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It's been a little over a year since I started my patreon, and it seems like a good time to do this. How do you think things are going? Do you guys have any complaints or suggestions on how I've been running things?  I want this thing to be the best it can be, so your feedback is important!


Scotty Boi

Your doing Great!


Hmm, nothing I could think of. Everything seems fine.

Jonathan Miller

Seriously the best run Patreon I follow. Frequent updates, fun interactions with Patrons, character votes, quality content. 12/10.


I’ve only been on for a month but so far I’m liking this if I had to pick something it would have to be that the complete comics are only available for a limited time but other than that everything is great!

Brendon Belletto

Naw you're doing amazing man 💗💗💗💗


More ass.


Can you upload the no speech bubble versions of pages on patreon. I forgot to download them from the link and now I'm missing a few.


I found your art online and saw the Link comic and knew at once I needed your patreon updates and have not regretted since, you update more than I expected and I love eagerly awaiting the finished comic page after seeing the sketch and line work


I've been loving how you run things for the most part, but there are two things I feel are worth addressing: One, due to how the app works, it's a bit cumbersome having to use thr browser version of said app to download the highest quality version of your art. There is a work-around by putting a small .jpeg or .png link that lets us download a higher quality version of your art. The second thing, and this is the big one, is the Patreon poll. The reason I bring it up is because the way the voting system for Round 1 is structured leads to lots, and I mean LOTS of repeat votes! You can click the link, vote, exit, then click the same link again to repeat the process! A bit chaotic, so here's a potential solution (which can also help against art scrapers and pirates): Make a Discord server for your voters (I'll DM you my username) and put in a voting channel where reacting to a vote with a certain emoji will be a vote cast for them. You can't repeat emojis, so it'll lead to more fair polls as a whole. Your Discord can serve quite a number of other functions too: A second home for your exclusive art, a place to put your public art, a way of giving access to monthly Dropbox folders, and even ways of letting your Patreons talk to each other via gaming channels, general chats, etc. Regardless of what you do for your account, I'll continue supporting your Patreon for as long as possible and have enjoyed my time so far! Thank you again for not only letting me support you, but for just being an overall good friend!


For the price you're serving your art at, is really next level, keep it up


Excellently run. Only request is more inverted nipples cause that's my fetish lmao. And seeing Melony this last comic was 👀👀👀


Haha thicc pokemon waifus, me likey

Joshua islas

I have nothing to say as hard as you work and the quality of your work, you're doing awesome. Maybe open a tier on patreon only for commissions like 50 to 75 for a one page comic


I'm not sure what you mean on your first point. Do you have any examples? Also, I never thought of using the discord server as a way to vote. Just another reason to finally make one. I'll think about this. Thank you for taking the time, dude!

Brian Reese

Your doing an amazing job man love your attention to detail in your work


Only 2 complaints I have (which really arent much of a big deal) is I'd be happy to see more character variety, cuz recently it's been all pokemon And more pinups that aren't attached to a comic


Even though I just literally subscribed yesterday. As far as I see it your work is excellent and not to exaggerate but it's just too godly, I been looking for good quality work and you nail it everything you make turns out beautiful and high quality no doubt on that. I have no complaints as far as things go. All I can say is to keep doing you.


I hear you. I'm thinking about excluding pokemon as an option for the next couple of polls. Thanks for the input!


Looks like I've been mentally embracing myself for nothing! Thanks :)


I already got a couple ideas for that, lol. It's just a time thing at this point. Thanks.


I've got an idea for a 3rd tier that would fix that, but I don't think I'm ready for it just yet. Thanks!


I mean it's not like I just looked at your work yesterday and be like yep it's good. To be sincere I usual go to a rule34 website and browsing that's how I found your work, and it's not the first time I seen your art and I found various pieces of work that I have dearly loved. Just wanted to explain my first comment lol.


Amazing content at a steady pace, I am a little confused about tier 2 comics and how to get them. Overall satisfied for the past few months that I've been here!


I think you're doing awesome! I love the stuff you make and the little paragraphs you write with them. Keep doing what you do!


Whatchu mean? There should be a comic pdf in the Dropbox link I sent out.


you could put your comics pages in dropbox


You mean, like all my past work? Yeah, I think that's what I want my tier 3 reward to be.


Love everything you do I’d love to be able to watch your process


Happy to know my comments don't go unappreciated. Thank you :)


There's only so many fetishes I can do at once! But I'm happy I landed on something for you XD


Think it was said by Allpfush, but I agree; a little more character or theme variety is needed, because at this rate, Pokémon content is going to appear on the daily lol. Perhaps a theme rotation can be made? Like for each comic option a character can be suggested for a certain subject matter? Examples: Tiddy comic, suggest any big tiddy character. Big booty, Anime, Video Game character, Movie characters, etc.


congrats on the one year!


Commissions are tough, because they take up so much time and are specifically made for 1 person to enjoy. If I ever did that i'd have to make that a pretty pricey tier to be worth it.


Love what your doing. Keep up the amazing work!


I'm really happy with your patreon, I've been supporting artists for many years and yours is my favourite. Everyday I wake up see the notification and smile. You're doing a great job so i'm finding it hard to offer you some helpful advice, all I really want from you is to own your comics physically. Congrats on 1 year! Let's keep going!!!


I have no idea how I would do it, but physical comics would be a great long term goal. Thanks, dude 👍

Silver Screen

Bro, you are the best guy I pledged to. You deliver something every day, you answer the commrnts, you're engaging the patrons in your process. You're awesome.


Maybe more then one update per day. (I’m dying to see Cynthia)


The style you draw with always looks awesome and the comics are always enjoyable. My only gripe (and a very petty one, I'll admit) is how little luck I have in the suggestion polls. XD


I mean other than the lack of Millenia artwork I'd say it's perfect. You're consistent, you communicate well, you're approachable, you work to make things better for your audience, your art is juicy af. an ideal Patreon page.


Are the real high resolution images available at the beginning of the month? All your images I see don't even fill half the screen.


Yeah, I give out high res (400ppi) images of everything I've drawn for the month in my $7 tier.


What about your comics? I mean, can I see a specific one?


Yeah, I think a lot of that comes from the Hilda comic I decided to take on at a whim. That's 100% my bad. I think I'm still gonna continue doing 1 page a month, though. Maybe to balance things out I just won't do pokemon character request until at least one of the pokemon comic finishes. Haven't fully decided yet.


I'm just doing the things I would want in a subscription. Plus, it's fun, so that's an extra bonus. Thanks, friend <3


Yeah, I always feel bad for the people who suggest the same character and not get it picked. Not sure how to fix that one yet :/


i only recently became a patron but all i can say is keep up the work cause this is a cool patreon


Full comics? No, not yet. I retire old comics and give away the newest ones at the $7 tier. This month is a little special though, 'cause I'm giving away copies of the Paya and Launch. After this month, it'll just be Launch.

Ryan Carrillo

Love what you’re doing.


Keep up the good work. I enjoy your art.


Don't stop the magic that you're making


The only thing I would say is making your older High Res stuff more accessible. Other than that I've got nothing to add. Good shit dude!


Great stuff all around. The only thing I can ask is for you to not cuck Cynthia too hard, lol


That's something I want to do as I evolve the patreon. Thanks for the feedback.


Sorry for my late reply my friend, I just want to say that I am happy what you are doing , you are one of my top best Patreon and I am happy to support you👍👍👍 I really don’t want to push U to hard, be flexible and enjoy your time 👍👍👍


I'm very proud to hear that, thank you! I'll do my best on that last part.