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Sorry about the delay. Getting the hive working properly took a lot longer than I was expecting, and I had to postpone a few side areas that I had hoped to add to this version, but the main area should be fully functional now, as well as a few minor updates and bug fixes to the existing areas.

The updated version can be downloaded here (although it's actually the same link as the previous version). Saved games from the old game *should* work fine if copied to the new folder, but I can't guarantee that won't result in a few bugs.

Backup link in case the dropbox one stops working again   http://www.mediafire.com/file/kr3ywj5k8m8gc7w/StoatsQuest.exe/file



Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!



Woo! And yeah, DropBox isn't playing nice, so thanks for the backup link.


what is new i cant find anything new?


nvm mind but you do have a bug if you are using save from old version you cant get to the stuff that are new


So played it at last, I have a few things. I know it was around before but I finally played the preyball game and... I think that needs work. if the prey hasn't been kicked into the water in five seconds it's a miracle, it's certainly not fun. Secondly, the hive... I have to feel the difficulty curve is pretty jagged there. Really, the last real prolonged combat section is the forest and, it's easy. The bees are a wall to get past. I get maybe that's part of the point, try and be stealthy, but... you can't avoid the random encounters. Also, I know I was one to murmurred that the naga were exceptionally ineffective predators. Even if you let one swallow a companion, then fight it, there's basically no risk unless you're trying to go companionless or maybe just take one. The bees are the other extreme. High damage and a very quick process. If a character gets eaten, it's basically finish it next turn or you've lost them. Even an extra turn delay would make the experience infinitely more fair... but speaking of unfair. The insta-kill honey trap? What compelled you to think that was ok? New insta death mechanic introduced without warning right at the end of a long stealth section? Are you serious? Also the honey death room could use some dialogue warning to hint to players that they will be kicked to their last save if they slip up even once to give them some hint they, might want to save. The hive section was overall nice, I liked the look, and it was nice to have a new digestive threat in combat, but it didn't feel like the quality of the previous sections. As an aside, is it possible to add a way to actually tell the dense naga that you're not making stories up.. that frustrates me on a personal level... Sorry if this one came across a lot more, attacking than my previous comments, but the hive section was very, disappointing compared to the care and skill of the rest of the game.


Oh dear. I'm really sorry about that. How far did it let you get and what message (if any) did it give when blocking you from getting any further?


I'm afraid not. I haven't put any in, although there is an easy mode that can be entered when starting a new game.


The otter's game definitely does need some work and it's something that I'm hoping to have improved a little by the next update. And yeah. I can see your point about the hive. Several people had told me that the earlier parts were too difficult, so I deliberately made the river and hive more challenging but I may have gone too far with that. I see your point about the insta-kill trap as well. I'll have a go at fixing that and try to make the area as a whole a little easier and less frustrating soon. As for the naga, I hadn't considered that, but I'll see if I can find a way of letting the player prove that Omu really was to blame. And that's fine. I'm really sorry it felt that way and I'm glad you told me so. I'll work on getting the issues you pointed out fixed and hopefully have a more fun version available soon.


mesmerise is your best friend, use it to stun lock enemies until their SP is gone. Combo it with the net and they won't even get the chance to attack you


as far as the save that the oldfile come from iwcth or not even to the bunny vilgge or the cemture got around this by restarting


As an aside, I was having another playthrough (because more options to explore and I really do enjoy the game as a whole) and I found something that, I wonder if it's an error? I was trying feeding Vir to Sichi to see what happened later, also was trying to run a one helper team. Was surprised how survivable the stoat eating plants were... if a lot harder... and decided to see what happened if you had no party members in the, big party member gathering scene. I noticed Pacha recalled her decision to feed Vir to "that mouse" but commented she wasn't around anymore. When I just had Sichi in that scene, she also muttered the same line. Which I wonder, is that intended? If nothing else I'd be surprised she referred to her current, alive companion to "that mouse" and while "she" could refer to Vir or Sichi... I had assumed from the first incarnation that it had referred to the mouse. It also seemed strange that Sichi had no dialogue relating to the fact she ate an otter, either during that gathering scene, or at the village. I half expected her to be a quivering terrified mess, regretting the action for fear of violent retribution... Also I can't remember if I'm spelling her name right >_<


In regards to the hive nerf, I’d prefer it if you wouldnt make the fights themselves easier. Could probably just lower random encounter rate and/or disable them unless the hive has been alerted, I think most would be satisfied with that.


Hi. I'm afraid I've already made a slight tweak to the bees' strength in the latest version, but the main changes I've put in are to decrease the frequency of the encounters, give the player more chances to survive the instakill trap, and to put in some healing nearer to the hive so you don't have to keep running all the way back to the otter village. Hopefully they are still tough enough to be challenging.


Okay, I should have fixed some of those issues now. I haven't worked out what to do about the naga yet, but I'll work on that soon.