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Hi guys! Hope you all are well 😍

Im so excited to show you what I have been working on this week

picking up from where we left off last week, the partner sim pulls the baby out 

and the birthing sim help will help lifting the baby

both are overjoyed by the birth of their new baby

and they share a kiss

the partner sim boop the baby on the nose lol

when I was ready to wrap up the animation I suddenly thought "wouldnt it be cute if the partner gets to hold the baby too?" 😚

so I made the birthing sim hand the baby over to the partner 

the birthing sim rests their head on their partner's shoulder, I imagine they are exhausted after giving birth

and that's the whole animation. 

I know I complain about how animation is so time consuming lol, but everything becomes worth it the moment I see my animation in game. Seeing my sims sharing a special moment like this feels like magic to me, and I can't wait to share it with you all! 🥺

Next week I will clean up the animation, add the sound effect, and start working on the dilation system for when the sim is at home 

Here are some things that still need to be worked on before this mod can be released:

🔸make interactions such as breathing exercise and dilation check, taking a walk and swaying available at home.

🔸make an interaction that allows the birthing sim and their partner to sit in the birth pool together as a way to reduce contraction pain and speed up dilation

🔸make an interaction that allows the midwife to check on the birthing sim using a stethoscope

🔸??? what are some other things you would like to see for this release?

An estimate I can give on when this mod will be released would be either Mid September or Early October. I know the wait is long and painful, but I hope it will be worth it at the end. 

I hope you all like what you see! Once again thank you for your support! I hope you all have a great weekend! 💞






I’ve already replied to your message yesterday, but here’s the link again https://www.patreon.com/posts/childbirth-mod-80538886

KeeRed Games

Superb job with this!


This is fantastic!! Good job <3 I saw someone else mention platonic birthing partners, i hope there'll be a version for them too!! The one we have for romantic partners is adorable. Will the pillows go invisible or something so they work with any bedspread? Thank you so much for your hard work, this makes me want to get all my sims to have babies ❤️❤️


I love this and cannot WAIT !!! I've been wanting natural home births for so long now


WOW amazing !


you are a beast!!! thats all i can say! amazing.


Wow! So excited about this!!


Will you in the future be doing twins and triplets for the home birth?


Looking amazing so far! I've been in love with this mod, and I don't know how I was ever able to play without it 😂. Some of the things I would love to see in the future would be Decades Challenge support. Like a toggle switch in the phone. This could add adjustable mortality rates for mothers and babies, (only if the switch is switched on) which would make this mod amazing for that challenge! I would also like to see an option for sims to deliver alone or on the floor, which could open up a whole new world for storytelling! But seriously, you are doing amazing so far, and I'm super excited for this to come out! <3


These animations are PERFECTION! Would it be possible to make the pregnant sim still look bloated/pregnant during the animation, until after the baby is out, or even until the animation is completely over? Sim's default of instantly going back to super skinny after you've had a baby is :').


This is a mod I will use in my game forever 🥰🥰


They already have an option with the mod that causes the sims to gain weight after they have given birth. It should be automatically turned on when you download the mod


Is there a way to remove the blur box so the animation looks like this?