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Hello everyone!

 This December has been a hard one and I'm still very tired and because of that and my grandmother's situation my depression has been hitting me harder than usual. I'm not int he best possible place right now and still waiting the final news from the north about her situation, but I have been doing my best to rest and keep my thoughts occupied with nicer things.

I have been doing some stress-free drawing, and behind this link you can find what I have been able to create. The file you are looking for is December2021_week1


I still can't promise a steady workflow while I'm observing my grandmother's progress and when the end finally comes it's going to be dark days for some time.

But I will manage. I have Gotha and good friends around me and my kids will be spending a Christmas with me. I take what joy I can get and nothing lasts forever. All the support from you guys has been a great comfort for me and your heartfelt comments mean a lot to me. I hope all of you have a good and peaceful change of the year. I wish all you well!



Robert Snare

I know all about depression and how devastating it can be. Take care of yourself. Regardless, some nice updates this week (although the lack of any bare feet is disappointing). I love the animation especially!


Thanks, there will definitely be some bare feet in the next update :) Depression has been with me so long that I don't really recall a time without it. Nevertheless, things have been moving towards better for the last years, and I consider this to be a temporary setback in my improving mental health.


I'm really sorry to hear this. Please take care of yourself (and get help if you need it). Nonetheless, the new pics are really great!


Really sorry to read this. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. Focusing in the stuff you love maybe helps you to put your mind away from the problems. Is helping me a lot; I started to paint miniatures again (40K) and being focused on it put my problems away from some hours.