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This is a Mod that improves many aspects of the game to make it slower and smoother through changes to the animations and other aspects. Meant to be added on the already-made Gameplay Mods.

Changes made by the Mod:

-Player movements have been significantly adjusted to feel more smooth and slower, rather than choppy and quick.

-Max player sprint speed has been reduced.

-Acceleration speed has been reduced (for ALL player types).

-The ball of the speed when making passes has been reduced to match the first-day release of the game (FIFA 23) in terms

of how slow it initially was before being sped up through updates.

-Balance has more of an impact on player movements. Players will slip when making sudden and quick changes in direction depending on their

size, and dribbled players are more likely to fall (especially when they attempt a tackle.

-The impact of player collisions has been increased to complement the impact of balance on players. This means that players are more likely

to stumble when colliding with a stronger player.

-Increased error chances when making passes, touches, dribbles and shots (not a significant impact but noticeable in a few instances during a match,

especially when the player is under pressure.)

Other changes:

-Changed the way teams occupy the pitch. There is now more presence in the middle of the pitch and one-sided overloads of the pitch

have been increased (instances whereby the pitch is seemingly separated into two). This makes it harder to play out wide, especially when the

opponent is deep and good at applying pressure in their own half.

-Increased the referee's tolerance for fouls. This makes them less likely to hand out cards after a tackle (Still in testing, thus, not fully sure of effectivity).