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I ended up redrawing April 'cause I wasn't vibing with the first version. 

I think I'll still include it the first one in the monthly dropbox as a bonus though. It's not terrible or anything, it just felt off to me ._.

Also, Hilda. I had to go back to my safe space and do something in comic format, after April.




The April O' Neil one is looking pretty nice, but dat Hilda and Lickitung tho!!! So you're into that too? Nice! lmao




Agreed. Though any long tongue on big booty action is fine by me lol


Was she just the 3rd choice, or is she really the best for last🤔


I wonder if April is about to a personal interview lol


If May's schedule wasn't so cramped, I'd say make it a comic! Do a standalone image for now, and make a full comic later! Or as another suggestion: Make a comic based around another Pokegirl (maybe one from the poll that can also be drawn with a dumptruck ass) that gets tongue action from Lickitung and/or Haunter! Just an idea, though I'd honestly pay to see it happen if given the chance lol


I’d looove to see a Hilda comic one day just saying 👀

Brian Reese

Coming together nice bud

Silver Screen

Yeah, I love Lickitung.


Dude, you have know idea how badly I want to make things like this a mini comic. There's like, 3 other pieces I've done that'd be great for it. The problem is balancing that out with character suggestions and the other 2 main comics. I think I'm just going to let the dust settle with my new schedule change and revisit this idea later. Maybe somewhere down the road I can merge character suggestions with mini comics? I'll need to think about it.

Silver Screen

Personally, she's my third favorite female protagonist after Rosa and Gloria.

Silver Screen

I'm honestly surprised there aren't more works featuring it, considering how often the sexual undertones are brought up. I wanna see a girl absolutely ravished by that tongue.


Preaching to the choir my man! I've actually sent my fair share of commissions involving Pokegirls getting licked! And I think my favorite ones were done by Roga14 on Twitter, so I can link you to them while we wait for Schpicy if you want! I'm just eager to see what the colored image will look like!


Alrighty, here're the posts: Lickitung x Mallow: https://twitter.com/roga141/status/1327778573000847360?s=21 Shellder x Loreli: https://twitter.com/roga141/status/1354421397355954178?s=21 Rosalina x Bomb Boos (not a Pokemon one, but same idea): https://twitter.com/roga141/status/1338973964408942593?s=21


I meant to send this in a reply, but forgot the Patreon app doesn't let you do that for some reason...anyways, here's what I wanted to say earlier: I agree Schpicy; Lickitung, Lickilicky, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, any Pokemon known for a long tongue needs more representation! You know, maybe you can base a Pokegirl-based poll around that...Summer 2021: Choose Who Gets Licked! Just an idea for when you finish everything in your schedule of course ;)