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Holy crap, I finished a comic, I was beginning to forget what that was like. Reflection time!

Overall, I’m really happy with how it turned out. Back when I was starting, I remember getting really frustrated with how I was drawing her. Raven is my #1 goth waifu, so I really wanted to do her justice. I think once I dropped trying to be a perfectionist (like, 5 pages in) I started to find my groove.

About half way through I noticed some people getting kinda upset with Raven’s attitude. I remember people complaining she was overly bitchy, which is funny, because she was WAY worse in the first draft. But I kinda agreed, so at some point in the middle I reeled her in a bit. Grumpy characters are just fun to write and it’s easy to get carried away X D

The whole comic wound up being longer than I thought (surprise, surprise). I knew when I started I wanted to do something plot heavy, and I suspected it might be on the longer side. Same situation with Ice Breaker, but just…more. But it was a lot of fun to draw and I liked how it turned out, so I’m not complaining. In the future I might ease up with the plot heavy stuff. I love writing them, but I suspect it’s one of the reasons why these comics are so long.

But, yeah. I had a blast with this one, and I hope you guys did too. I’m going to compile the pages into a pdf and send them out as “Hot” tier rewards starting next June, so if you really want Acquired Taste as a hi res pdf, this will be the last month! Thanks for reading, everyone. I love that I got to share the process with all of you <3




Enough to make a grown man cry


Right love everything about it sad to see it end love to see a sequel and generally to see what is next


10/10 comic, loved every part of it!

benjamin chappell

Loved watching you make this idk whats in store for you next but i know you have a shit ton of ideas and i cant wait to see em


Absolutely amazing, so glad you finished, but now my greedy ass is already thinking about a potential sequel… eh, save that for another time far into the future. Let’s celebrate this achievement!


Ease up on the plot heavy stuff? Aw heck no, its the reason why i got into your patreon in the first place. I got so invested on how this comic would end, that i needed to pay to see it! But in all seriousness, i understand why you'd want to take a break and do some shorter ones. And you deserve the break, the comic was amazing! Kudos 🥳🥳


Now that is what I'd call a mind blowing orgasm!


Also gotta admit I'm proud of him had me worried but he pulled through.😊


Aww no aftermath for these two , but still holy crap it’s been awhile for ya huh. Congratulations dude you did great comic


Love the plot heavy stuff though!


I enjoyed this comic _immensely_. I think you handled the characters very well, though yes, the plot was a tad heavy it only means you had fun writing for them (it shows 😉). And as much as a prefer smut comics with huge tiddy and paizuri content, this comic _really_ had my attention because of how stylish and dynamic each scene was. Great read, easy fap! Now....I wonder how much it would cost to get Tara Strong and Greg Cipes to narrate this comic~ 😆😏


HE DID IT! This comic has definitely been something to look forward to over the weeks. Definitely gonna be sad to see these two go, but at least I have another one to look forward to eventually!


Fantastic job!


Congrats on finishing! I liked bitchy Raven so it's cool xD finding out what was going to happen in this story was the whole reason I signed up here so it's neat to see it complete.


I thought Raven was going to end up covered in cum all over her body, but seeing her with that expression on her face is worth everything. It was a Wonderful Comic!


Congrats on getting through this! It’s really good!!


Just picture them doing lots of reconstruction work. Also, thank you! Glad you liked it.


Tara!? First I got to do Starfire. Then Starfire and Raven. And then maybe Jinx.


Hey honestly, if you're making it I'll take any amount of plot. Just love the way you add to the personalities of these characters! ❤


You ended this series with a bang, and I wish nothing but the best for these 2 in the future! May they have kinky and loving sex for years to cum! Great work! Happy to have been a part of this comment section comedy show, for as long as I have!


Please tell me you’re giving this work a sequel. God knows we all want beast boy to rub ravens face in it- literally or otherwise. Raven. Her pride bruised, puts beast boy in his place- his face as her chair. She’s facesitting. Is what I’m getting at. I really wanna see that man beast thing and Raven going at it again. If not. How about cyborg. They had a connection in the series. Friendlier. Plus it would be a science vs magic deal- the guy has a literal vibrator for a dick.


Enjoyed this comic a lot, sad that it's ending but hey at least Starfire is next🙏


Glad I could be along for at least half the ride! I'm actually trying to do a comic myself so reading that was actually pretty informative!


So… are the other titans just dead?


this feels like when thanos wiped out half the universe, a grateful universe


He hung a necktie on the door so the other titans knew to stay out.