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Hey ladies and gentleman. We are rapidly approaching the end of the month so I thought I would pitch to you an idea that I had. I thought I might make a $5 tier that is allowed to vote on a poll I would hold each month. The poll would just be a list of characters and people would vote on which one they would like to see drawn. It would be characters of my choosing and the picture would be whatever I could think of for that character. The two purposes of this would be 1. Helping motivate me to be more excited about art, since lately I have been losing my fire and passion for it. And it has become more of a chore or an obligation, and not a very profitable one considering all of the alternative ways I could be using that very large amount of time.
But 2. It would allow you patrons to have at least some level of control on what you would see each month. If it goes well I might even allow people to suggest characters to be added, or select the top 2 winners instead of just the #1 winner.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, let me know what you think in the comments, and have a lovely day.


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