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Just a little reminder since we have a few new patrons that commissions open on the 1st of almost every month. And you can check the link in the pinned post for commission details. Also a reminder to anyone in one of the commission discount tiers, please give me your info before the 20th of the month!

And lastly I wanted some insight from you all on a few things.

1. I am considering opening up sketch commissions, they would probably be $15 or $20 and then the price would be adjusted based on details and complexity. The advantage over a YCH would be that you could choose the pose and proportions yourself. Is that something you all think people would be interested in?

2. Interest in commissions has really dried up in the last few months, and I know that the world is going through some tribulations at the moment, but I wonder if there is something I can do to encourage people to order art. And since all of you are kind enough to donate monthly, many of you without even receiving a reward for your patronage, I thought you might have some ideas to this.

I hope you all have a fantastic day!



I'll make sure to message you when I'm off work for details what kind of info do you need exactly? Sorry for not sending it sooner I've been busy


You can read the commission details for specifics. I would recommend it, I might miss something.


The downside to that is that I am not good with idea generation. It's why I take commissions. And my personal pictures usually do MUCH worse than my commissioned pictures. So people don't seem to like my ideas.


Unfortunately I have no attraction to any of those characters.


I'm not super into comics, again requires alot of idea generation. I was really proud of the one comic I did but people didn't really like it so clearly I don't know what people want. I thought it'd do great, pokemon, hypnosis, diaper messing. People comm all of those things all the time. But nope it did pretty poorly.


The only real metric I have for the popularity of an image is how many views and likes it gets on various websites. This is somewhat random on twitter because it depends if a more popular artist such as RFSwitched reposts it. But on pixiv it is more concrete and consistent because there is no celebrity reposting.


Not really more than the average picture. It did pretty okay on pixie.


I have no urge to do another comic at the moment.


So here are my thoughts. 1. I like the idea of a $15 tier that lets you get a sketch of a character with no background, and can be upgraded to a complete picture. But the only problem with that is outfit and diaper designs, which is why I have custom pricings on my pictures. Because one person might order something very simple, while another may order something involving perspective, or a really frilly outfit, or a design on the diaper that takes a great deal of time. This is why I've never really been able to do the "one-size-fits-all" approach that many artists do. But perhaps incentivising supporting on patreon with a free alt might be an idea. The difficulty would be if they ask for a very complicated alt and then cry hypocrisy when I say it's too much. That would be my only fear. 2. The main problem with this is that I am really bad at coming up with ideas. I would love to do a themed poll each month, but I am terrible at coming up with themes or creative poses. Otherwise I would have 50 YCH poses by now. But giving a sort of discount on a winning character is a good idea. As well as a free alt for $5 supporters, though I question why they wouldn't just commission at that point. Patreon would feel like an unnecessary step. 3. When it comes to meme poses I have no qualms adding them to the YCH stack, but during both surgers of the Jacko pose and leg hold pose I was quite busy and didn't really have the time to do anything with them. But I try to add poses to the YCH stack whenever I can think of one. Overall thanks for the input, I will take it into account in the future.