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The van was already backing to the driveway between the two houses, as five of the masked men walked to the next house with their heavy bags. The remote opened the lock and the men stepped inside to a setting not much different from the neighbouring house. Dylan, Matt and Simon were sitting in exactly the same places as they were twenty minutes earlier. Wide-eyed and slack-jawed they stared to nothingness. “OK then,” the leader said, pulling out his device. “Let us begin”.

Somewhere at the back of Dylan’s head, his conscious mind was still fighting desperately. His eyes could see the men in front of him and was able to be horrified of the situation, since he could not control any of his motoric functions and couldn’t say a thing. The whole situation felt pretty much the same as sleep paralysis, except these nightmares were real. The leading men stepped n front of him with some sort of device. A swift move from his finger, and Dylan could feel his body standing up and beginning to strip away his clothing. The men around him laughed and at the corner of his eyes he could see his two friends performing the same action. Dylan tried to resist the mechanical movements of his body and scream, but one of this had any effect at all. What was going on? When would this horror end?

“Wait”, said one of the masked men. “Let’s make this more interesting. I want to see these three little sluts playing with each other”. The leader nodded, and with a flick of his fingers sent the hypnotized slaves to action. Dylan felt a surge of sexual arousal, and there was nothing he could do to stop the massive erection which was soon bulging the front of his boxers. He gasped, this time at loud, and Matt was making a soft, moaning sound. Harsh laughter was the only answer from the masked men. All of a sudden Dylan could feel his body bending forward, forced by the commands from the device, and Matt positioned himself behind him, removing his boxers. “And put the third one behind the second”, said one of the men, now walking to stand in front of Dylan. Now all the men were laughing and to his horror Dylan heard Matt spitting to his hands and rubbing the tip of his penis against his asshole.

The leader gave the order through the machine, and Simon, who was standing as the last of the line, forced himself inside Matt. Matt gasped and then it was his turn to push himself inside Dylan, and inside his mind Dylan screamed from pain and pleasure. But from his mouth, only a soft moan escaped. “That’s right”, said the man standing in front of him. “Keep the bitches moving. I’ll give this one something to do”. And then he unzipped his pants. Dylan felt his mouth opening wide, and there was nothing he could to stop his body from starting to suck the man’s penis, eagerly. Soon only the soft grunts filled the room. “Mind-control is working perfectly”, said the leader, making a note to his machine.

After only a few minutes all four men had climaxed and the leader send the new slaves to dress in their new uniforms. Dylan could feel the taste of plastic in his mind as the ball-gag was tightened around his neck and he would have wept if he could, as the cuffs locked around his wrists with finality. The three latex-glad slaves positioned themselves in front of the door and the leader opened it. “Now everything is ready. Let’s send our new-comers walking”.



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