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Bad day today, wanna know why? I didn't get to draw 😥. I probably don't need to point out every time I don't have an update for you guys, but I just feel bad XD.

At least you guys get to vote tonight! 

Poll -> https://linkto.run/p/12492T2G

For those of you who are new, I do 2 polls. The first one is to narrow down the huge list of suggested characters, and the second one I hold on Patreon. Expect to see that one in a few days.



Np, take it easy


Voted and don’t worry about it take as much time as you need


Hey, don't worry about not being able to draw for one day! Whatever the reason, it means you can rest for a bit and it's important to recharge your batteries, especially when the person is quite the dedicated busy bee like you! With that said, in regards to the poll right now, I don't have a lot to say except... The poll now: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! The poll later on: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! lmao


We appreciate you! Breaks are always needed.


This site is so weird. I just gave my vote and it said, 840 votes in the last hour. How is this thing counting votes? Cause, i think we are less then 840 here.


What a long list! Cant wait to see what wins :)


Grimm please.


I will continue to suggest Millenia from Grandia 2


If you pick more than 1 character that's multiple votes. With so many options I think it could be that high?


That is possible, but still weird and confusing. And still, lets say half of us chooses two options. That already makes over 600 votes. So by your Argument it is far more likely in my eyes, that the number should be far higher, but it is still possible.


Appreciate that, my dude. And it looks like Rosa will be making it to the final round out least!


Yeah, the site is a little weird, that's why I don't hold the final poll there. It should be good enough to nail down the more popular characters though.