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Hi guys! hope you all are well! 

Important Notice🥸

First of all if you haven't heard about the malware that has been circulating the sims4 community yet please head to here and learn about it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/malware-and-98133905 This malware has been discovered in files that were uploaded to The Sims Resource, Mod The Sims, LoversLab and CurseForge. So please, be careful when you download any cc or mods from anywhere from now on. I highly recommend that you download TwistedMexi's ModGuard in the meantime to protect yourself: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98126153 our community is being targeted by a malicious individual who has been impersonating and hacking creators to spread this malware. I am not part of this ongoing investigation, so if you would like to stay updated you can head to scarlet's website https://scarletsrealm.com/malware-mod-information/ or the SimsAfterDark Discord: https://discord.gg/simsafterdark 

Modding Diary 

 let me show you what I have been working on this week:😙

I finished the "Wipe Forehead/Show Support" animation and here is what it looks like:

partner sim will stand next to the birthing sim

and they will sit down on the bed

and put their right hand on the pregnant sims belly and share a few words with them

they will then take out a cloth and wipe the birthing sim's forehead

they will then put their left hand on the birthing sim's face and let out a sigh; they are sad that they can't do more

they will then stand up and give the birthing sim a kiss on the forehead

and that is the interaction 😊

Im glad that I was able to finish the animation this week, next week I will be working on the moodlet, then I will start working on the Lamaze classes, which I am very excited about! Im going to do some testing and see if it's possible to make it so that its not a rabbit hole. I suppose sims could use the gym to host their classes 🤔 but Im most worried about whether I can get other NPC participants to follow the instructions and participate instead of running off and doing their own thing, since the autonomy in the game makes it really hard for sims to perform the interaction at the same time. I will have some thinking to do. If it doesn't workout I will just have to do a rabbit hole and make it so that your sims can practice what they learned at home. Wish me luck!

I hope you all have a  fantastic weekend! 😊




Wow! This is so neat!


Good luck! Do you plan to release the full update when the class is done or release the interaction/potential to faint updates earlier? My current gen ended up with an oopsie baby 🙎‍♀️, and I am trying to decide if I want to flip to writing up LP episodes while mom is still in 3rd tri or plow through to the babies birth before I switch over to my writing phase (I play for about a week then flip to writing up the gameplay for the LP, over and over...). If you are close to that fainting release I will wait on the birth and start writing 😁, if not I will keep going. Obviously whatever you've planned is fine, just figured I would ask. Thanks!