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Shitori Sona, President of the Kuoh Academy Student Council, scowled at the object of her current irritation.  The non-verbal grunt she'd received for her efforts only served to exacerbate her current mood, which at its root, stemmed from the intractability and obtuse stubbornness that characterized the young man who stood before her.

“Kurosaki-san,” she tried again, taking a deep breath to extend her patience.  “I'm afraid I've been very clear on this matter.  Kuoh Academy does not allow for students to dye, bleach, or otherwise alter their hair color.  It's disruptive to the educational environment.  I must insist that you-”


Sona felt, more than saw, Shinra Tsubaki stiffen at her side and forced herself not to make any moves that might alarm her queen.  Tsubaki could be called 'overprotective' at the best of times and confronting a rather...thuggish individual such as Kurosaki Ichigo was never the 'best of times.'

“An' I told you,” Kurosaki scowled – scowled!- at her, displaying every sign of irritation Sona herself was repressing, “that my hair ain't dyed.”  The tall teenager reached up to finger a lock of the offending fibers, “my hair is just that color.”

Sona sighed, he was still sticking to that story?

“...and as I have informed you, Kurosaki-san,” Sona replied with only the barest tightness to her tone, “orangeis not a natural hair color.”

“Guess we're gonna' have to agree to disagree then,” the fifteen-year-old stated, crossing his arms.

“Kurosaki, I really don't know why you're so intractable,” Sona commented with a frown.  “I've seen your test scores.  You're one of the highest-performing students in the school, but you insist on acting like, like a-”

“Punk,” Ichigo replied with a cocked head and a raised eyebrow, not even blinking at Sona's startled expression.  “Yeah, I get that a lot.  Don't really care.  Look, is there a point to all this?”

“You're wasting your potential,” Sona stated levelly.

“I still don't see how any of that is your business,” Ichigo replied, narrowing his gaze.

“You're a student at this school, of course it's my business,” Sona riposted, crossing her arms as well to stare down the younger, yet taller teen.

“I don't want or need your help,” Ichigo bit out, raking a hand through his hair.  “I'm fine on my own.”

“You may be, but your disrespectful attitude and failure to abide by the school rules is detrimental to the morale of the entire school,” Sona answered, smirking as she adjusted her glasses slightly.

Ichigo opened his mouth to respond.

“You get in fights,” Sona hammered down, cutting off the rebuttal, “you stomp around the school, scowling at your classmates, and you slack off in class!  I've been trying to reign in your behavior for the past several months, but this is getting ridiculous!”

“It wouldn't be such a big deal if you didn't chase me around so much!” Ichigo nearly growled.

“And leave you to your own devices?”  Sona scoffed, “that's simply not an option.”

The two stared at each other for a long, silent moment, the tension building between them, before Ichigo exhaled sharply and turned.  The staredown broken, Sona let herself relax slightly, though did not let up on her glare in the least.

“Whatever,” Kurosaki sighed, shaking his head, “I ain't got time for this.  See ya' later, prez.”

“This isn't over, Kurosaki,” Sona replied curtly, huffing slightly as turned.

“Yeah, yeah,” the teen shrugged, marching off down the hall.

“I can't believe the arrogance of that-mph!” Sona muttered, spinning on her heal as the other teen meandered off with a slow, purposeful walk.

Neither noticed the pair of golden eyes contemplatively watching.


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