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Alright, that's the quest update done and... Industrious wins the monthly poll, to no one's surprise.  Somewhat more interesting is a very close call between Winning Peace and The New Ron.  Still, Winning Peace does eek out a victory once all the votes between Patreon and SubscribeStar (and all the tiers) are tallied.  So it looks like the standard 1,2,3 finish.

I'll get to working on Industrious, as promised, and try to have it out in the next few days.  Main storyline.


Semper ad Meliora - Document 2

Turn 10 - Rumor Mill: Britannian Empire: In large part, this year had seemed to be a continuation of the previous one. The better part of the year is peaceful and allows the whole of the empire of fall into a false sense of complacency as the war in the MEF grinds on, press conferences are held,...



Well, good luck with the next turn. I think you might need it…