this is amazing thank you

Patrick Poulsen

awesome update...finally got it working right..... would it be possible to add a termination option for the player if he gets an npc pregnant and doesn't want the pregnancy?? without having to actually play that npc and have them terminate the pregnancy..... something like click on the npc and one of the options be ' pay to terminate pregnancy' ...just curious...thanks


I guess you reminded me to disallow pregnancy for NPC Sims for now. I would prefer to make it work differently to avoid issues like that. I will think about something for the next release. Thanks.

Jean G.

Wait, strip clubs!? Where did those come from? :o

Patrick Poulsen

The game already has that in place... you cant overload the world... max is 8 sims per household/per residential lot.... ive had sex...on 100% pregnancy...with sims/npc and they will not get pregnant.... same with a not in world sim.... if their are 8 in the household... they will not get pregnant

Patrick Poulsen

As far as NPCs right to choose... do it like the pregnancy... you have a xx% (set by player) the NPC is on birth control.... something like that???

Patrick Poulsen

before I restarted... if you looked at my sims simology...he had over 200 offspring... yes I was a horny bastard...lol.... incestuous and all.... just kept moving sims to households that had less than 8 and/or not in world.... definitely got crazy with the cell phone.... because every kid you have is an automatic friend...... so that friends list was a mile long....lol...... the only issues I saw from having that many offspring was that after a certain of offspring it stopped showing a picture of them on the simology and just showed a dash mark representing that its a sim.... in all...love the Mods...keep up the good work


Hello, I have a small problem. The "multisurfaced" does not seem to have been fixed for the sim that is being controlled. On the other hand, the "multisurfaced" works on the NPCs. I mean for the sessions that we throw on the ground floor for an animation on the second floor for example. I saw him in a bar in Windenburg. I launched animation for NPCs on the top floor, and when I wanted to join them with my sim, she could not find the way to join them.


Hey! I can't seem to get that to happen. I got two NPC Sims to start an interaction on the first floor. I got my active Sim that is on the ground floor below them. I click on one of the NPC Sims and joined them without any problems. Is that what are you talking about?


How about, an option for the satellite dish when you do neighborhood hive main, Angry, Dance Party Etc....One that makes everyone in the lot/neighborhood do a woohoo. /hivemind/orgy!


Or, even work in some Mind control for woohoo on the simrays/vampire powers.


I just starting playing Sims 4 again, and restarted my Patreon support just to check out the NPC addition. It's awesome!! This is what I had been waiting for! You never fail to amaze. Thank you so much for your excellent work and innovation. The other additions/improvements since last I played last are pretty incredible too. So excited for autonomy! Woo!