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Hi guys! I hope you all are well!

This week I finalized the "check baby bump" interaction. Sims can now rest their hands on their stomach without clipping. However if they are wearing thick clothes you will still see some clipping, that's just a limitation with the game . 💀

I also made some moodlets for this interaction, there are a total of 9 happy moodlets (3 for each trimester) for regular sims (or sims who want the pregnancy using RPO), and 3 sad moodlets (1 for each trimester) for sims who have the "hates children" trait (or sims who have an unwanted pregnancy using RPO)

here's the happy moodlet for the first trimester (I realized I was missing a "s" in miraculous while I was taking the screenshot 💀)

second trimester 

third trimester

and I also started working on a new couple's interaction that allows the romantic partner to hug the pregnant sim from behind, frankly I still don't know what to call this interaction yet (Hug from behind?? Feel belly??), if you have any ideas please leave a comment below, this is still a very early work in progress, so I only have 3 pictures for you where my sims don't look completely ridiculous 😅

I should be able to finish this animation by next week, and I will have better pictures for you by then.

I also want to make an interaction that allows pregnant couple to read to their unborn child in bed, I think that would be pretty cute. 

I want to hear what other early pregnancy interaction you guys want to see! A lot of people have been asking for an interaction that allows children or even toddlers to feel the baby bump, which is definitely something I can do for this update. But feel free to throw more ideas at me! I absolutely love making these animations 😆, so please, give me more ideas!




Toddlers could maybe be able to show pictures they made to the belly? Toddlers do not realise yet the baby will not see it but want to interact ... they could tell stories and sing to the belly ... show their toys .... Children could talk to the belly and sing to it ... maybe draw on the belly?


Just a couple ideas lol, I had a female sim not want the pregnancy and was sad the whole time. The dad wanted the pregnancy and was happy the whole time. What if the dad wants to do that pregnancy hug, sit in bed and read to baby or want to play music to the baby and the other sim refuses. That would give both sims a negative moodlet. 1. Parent who wants the child - Z is disappointed they aren’t allowed to experience the joys of pregnancy and can’t interact with belly/baby OR X is disappointed they are the only one interacting with baby and feel scared and alone. 2. The mommy who doesn’t want the baby could get mad by the spouse trying to interact with the belly OR the spouse who doesn’t want the baby get mad because they keep getting asked to interact. This could add to the body image while pregnant. X is worried they will have a lot of stretch marks or won’t be happy with their self because they now have a huge belly. The sim could come to this realization while checking out the belly in the mirror. They can get the worried or sad moodlet that comes in the beginning of each trimester only if they checked out their belly and maybe a couple hours after birth. Z sim could interact with X sims during this moment or In both instances, the spouse would either A. Also Have a positive moodlet after touching the belly “Z thinks it’s miraculous watching the belly grow…. Or Z. Is scared by watching X belly grow. It would also be nice to add children and toddlers to the mix. Z. wants to read/touch or talk to belly but Mom gets mad and they both get a negative moodlet. I think that would be a great add on since we already have the negative and positive pregnancy moodlets from RPO.


It would be so cute if you made an animation of the dad talking to the belly!

Finja 80

First of all I would like to apologize. I'm writing this with google translator as I'm not that good at English. Wow, this hard work is amazing. I haven't seen many people here on Patreon who deserve the support as much as you do. I am so incredibly in love with your mod and all the extensions. :) I might have an idea for an animation. If it's stupid, just ignore it. ;) When the Simin is in the bathtub, she also strokes her stomach. that doesn't have to result in a moddlet again, but just caress your stomach in a thoughtful and loving way. My kids used to hiccup in the tub. :D I always thought that was funny and never bathed as often as I did during pregnancy. Or maybe an animation of the pregnant woman sitting on the sofa, a child or toddler coming up, sitting next to her and then laying her head on her stomach and stroking it with her hand. But that's too hard, isn't it? Greetings Miria

Jazmin Williams

Oh I love this! I'm so excited for the next update! I think people talking to the belly would be great like partner or child. I don't know if it's possible but maybe snoozing on the couch with a pet or a pet interaction somehow? My family has always had pets and they've always known if someone was pregnant!


Maybe a strange idea, but maybe the mom put headphones on her belly so the baby can listen to music? My aunt used to do that when she was pregnant and she said the babies loved it. Don't know if that's possible though.

xm_i_a x

I've always wondered if maybe the baby movement isn't spurred by pleasure as much as it is from shock and maybe fear =x


Unfortunately I don't have the birth settings. I don't have any other mods in my game. Do you have an idea what the problem could be?


For the new couple interaction I think "Embrace Baby or Baby Bump" is a good name suggestion


I think the thing where the partner can help relieve back pain by holding the bump from behind might be cute


Random thought I had with a Sim in labor. If it isn't too frustrating, is it possible to add the breathing exercises to couches, chairs, and standing? Or laboring in the tub/shower (that may already be a feature, lol I always have my laboring sims relaxing with the body shop mod) I have my Sim laboring around the house, and I try to switch up her locations and dilation speed without walking around.


Sorry, last thing. I usually have my sims stay home for a few hours after they start labor, even if they're doing a hospital birth. Does dilation start at the start of "labor," or once they arrive at the hospital?


Would love an interaction for toddlers to take a nap with the pregnant sims on the sofa and the toddlers head can rest on the baby bump


OMG OMG <3 I've been dying for these type of interactions.

Daenerys July Queen

a device that can let you listen to the baby heart beat at home


It will be nice to make a belly mask with partner or family member. Gender reveal party when you can ask people what they think the gender is. a gender reveal animation with balloons or fireworks and a cake. Also when I was pregnant I use to rub my belly a lot so maybe an animation when you can rub the belly anytime and have different moodlets. Also it will be nice if the kids or partner can talk to the belly and sing to it and also for the child it will be nice too if they can rub the belly. If it’s possible it will be cool to be able to take vitamins like if your iron is low for example and always get told at the ultra sound what vitamins you are lacking. Also it will be nice on the phone to have a pregnancy app to tack your pregnancy. Also a get together with other pregnant women who you can ask questions and exchange advice. Also it will be nice to have morning sickness still while pregnant and while she’s puking the partner can come in and rub her back. Idk if it’s possible but it will be nice if you can request something from the partner like food or water and they make it. Ooo and pregnancy cravings that’s all lol!!!


sorry i’m late to the party! couple thoughts — would absolutely love to see any pregnancy-related idle animations, or a better pregnancy walk style (like holding the bump occasionally)? if either are possible. it feels kind of odd that sims don’t really acknowledge baby autonomously outside of specific actions. second others here that talking to baby would be awesome, i miss that from sims 3! could be both individual and as a couple, friends or whoever.


Hello pandasama, sorry my english is so bad i use the translator. Maybe you could insert an animation to give the pregnancy test as a gift. to announce it. thanks i love your mod


Dear Pandasama, that might seem a little old but more birth animations would be incredible! Or maybe birth complications in the hospital.


Would it be possible to add more pregnancy symptoms and make them different per trimester?


I have that one... I am just hoping for more especially ones that change up randomly with each pregnancy like RL.


Twin and tripplet animations for the home and the waterbirth plsss


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