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The blue-haired boy’s face fell in an almost comical fashion as Rivalz’ hopes were dashed.  Lelouch was almost compelled to pity the boy; after all, his single-minded obsession with Milly Ashford alone prompted pangs of pity for anyone capable of suffering the blonde’s rather…vigorous rebuffs.  Of course, almost was only almost.

“Aw, c’mon Lelouch!  We’d just be gone for a few hours!  You always used to say school could wait.  What happened to my best friend who loved to go gambling with me?”

The Britainnian royal sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to stave off the impending migraine Rivalz was inducing.  “I’m right here, but I’m also a Prince of the Empire and, as tradition dictates, we come into greater and greater responsibility during our late teens.  I count myself lucky I’m only a pilot, Royal Attachment to a Special Division of the Military, and a Corporal.  My brother is the Prime Minister, remember?  No one in the Royal Family has ever had it easy, really.”

Rivalz deflated at that, frowning as he waged his next argument.  “I’m not talking about everyday, buddy!  How about just once a week?”

“How about I let you explain to Kallen, my superiors in the military, and Gendo Ikari why I miss meetings once a week?”  Lelouch asked, not looking up from his work in the slightest.

The French-descended boy paled dramatically.  Even without knowing exactly who Lelouch’s superiors were, or who Gendo Ikari was (even thought the name brought a strange shiver to his spine), Kallen was enough of a deterrent to warn him off.  The redhead was a near-constant companion to his friend throughout the years, even longer than Rivalz himself had known Lelouch.  Not only that, she was loyal to Lelouch…

Viciously Loyal.

“Ah, no…that’s alright,” Rivalz demurred.  “I guess I’ll just have to find something else to do in my off time.  I guess I could bug you about what exactly you do at this oh so important job of yours.”

“Important things,” Lelouch replied immediately and with all seriousness.

“That you shouldn’t be bothering him about, Rivalz,” Milly reprimanded as she walked into the room.  “You know Lelouch has responsibilities.  We’re lucky to see him as much as we do.”

“Madam President’s right, Rivalz,” Shirley stated, backing up classmates as she followed the buxom blonde.

“But He’s always so busy!” Rivalz complained.  “And he never tells us where he goes other than that creepy Geofront place.  Oh, and he hangs out with all those Elevens from the middle school!”

Nina shifted nervously at the mention of the few numbers that had been allowed, on a trail basis, to join Ashford Academy.  The Xenophobic girl found them all, even though they were generally several years younger than herself, frightening to be around, especially the girl that reportedly worked with Lelouch.  The albino’s stare was among the most disturbing things she’d ever had the displeasure of being the target of.

“I-I don’t know why y-you had to push that legislation through,” Nina said quietly, threatening to rekindle an old argument between the two.  “Numbers shouldn’t be going to school in the Settlement.”

“I think I have some right to decide how the city I helped design should be run,” Lelouch rebuked.  “The Japanese did nothing to warrant our conquering their nation.  We should at least be graceful and benevolent stewards of the people now that Britainnia rules them.”

“Bu-but that’s Britainnian doctrine, isn’t it?  Britainnia’s strong, so we shouldrule the weak how we see fit.” Nina stated, disregarding Milly’s increasingly alarmed expression and the warning signs the girl was giving her.  Even Rivalz and Shirley, knowing some small part of Lelouch’s personal history and obviously much more than Nina herself, flinched at the recitation of doctrine.

Lelouch’s hands suddenly stilled at their places on the keyboard, clenching slowly into fits as he leashed his anger.  “And…what would you know of strength, Miss Einstein?  The author of that dogma, my father, the Emperor, would take one look at the blinding fear you feel when confronted with anything beyond a computer screen and declare you weak.  By your own words, that makes you unfit to be Britainnian.”

Nina started violently, as if struck.  Behind her, the door opened once more and Suzaku, Kallen, and Nunnally walked into the deathly silent room, instantly sensing something amiss.


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