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I know some of you guys were expecting an update for the next page, but I was got so wrapped up in boards last night I just wanted to keep going! Here it is, good luck making any sense out of ot, lul. This could stand to be tightened up, so a lot of this is probably going to change. It's almost like it's not even spoilers! 




Storyboards are just as good. I love seeing the process behind someone’s mental processes


Honestly a part of me kinda wanna skip over the smexy scenes and get to the ending Cynthia seems to finally deserve


Lol those last few pages are epic amounts of sex. Can't wait to see! 🥰😋


Oh man you’ve thought up a lot👀


Aw hell yeah. I love the build up, cuz the climaxes always come out amazing.


Ah, but it won't be as satisfying without the sexy scenes. At least I hope so.


It's a lot of build up, but I'll try to make the climax worth it.


Oh wow!! I’d love if you kept the part where Cynthia and Melony kiss while his dick is out, and I assume that panel where Melony’s boob is in Cynthia’s face? Would be amazing with a milk edit!


This is the work I'm gladly paying for. Keep it up. I can't wait to see this in more detail.


Definitely made a lot of sense of these lol. Saw the few Melony sitting Lucas face panels. And I'm praying the gods you put them and give us a lil more of that lol


All I can promise is that there will me face in some fashion XD


Also I looked at these again and noticed the panels where Lucas has his hand on Cynthia’s breast, and she sucks his fingers - that would be super hot to keep in the comic 😳