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Hello everyone! This poll's focus is of inanimates for the next 4 page comic that I'll be doing, so please pick wisely your favorite option : D

The next month we'll continue with the poll focused on characters, so if you'd like you can suggest characters and tf's for the next poll!

1: Mannequin: Crime never pays! Or at least that's what they say... shame this petty shoplifter had never really listened! Unluckily for him, however, this new shop in town he had opted to steal from this week would be teaching him the hard way this lesson! Working to pay for it shouldn't be that bad in the end now though, should it...? They even say they have the perfect "position" for unexperienced people like him!

2: Venus Statuette: Digging at a recently unearthed prehistoric cave, an archaeologist runs across the discovery of a lifetime: a massive, 1.5 meters tall Venus statuette, authentic to the period! But, as he accidentally knocks it over and breaks what was to be his career's prize achievement, he soon finds himself in a much more intricate scenario than initially anticipated... though, I guess replacing it himself still counts as an achievement, doesn't it?

3: Sexdoll: A bold, daring investigative reporter breaks into the local sex doll factory, the opportunity to rise to fame supposedly waiting there for him! It wasn't, after all, everyday that you'd hear such a wild rumor regarding the place... like, c'mon, a sex toy factory behind a recent string of disappearances in an area? Priceless!! And, if it really was true, only God knows how much he could get off the situation! Unluckily for him, however, he would be getting the proof he needed in quite the unexpected way, seeing himself face the exact same fate all those other people had before...

4: Succplant: Gardening's never an easy job! Or at least it isn't yet, with all the hard, intensive care natural plants for as little as staying alive... if only there was a way to make them more resilient, independent, easy to care for... it was exactly that a single brave researcher had in mind, tinkering within his lab with attempts at altering your simple Pitcher plant into an autonomous, easy to care house plant! Unluckily for him, however, his one small laboratory mishap would come with quite the consequences for him, as, without him even realizing at first, he had just inserted himself into his research in a way more direct way than he could ever have anticipated!

5: Pooltoy: Summer! The perfect time of the year for sunbathing, swimming, and, of course, getting a part-time job! And what an opportunity! The local waterpark seems to have opened a new position for a Lifeguard just in time! A perfect way to mix in all three together! Or so you'd be mistaken for believing, were you not to read the fine print in the contract... but whatever, it's not like floats can't swim under the sun either!!

6: Plushie: Getting a gift for your significant other can often be hard... a pair of shoes here, a dress there, all shops presenting equally good options, yet no particularly interesting solution! It was exactly this our little lovebird was looking today, searching far and wide for a gift to his girlfriend... that is, until they happened to run into the perfect choice: a customizable plushie shop, with everything from clothes and different species to inbetween! Knowing his partner, he lost no time before going in, a bear design already in mind, perfect for her! What he hadn't realized yet, however, was that his gift would really have way more of him in it than he could ever think... 


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