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Hi guys! hope you all are doing well! 

Sorry for being so quiet recently, I have a habit of keeping things to myself and find it hard talking about my life lol but I have been working on something exciting which I will explain later in this post. ❤

Earlier this week I made a really scary decision 😰 I handed in my 2 week notice at work and will be working full time making mods starting December . I've had this job since before I graduated college, I genuinely enjoyed working there, its hard saying goodbye to all the wonderful people there 😢but I know its a step I must take. 

As much as I loved doing graphic design, I love modding even more, I felt like I had to make a choice between the two because all my free time were spent modding for the past year and a half and it can be very exhausting😖. I barely have any time to relax and unwind, and I started to feel really burnt out.

Modding is really time consuming, I spend about 30 hours a week working on mods, that on top of a full time job just became too much 😓 and having to make animations for all my mods doesnt help either, I did the math and it turns out I can only make about 1.5 seconds for animation for every hour of work Lol sitting in front of the computer all day plus the stress really took a toll on my physical and mental health 😔

So starting in December I will have so much more time to mod and plenty of time for myself  which I am so excited about. Modding full time will mean I will have more time to create better animations, work on bigger projects, and release higher quality content. 😍 I have a huge list of things I want to make which I will post in a separate post.  Feel free to comment and add things you want to see as well in the comment section as well!

So as for what I have been up to, I got really burnt out last month after making the pinata and the jack-in-a-box 😩I couldnt bring myself to mod for a full week, and right after that I got my wisdom teeth🦷 pulled out and lost another precious weekend with a swollen head laying in bed. but Im finally starting to feel like myself again. I have been working on a highly requested item, here's a hint of what it is(it is toddler only, sorry babies) :

hmmm I wonder what it is 🧐

this is single-handedly the most complex object I've worked on, I didnt want to say anything earlier in the month because I actually wasn't sure if I could pull it off or not, I normally dont want share any news unless I am 99% sure I can make it (that 1% is reserved for my fear of a random bug that comes out of nowhere and destroy the whole mod lol), the last thing I want to do is get you guys' hopes up and not be able to deliver in the end 😨

and I think i made a new record on backup files 

I  can't believe I actually started working on this in September 😳

but I can say as of today everything is functional, now I I need to finish all the animations, add more swatches and do some finalization and testing. 

Im not really sure if I will be able to finish this off to release in November, if I dont I will add this to a small pack of objects Im planning for December and release all 4 objects at once. 

If you made it this far, thank you so much for your patience and your support! I will talk to you all soon!


Mendota Kelly

Good luck on your decision. We only have one life to live on this earth, and we should all seek out that which makes us happy. At the end of it all, no one says: "I wish I had worked more."


Monumental change can be scary and it can also bring new opportunities! So glad to be able to support your amazing mods and I can’t wait to see what fantastic things you’ll create, especially now that you’ll be in a space where burnout isn’t a constant threat to said creativity.


Higher quality you say??? That’s just not possible! Your creations are as good or a lot of times BETTER than the original content! You are amazing :-) now more quantity ok I can believe that but I’m very happy for you ;-)


Thank you so much for sharing a part of your journey with us. I’m very happy for you for making a decision that makes YOU happy :). I don’t see how your mods could get any better lol as they are already such high quality. I am so excited to see what you have in store though. I am very happy to be supporting you and your work as your mods really make such a big positive difference in my game.

Jen Greenhalgh

Wow wow wow! good for you!! and us! Your mods are my favorite and get used in pretty much every build.


A huge decision indeed! Congratulations for your courage. Your mods are fantastic and I wish you all the energy, mindset and that needed bit of luck to success in your plans. Looking very much forward to your work.


That's so awesome! I'm glad you are doing what you truly love. I look forward to seeing your future content. :)


I’m happy you take your own health first! I love your mods so much, but relax and take your time making it so your health don’t suffer from it. And amazing that you follow your heart with modding! I’m currently thinking myself about switching career completely haha


I'm so proud and happy for you! I too love your mods. Can't wait to see what you do, cause I will be here for it ALL.


You have to do what is best for you. Modding is your thing, and you do it very well. I love all your mods and can't wait to see what else you come up with!




Congrats on such a big step! Good luck :)


With your talent, I think you made the right choice. Good luck, Gob bless, and keep the mods coming.


God Bless and thank you for all you do :)

Doreena Clark

Congratulations!!! Huge decision, but you'll have so much more time for yourself! =D


I wish I could do the same ...I'm happy for you!


That's a big decision, congratulations!!


Congratulations panda! 🌹


Glückwunsch ich freue mich wenn für Babys etwas kommt


Congrats, I will continue to support you.


good luck hun and I can't wait to see what you do. Love your stuff. and if you feel this is the right thing to do go for it. and if for some reason you go back to doing something else that is fine too. Do you sweetheart and all will be good. lots of luck


That is wonderful!!! I'm so happy you're getting to do what you love full time!!! Praying for your success and continued growth in modding and I KNOW you're going to pump out some incredible things...you already do! I'm so excited for you and I will absolutely continue to support you and will happily increase my support level if you need! Hugs :)

Aelan Ryland

you can do it! I'm so excited for you.

Shamika Grant Bibbs

Omg im so happy for you and i guess it is a pack for early-stage toddlers


those file names are hilarious lol


Hope you're feeling better!

Sam D.

Working for yourself is such a shift- you will still need time off, don't forget! We're behind you!


I love when people are free to do what they really enjoy! We love your work and it is greatly appreciated :)


How's it going? We havent seen any new content in 5 months?


YOu havent put out any new contect in 5-6 months now. I thought we would be getting new contently regularly. I was a parton but ended my payment with no new content. So, I was asking, how is it going?


Maybe you should check my patreon post, the toddler stuff was released in December and the child birth mod was released in March which I have been updating constantly