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 Hi folks!

I thought it's once again time to write something...  Last few months have, as usual, been a bit crazy. There was the thing  with our dog during December which I wrote about earlier, and the start  of the year has been harsh mainly because my ex is moving back to north,  which would be fine otherwise, but she also takes our kids with her and  that means there will be 500 kilometers between us after the beginning  of March. I'll still see them monthly, but I must admit I have been more  than a bit down because of it lately... And since I'm still suffering  from pretty severe depression with anxiety issues it sure has been  taking the toll on me. But I have still been able to keep up the Patreon  updates and the new, weekly updating comic in there, which is a  positive thing.

I can't say how much it means to me that so many  of you are supporting me by being my Patrons. Thanks to the money from  Patreon and the commission, I have been able to pay my half of the rent  as well as my bills since November, and it really means a lot to me.  You, my dear followers, have literally saved my life. I'm not a  self-destructive type, and I have never considered a suicide as any kind  of solution, but the thought that me and my illness would be the thing  dragging both me and my wife to absolute poverty would surely proved to  be too much for me to bear in a long run. So, now I can stand on my own  two feet, provide myself and in the same time create a shitloads of art  for all of you.

So, apart from sudden shitty things happening  every once in a while (it always happens and I daresay it happens to  everyone) I'm looking a little bit more hopefully to the year 2018. I  hope you all hang along me!

Oh,  and I'm once again, I'm all open for new commissions. If you have a  kinky idea you wish to see illustrated, don't hesitate to contact! You  can see what I do in my gallery, but even if you don't see your own  particular kink illustrated there, it can be fixed easily. I draw just  about anything when commissioned!

My pricing is roughly something like this:
1. One character with no background: 55$. With background: 60$
2. Two characters with no background: 65$. With background 75$
3. Three characters with no background 80$ With background 85$

Comics or larger works will be priced according on how much work they take.

I  hope you all are having a great start for this year, and I'm looking  forward to share our common love for bondage and kinky stuff here!
With love,


Fabrizio Casalegno

I'm sorry to hear this and glad that my little contribution has helped your. Hope that things get better in 2018.