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1 more page left. I think I'm gonna go ahead and just do that one next and finally be done with this.

Self reflection time. If you don't care about my super deep art thoughts, just skip this.

When I first started the comic, I wanted to see how much detail I could skimp and still have things look good. I tried cutting things out (like certain levels of shading) to see if I could save time, but those pages never felt "good" to me. Also, I don't think I really saved much time anyway, so the strat was kinda a lose-lose. Near the end I said "fuck it" and added in my normal level of detail. I think I'm overall happier with my work when I know I haven't held back (crazy right?).

In the same vein, I also tried to see how little I actually needed to script/storyboard/plan. I did basically none of that. I had the basic idea in my head and I wanted to see if that'd be good enough. Again, this was just me trying to save time, buuuut I don't think it was a good idea. Turns out it's stressful not having a plan for every next page. I'm not totally against winging it for future projects, but if they're gonna be a 20+ page project with a plot and junk, it's probably something I should do.

Something I'm MUCH happier with, was character consistency. I made it a point try and stay on model -something I've always had problems with XD. I mean, I don't think I pulled it off perfectly, but it's definitely an improvement.

So, yeah, I tried some things. Some of it panned out and some didn't, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? At least I learned. I don't know if this was interesting to anyone, but it sure was cathartic. 




Hey u learned that's what counts right!


Hey, I just finished reading what you wrote and I must admit: I'm impressed by your humility as an artist! I may not draw anymore, but I can certainly respect an artist's drive to improve and better themselves and now that you addressed any mistakes you might've made, now you can find ways to fix them for next time! Keep going my friend and I hope things work out with your future/current projects! If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm always here!


In regards to the art thoughts you never know how things go unless you try it and it is important to experiment not only to find easy solutions but to improve yourself as an artist as well….as for the comic itself damn this just got really hot!!👀💦💦


Hehe there is an old saying, “quality is timeless” to be honest everything looks great to me cause I suck at drawing XD but I do agree the story here doesn’t hit hard as the other comics (Paya Pokémon). But the scenes are great XD

Jonathan Miller

It's funny how I only support four artists (NSFW, NSFW, NSFW, TerminalMontage), and yet, most of my favorite posts are about the artist outwardly reflecting upon their style, choices, career, etc. For as much as i love the art, I love to see their growth. I'm glad you experimented so that you could find what process works best for you. It's a step a lot of artists don't take, but all the successfull ones do.


Thanks, George! As long as I know I'm TRYING to improve, messing up doesn't sting as much, y'know?


Exactly. And thanks! I only wish I could make it even hotter, but it's gotta end eventually, right? This one would be a great candidate for bonus pages.


It's kind of relieving I'm not the only one who thinks so. I totally, agree, the other ones I put in waay more thought in the stories.


Oh, good, now my post feels a little less self indulgent😅 Thanks, dude.