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Attached to this post is the Standard Version of the Career Mode Mod. Works with the latest title update.


Rafael Almeida

what is the difference between standard for Specialized Access Patrons and for Varied Access Patrons?


The difference between the two levels is that in the Specialized Access Patrons Tier you get access to the Mods in terms of the specific changes that they make to the game. For example, you can choose which Mod versions you want for different aspects of the Career Mode Mod such as Finances and Player Growth. You can mix them up and have Legendary Finances (Very Strict) and have Integrated-Intermediate Player Growth (Slightly Harder), more selection basically, even for the Gameplay Mod. For Varied Access Patrons Tier, you get to choose differentiated packaged versions of both the Career Mode and Gameplay Mod (Integrated-Intermediate and Legendary Mods). The Standard version of the Career Mode Mod includes most of the FIFA 22 changes of the Mod and excludes certain features such as more competitive league tables and some more slight features.