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Hi! Time for some life updates! I haven't had much time to write here or anywhere else, since there has been a LOT of things to do... and still is.

Most importantly, the printed book project is coming to a close. I had to re-draw the whole Holiday comic for it, 45 pages in all, and it's finally done. Drop-box link for the new and better pages will be published at Sunday. For those of you who wish to buy the printed book, I'll be uploading instructions as soon as the thing is out from the printing press :) 

Other things occupying my mind and time have been making a storyboard for a movie called Night satan, a post-apocalyptic exploitation movie by a Finnish studio Twisted films. Check out their works, it's wickedly fun stuff. Apart from that I'm illustrating a 100 pages long sci-fi album called Kalevala 3000 and I started two web-comics as well. These are all non-fetish stuff, and everything on the fetish-front still gets published here and not much elsewhere. So... yeah, I have been busy :D

If you're interested my artwork outside the fetish scene, I recommend checking out the two web-comics I'm making. The first one I'm doing with Gotha (written together, drawn by me and colored by her), and it's a good old Victorian ghost story with Lovecraftian elements: http://www.fenlandscomic.com/

The second one is a barbarian fantasy story for all who love Conan the barbarian and Vikings: https://godkiller.alwoerin.com/

Even though I'm doing many things at the same time, my main focus is still on the fetish stuff I make and publish here, all else is just on top of that :D

Next week I'll be going to Comic-con in Porvoo with Gotha, who has an art exhibition there!

I hope all of you are having a good start for the year 2020! Don't be like me, and take it easy!



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