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I guess some people on twitter are getting DMCA notices, and it's got me thinking. Like, should I just not draw certain franchises, if it comes to it? Or maybe I can tweak some character designs and names for public posts. Or MAYBE I should dip my toes into some original content, just in case I need some stuff to fall back on? Idk, this is me just thinking out loud 🧐




Be careful of DMCA because they do find a way here and god it is annoying. But yea make a spin to it if that helps them get off your back better safe than sorry


I think it should be fine. Ive only seen nintendo get all butthurt about it but i wouldnt know anything about DMCA haha


I personally would be pretty disappointed if you stopped drawing "certain franchises", since that is the majority of what I love about your content. The way you draw them is very cute/sexy, and it is hard to find good artists that put out consistent comics like you do. I havent seen many DMCA's going around for just 2D art....usually its 3D models and such for whatever reason.


Yeah, most DMCA's I see are either for random tweets that don't have to do with anything or Nintendo. With that said, there is a platform that doesn't seem to have DMCA's at all: Pixiv and PixivFANBOX. It's predominantly a Japanese-website, but not having to worry about copyright strikes at every corner may just be worth it while PixivFANBOX is just a slightly different Patreon that uses Japanese Yen as its form of currency. I feel this would be a safer site to upload more copyrighted material like your ongoing Hilda comic for example.


I keep hearing about Pixiv, but i've never really looked into it. Sounds like it could be a good backup plan if shit started to hit the fan 😅

Jonathan Williams

Pixiv is a good backup plan, just be aware of the censorship laws in Japan, and making sure your PayPal is set up right so you can convert your money back to your home currency.


I'd say go for original content if you have time for that sort of thing. I'd love to see where your imagination takes us. 🙂😁


Yeah, everything Jonathan just said about Pixiv applies and like he said, just be aware of Pixiv's censorship laws, though you only need to worry about the monetary conversion if you plan on using the FANBOX portion of it. With that said, if you make posts on Pixiv that require censorship, you can provide a link that gives the uncensored version. One thing I forgot to mention is how DeviantArt is also a decent choice, just put your uncensored versions of your works in a sta.sh folder since I know DA has limits for 18+ stuff. Only other option I can think of which gives you pretty free reign is Newgrounds, though I heard they aren't the kindest towards smaller artists/creators, so use caution with them.


Aw, man, that'd be so fun. I'm really glad some of you guys would like to see that sort of thing. I'm super tempted.


I thought about newgrounds, but I don't think I can handle another art account😅 Maybe I'll trade in my Tumblr account for it one day.


Wait, you still have a Tumblr account? Wow, how time flies lol. But yeah, I'd say axt the Tumblr account (mostly due the NSFW purge that happened there) and use either your DA (plus sta.sh) or make a Newgrounds account. If none of those websites work out for you, there is a smaller site called Pillowfort you can try: https://www.pillowfort.social/users/sign_in


Actually I still have a DA too, along with Pillowfort, but ever since some security shenanigans happened over there, I've been too spooked to use it anymore. Maybe after it develops a little more. Thanks for the help, dude!


Hey, you're welcome! Didn't realize there was a problem regarding security with Pillowfort, so I apologize for that. But yeah, DA might be a good alternative to Pixiv since you can always use sta.sh to put the uncensored versions of your works! With that said, one thing I recommend is if whatever comics you've done have full public releases, why not organize them into collections on DA, Newgrounds, and/or Pixiv? I suggest this because when you give the monthly rewards, some comics only get a few pages missing if they weren't done in a month, but I only apply this for comics that got full releases. I'm always happy to help Schpicy!


That last facial expression :P


ALSO YOU SHOULD UPDATE YOUR COMISSIONS SHEET. IF you are doing them right now that is. It does not reflect your current skill set I believe


yea and they really assholes about it, too. They make the creators remove them from here and put it into a link or as everyone does Discord and not a fan of that because the page ends up empty in the end


Will this be the thing that finally gets me to open up a Discord??? Damn, that sucks. Hopefully I can slide under the radar a little while longer.


Oh, yeah. I'm not even going to THINK about doing commissions again until that thing is updated. XD


be wary about that because they like to stick their noses deeply into creators discords and see everything


Where do you publish your comics online?


Whatchu mean? I post most everything on Twitter eventually. A lot of my stuff is On DA as well.


I meant like where can one find your full complete comics


I don't have a place where I have them compiled completely and uncensored yet. It's something I'm gonna work on after I have some more projects under my belt.