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Hi guys! 

I hope you all had a good week. 

As promised, this week I started working on the bed birth animation, and Im very happy with how everything turned out so far.

please note you will see some clippings between the sims hands and their stomach in the images Im posting today, this is because i haven't add IK yet (inverse kinematics, something that helps the sim know where to put their hands in relation to their body), but it will be added sometimes next week. 

so when the interaction starts both sims will make their way to the birth pillow/bed

the pregnant sim will lie down

the partner sim will hold the pregnant sim's hand and try to encourage them

the partner sim will give them a kiss on the forehead 

the pregnant sim will switch position and be on all fours, because the baby is coming

they will hang on to each other and give it a few more push

and finally the baby will come out 

and this is what I have so far. 

obviously the pregnant sim will give birth with their lower half exposed, i just haven't gotten to that part yet. 

I initially planned on making the pregnant sim face the other way when being on all fours, but a few people commented they would really like to see the pregnant sim help pulling the baby out, I thought its a good idea and making them face the partner sim adds more intimacy to the whole thing. 

Next week I will work on the skin-to-skin contact animation which I can't wait. It's going to be so sweet seeing them cuddle up in bed with their newborn. 😆

as always, thank you all very much for your patience and your kind encouragement 💖💖 i hope you all are having a great weekend! 




Omg panadasama just got done reading all your updates you are sooo talented and I cannot wait for the homebirth update. The water birth looks amazing and now birth on the bed with help of the birthing partner this is going to be soo amazing. Thanks so much for your hard work.


Increíble c:


Question, can only the partner deliver the baby?


So exciting! Can't wait until this is done. Thank you for working so hard. I love following your updates! You're amazing


Okay thanks for getting back to me! Do you think this will ever change?

Patrick Meakins

will this mod also get the phone revamp i cant call the people to choose if i want a natral birth or csection since latest phone update


How will this birth work if there is no birth partner? Just curious


how do i download this mod


Hi When will be released this mods


cant wait for this hopefully very soon :)


so cool