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Hi guys! Hope you all had a wonderful week!

This week I continued to work on the active lamaze class. I am almost done!

Here is how it works:

Once your sim become pregnant they can click on their phone and select "Go To Lamaze Class"

it will take you to the hospital and you will place down this Lamaze class table and click on it to hire an instructor

an instructor will show up and walk into the room

Other class member will show up at this time as well

once you are ready, click on this instructor and select "start class"

sims will gather in front of the instructor and sit on the ground. I hate the fact that they all sit in the same spot, but its impossible to get them to spread out for some reason 😵‍💫

and instructor will teach the class

I wanted to do a guided couple's breathing session, but I couldn't get it to work 😔 for some reason only one couple would perform the couples breathing interaction and the rest would just walk away, I think it has something to do with how the game handles NPC autonomous interactions.

So the best I can do for now is just to have the teach the breathing techniques and have the sims listen.

this is what the animation looks like when they teach couples breathing, hopefully the animation makes sense

after taking this class your sim will be able to "practice breathing together" with their partner and they will be able to do this during active labor for pain management!

this is all I have this week! Next week I would like to clean up some loose ends, make the moodlets and hopefully wrap this up before the end of this month.

thank you all very much for your support! have a nice and relaxing weekend! 😉



Amie S.G

Una gran idea, a la larga se podria añadir un pediatra o sistema de ir a consultas para revisar, etc ... Asi completar la experiencia del mod sanitario. Amo tu mod !

Regan Seel

When will we be able to down load this