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Hi Guys! 

Hope you all had a great week! 

My week was relatively good, I went through the majority of my week without running into any weird bugs but as always I wish  I could get more work done, I dont have enough hours in a day 🥴

This week I finalized the epidural animation and created the epidural related buffs and interactions. 

When you sim arrive at the hospital, you can click on an obstetrician and "Ask for Epidural" 

you will get this notification

after short wait the obstetrician will come over to your hospital bed and give you the epidural injection 

after this interaction you will see tape  (i hope this looks like tape, I tried ) and a small epidural catheter on your sims back. this is an indication that your sim has received epidural.

the epidural has a success rate of 80%. So it doesn't work 100 percent of the time. 

if an epidural were to fail your sim will get this buff 

you can then click on an obstetrician again to "Ask to Replace Epidural"

you will then see this notification

and the obstetrician will inject the epidural again. 

if the epidural is placed successfully you will see this buff, which lasts 30 minutes,

then it will be replaced by this buff

I also added a weight gain system at the end of the birth so that your sim will be slightly heavier than they were before giving birth. here is a comparison photo. I didnt want the difference to be too dramatic so I hope this looks good to you guys. 

I really want to finish up the natural birth within next week so that I can get started with c section as soon as I can. I still have to do the dilation system and the "check for dilation" interaction+animation, as well as some social interactions. 

Once again thank you all for your kind comments and your encouragement 🥺 you guys are literally my motivation and I really hope this mod will meet your expectations! 




Vraiment super merci pandasama j'adore vos mods je ne peux même plus jouer sans ! Mdr jai vraiment hate de découvrir ce mod quand il sera terminer encore merci pour tous ce que vous faite


This looks to be one of my must have mods! You have my full respect in this huge project. It looks incredible! ❤️ The slight weight gain, is absolutely brilliant, it's a natural reaction after birth, also that your hips gets slightly wider. A thumbs up for that. 👍👌Keep up your stunning work.


you are a genius! EA could use your talents, that's for sure.


This is amazing. I cant wait that ITS finnish


Pandasama, you are absolutely fantastic. Every time you post, I am in awe. And I am so looking forward to this mod. Don´t forget to enjoy some downtime too. No one can be creative and work hard nonstop. Take care and have a nice weekend.


Pandasama from the bottom of my heart thank you for making this game 1,000,000xs better for us<3


I so cannot wait for this mod. It is going to be amazing. Thank you so much for all the hard work you are doing x


I love the fact that I'm pregnant and at the same time you are working on this stunning mod, cant wait to try it out - thank you so much for your amazing work <3

Mhanou ^_^

Le Mod est au top et le travail fourni est IN CRO YA BLE ^^ Hâte de pouvoir enfin le tester. Bon courage.


I cannot wait !! till you're finished with the mod

Wendy Hubble

Holy cow. This mod is turning into something very complex. It looks great. I love all the details you've thought of.


I'm so excited! I think this is such a wonderful idea. Mod creators like you are the reason I still love the game!


This looks incredible! 🤩I’d been dying for a realistic birth mod for years! Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to make this so detailed 🙏 Also, I love the idea of the sim gaining weight after birth, but is it possible for the weight gain to be gradual over a period of time after the birth or optional?


Hi there! I just got here. Your work is so freaking amazing! <3 I'm blown away by it. Keep up the good work!


im in love with this when is it going to be ready


I can’t wait to play this mod.


OMG I LOVE that you included the chance of it not working, not only that, but that only half the side is numb and the other isn't!! This was my real-life experience with my last child and it was not a good thing! But it makes it that much more realistic to thank you soooo much for all the seemingly little things because they, in fact, can be real-life experiences. This makes me personally feel included in ways I thought I was totally alone in! My oldest and I are so ecstatic for this mod! I can't thank you enough! :) I wish I could have asked for a re-do! LOL


This is so awesome :)


I'm SOOOOOOO excited for this to come out, I'm bouncing in my chair.


Wow! Just Wow!!


Excited for this mod! Will you eventually add things like delivery complications, c-sections, still births, childbirth death?


honestly SOOOOOOOOO excited for this mod


ok its official you ARE AMAZING!! cant believe some of the things modders are capable of, its truley remarkable


im more excited over this than i am the wedding pack


wow this is seriously amazing. I find it so crazy that people are this talented and are able to whip up stuff like this!


Do you still have an estimated time frame for the release? The anticipation is killing me LOL


I can't wait ... lol


Im aiming for March 15 the latest. I know the wait is painful but im trying my best to work as fast as possible. 💟


Absolutely no worries! What you're doing is absolutely amazing, and I am just so excited for your release!


I can't wait too

Sheila Lobert

I would love to also see a little breast sag after birth if that is possible.

hobi's kobi

This is so exciting!


The tape/bandage and the small catheter on the back of the patient after the epidural looks good to me.