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Hi everyone, this is a big update. This month I will be removing (Deleting) two of my Reward Tiers, the 30 dollar Sketch Tier and 45 dollar Color sketch tier rewards. If you are currently subbed via these two tiers I would implore you to switch to another tier (as I will be deleting it end of the month), I have a few options in mind.

The new main upper reward tier the "Premium Buffet Elite Council Member" You can submit character choices/suggestions for upcoming weekly Polls (one before every other Art stream) this Tier will also gain access to the Patreon discord for those not already in it. Check out the Members page for more info on that. Not yet available is plans for a YCH (Your character here commission slot) but that is not set in stone.

Why is this changing? Things change and I felt it needed to in this case. the 30+45 tiers was regular commissions essentially and they've become a bit more than I think I could manage each month. For now at least I am taking a break from them. This is for a few reasons, A. I do not wish to charge people monthly for art when waiting on a previous reward but also B. It is taking up too much of the time I have to work on art each day. I would like to slow things down a bit and regain a more consistent upload schedule for everyone and lessen my own stress. The A.K.I I-No Sketch pack is coming very soon and I'll be uploading that along with some of my comic works. I had somewhat struggled to balance my work load and mixed with real life getting in the way and the time off from monthly commissions will not only help me get back on track with the rewards I still need to do, and recover from what is most likely a bit of genuine burn out (it happens, I'm doing much better now)

Does this mean you can't get commissions? No I will be spending time to fulfill all remaining Sketch Tier Rewards and posting new art more frequently. I do plan to offer commissions again after an extended break and not on the same monthly per person basis. offering something new.

Hope this made sense, feel free to give me feedback and DM if you have any questions cleared up, and look forward to new updates!



We get it. Thank you for being direct and honest. And for continuing to make gorgeous art.