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“Oh my god!” Tara moaned, throwing her head back. “He's totally better than your masseuse, Bonnie!”

“Told you,” the darker-skinned girl huffed a laugh, reclining on Tara's couch as I worked the muscles of our mutual friend's feet and calves.

“Full disclosure, I'm still not sure how comfortable I am hanging with Bonnie on the regular,” Kim stated, a folder open in front of her as she made small notes on whatever was inside.

“What Kimmie, having a moment of gay panic?” Bonnie asked with a smirk.

“Pfft, no.” Kim rolled her eyes. “I'm just wondering why you have your skirt off to get your feet rubbed.”

It was true, I'm happy to admit. Bonnie's reclining pose on the couch in a stylish blouse included only a pair of panties below the waist, and those were deliciously small. The fact that the other girl had simply waltzed in and shucked her skirt like that had Tara dropping her own pants a few seconds later.

“I'm sorry Kim, it's just so hot these days!” Bonnie sighed, fanning herself with the fashion magazine she'd been looking over in as dramatic a fashion (no pun intended) as possible (also no pun intended). “You wouldn't want me to suffer while wearing too many clothes, would you?”

I tried, very much in vain, not to let my eyes follow the curvy and smooth brown leg that rose into the air at her declaration.

“The hottest day this week was in the sixties, Bonnie,” Kim stated bluntly, a single crimson eyebrow twitching. “We haven't even really hit spring, yet.”

Bonnie, undeterred, simply laughed it off. “Oh Kim, did you think I was talking about the weather? I meant my body. Don't you think so, Ron?”

I laughed in response and shook my head. “She's just doing it to get under your skin, KP, and you know it.”

Kim made a noise halfway between a whine and a groan. “I knoooow, but she makes it so frustrating!”

Bonnie just cackled in response.

I looked up past the panty-clad privates of my blonde girlfriend and grinned at her even as I kneaded an especially bad knot on the arch of her foot. As she closed her eyes and grunted in a mix of pained relief and pleasure, she replied to the other two girls. “I'm so glad my friends are getting along. I'd hate to think I couldn't enjoy a lazy afternoon with all the important people in my life without them fighting.”

Bonnie made a dissatisfied sound and huffed. “You're so lucky we're friends, T.”

 “Love ya' too, B.” Tara cheerfully responded, writhing as I worked up her leg. “Oooh, yeah! That's the spot.”

“Once again, I have to note just how weird it is that you two are friends,” Kim interjected, a thin veneer of curiosity over actual curiosity. “What's the story there?”

Bonnie made an unhappy noise in the back of her throat as she flicked a mild glare at my redheaded friend. “Listen Possible, just because you-”

“Bonnie.” Tara stated, the word coming out as a level warning.

Knowing better than to interfere with what was obviously an incredibly touchy subject and being disinclined to wade into a brewing catfight in the first place, I wisely kept my head down and my hands busy. The fact that this move meant I could both keep myself closer to Tara's quivering form, make it quiver more, and provide further incentive to deescalate the situation for her was a complete accident. As was the encouraging smile I sent her as my eyes coasted up from the thin vertical dark spot on her panties.

“Not much to tell,” Bonnie sighed irritably, picking up the magazine again to prop up in front of her face like a shield. The move was unusual for a girl who liked to go on the attack as often as possible... and, again, pun not intended. “My sisters can be raging bitches. Tara let me stay over at her house. Boom, end of the big reveal.”

“Huh,” Kim mumbled, crossing her arms over her curled legs in another unusually defensive move. While Kim didn't enjoy being the aggressor in her and Bonnie's fights, she (and I, to a certain extent) had developed reactionary instincts to the normally-provocative girl.

Bonnie being on the backfoot, in other words, left Kim backpedaling as well, if only because she didn't know what else to do.

In between Tara's gasps, I decided to throw the two girls a bone instead of letting them stew in anxious silence. “Sounds kind of like your brother's, KP. Siblings, am I right? Kind of makes me glad I'm an only child.”

Which would probably only be true for another year or so, actually, but I had no idea if that would come to pass as it had in the version of events I'd seen. Too many variables between now and then.

“Ditto,” Tara moaned out. “Personal space is like, a major perk I wouldn't want to give up.”

Which wasn't entirely fair to all sibling relationships, and I could speak from experience on that note. I'd grown up with an older sister and two younger brothers the 'first time around' and although we'd occasionally gotten on each other's nerves as young children, we'd fairly rapidly grown out of that phase and learned to coexist peacefully.

I vaguely remembered Bonnie's siblings were either upperclassmen or had graduated and were attending the local college. Normally, I would say that's kind of the definition of peaking in high school, but given Middleton had a space center, getting into our local schools was actually something to brag about. In any event, though, the kind of kicking-down that Bonnie's bitchiness implied was likely still going on told me that this wasn't something they would grow out of.

If I wanted to play amateur psychologist, that kind of scenario even fit her obsession with taking the top spot and defending it from anyone who tried to take it from her.

Which... in turn explained why Bonnie and Kim mixed like oil and water.

 Kim's obsession was with order, not being in charge. There were plenty of times Kim could pass up a situation if she saw that it was being handled competently and adroitly. Oh sure, she'd help in a heartbeat if requested to (and often without that request, either), but she didn't need to 'take charge' if someone who was doing a good job was already in the top spot.

That probably said some things about Kim's home-life that I didn't know if I could really address properly, given her little brother's tendency to violate her personal space at their whim and pull 'pranks' that had a serious impact on her social life and self-esteem.

But, more importantly, Kim could be effortlessly good at organizing. Even if she lacked the specialist skills required for the task at hand, her take-charge attitude and ability to project an air of confidence meant that when she told people to do something they listened. Bonnie just didn't have the same kind of innate talent in ordering people around, and it showed.

So... Bonnie saw Kim in the same mold as her sisters and assumed that the redhead would start kicking down at her the moment her position at the top of the school's popularity pyramid was solidified. Hence her number one priority being to ensure that never happened. Which meant Bonnie preemptively attacked Kim on the basis that conflict between them was inevitable.

That also kind of explains the power play by wanting to have sex with Kim, doesn't it?

“Ronnie?” Tara asked, poking me with one of her feet gently.

I blinked, looking up at her in concern from where my gaze had locked on her toes. “Sorry, got lost in my thoughts. I think I'm almost done, what do you say?”

Tara pouted, then looked over my shoulders to Kim and Bonnie. “Okay, I guess.”

“Dibs,” Bonnie stated, hoping up.

“Hey-wha-!” Kim interjected, looking between me and Bonnie with an inarticulate objection on her face.

Bonnie, for her part, tilted a hip at me as she laid down on the long mat Tara had pulled from her room, likely some kind of yoga thing, and immediately slid her feet into my hands. In another one of those 'power moves' that I was rapidly coming to expect, she even spread her legs subtly and intentionally, given her smirk, letting my eyes trace over the thin cloth hugging her crotch. “Hey, Possible, don't complain. I let Tara go first because she's the dork's boyfriend. You're not even ready for your massage.”

 “I-I totally am!” Kim squawked, even as my eyes traced Tara's nearly-bare ass swaying back to Bonnie's spot on the couch.

“Am not,” Bonnie playfully rejoined. “No way he can get at your calves properly if you're wearing pants.”

“Ugh...” Kim muttered, and I heard more than saw the shifting of fabric as a pair of pants was shucked and thrown to the side. “There, happy?”

“Overjoyed,” Bonnie drawled, her eyes dancing over Kim's form as she relaxed into my hands. “Ohh... yeah, that's the good stuff.”

“You know, you could have just asked Kim to take off her pants if you wanted to see her without them that badly,” I stated.

Bonnie snorted even as a dusting of red colored her cheeks. “Don't ruin my fun, Stoppable. Besides, are you really going to complain now that you get to run your hands over three bottomless girls?”

“Bonnie!” Kim cried again, the most straight-laced of us scandalized by the question.

“Oh, relax Kimmie,” Bonnie replied, waving a hand. “I know he and Tara have gotten further than this, he's seen everything I have to offer, and you aren't showing anything more than a bikini would.”

Kim made an unhappy sound, huffing, as Tara giggled. “Like Ron said, Kim, she's just trying to get at you.”

“I think I'd rather shit-talk my siblings than discuss the current situation,” Kim stated evenly, the fact that she'd cursed telling me how irritated she was with Bonnie. But, until the brunette crossed a certain line, KP wasn't willing to break the tenuous peace between them.

“Count me in on that,” Bonnie chimed in with unabashed glee. “Lonnie and Connie are total skank-bags and ooohmygod!

I chuckled as I worked a knot out, Bonnie devolving into a hissing fit as I set a few nerves on fire in the process. “Oops? I can stop if you'd rather.”

“Don't you dare!” Bonnie cried instantly, glaring at me as I smirked back while daring to slide a hand up to her knee. The smoldering look she lingered on before relaxing back to the mat said more than anything she could with her mouth. “I earned this, Stoppable, and I totally saved your ass on the school paper thing.”

“Finding out that the pottery teacher was embezzling from the school certainly made the front page,” I nodded. “Even if I had to do my own investigation into things.”

Well, me and Wade, but it didn't take a genius to put two and two together when a person on a teacher's salary bought a new Benz.

“I can't believe Bonnie, of all people, helped bring someone to justice,” Kim groaned aloud again.

“The thing I'm happiest about is that Barkin's apparently being tapped to cover her classes for the next few weeks, which means he's hopefully out of my hair,” I chuckled.

Bonnie slowly reached her hands back behind her hand and stretched out her arms while I kneaded muscle on her legs. Finally, she settled back down from her languid stretch and laced her fingers behind her neck as her elbows pointed to the ceiling. “What is it with you and him anyway? You'd think you'd killed his dog or something with the way he has it out for you.”

“I gave him a shifty look back in the first week of school and, since then, he's made a hobby of finding reasons not to like me,” I replied.

“Ron, Barkin's just... a little too enthusiastic about his job,” Kim defended weakly.

“Pfft! As if,” Bonnie scoffed. “That guy plays favorites so much it's disgusting. My sisters brag about getting away with murder in front of him.”

“I think I've met them?” Kim asked with a frown. “They're seniors, right? Connie and Lonnie, you said? They seem the type, no offense.”

“None taken,” Bonnie replied, chuckling before she cut herself off with a groan as I worked my way over the heel of her other foot. Judging by the tightness, she was probably wearing high heels a bit too much. “Please, go on.”

“I only met them because of stuff as the class president,” Kim shrugged and stretched in the armchair she'd taken over. Her long beautiful legs dangling over one side. “They seemed super bitchy and just waiting to get one over on me. They honestly reminded me a lot of my brothers, just more... mean-spirited about it.”

“Same,” Tara echoed, flipping a page of the fashion zine that Bonnie had abandoned. “Now that you mention it, at least. Jim and Tim do stuff without thinking and cause a lot of trouble. B's sister's are... they, like, think too much about what they're doing. If you know what I mean.”

“Schemers,” Kim and I spoke up at the same time, drawing surprised looks from the other girls.

“We know the type,” I shrugged. “Usually, though, Kim's punching them in the face and leaving them for the cops.”

“No joke, I would pay to see you do that,” Bonnie laughed. “Good money, too. Name your price.”

“As tempting as you make it sound,” Kim drawled, implying it was anything but. “I'm only up for that if they're doing something actually illegal.”

“But I can call you then?” Bonnie asked, her eyes bright as she looked over at Kim.

“Bonnie, no framing your sisters,” Tara sighed with fond exasperation.

“All bets are off if they actually did it, though, right?” Bonnie asked, pressing the issue as she looked back to Kim.

I twisted to look at her more fully and gave her a shrug as she met my gaze. My partner sighed and slumped. “I can't believe I'm saying this, but... fine. If your sibs are actually breaking the law and not just jaywalking or loitering or something, give me a call.”

Bonnie shuddered under my hands and, though I couldn't be sure, I thought she had a small orgasm at the thought of being able to sic Kim on her sisters.

Privately, I was more than a bit concerned at the idea that they might actually be up to no good. Bonnie seemed pretty certain that she'd call Kim sometime, maybe even sometime soon.

“Hey Bonnie... not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but... is this going to be the new normal between us?” Kim asked, her voice tentative and cautious.

Bonnie didn't respond at first, humming. “At least as long as Ron and Tara are dating, I guess. I owe T that much.” My blonde girlfriend turned a soft smile on the brunette at that. “Besides, it gives me a chance to take the real article for a spin while I'm at it. I mean, Stoppable was fun and everything, but...”

The saucy look Bonnie gave my partner made Kim squeak in surprise and, though I couldn't see her myself, probably drew out a very deep blush.

 “Ah, I mean...” Kim sputtered, her brain derailing as she tried to search for an excuse that, in my opinion, didn't involve admitting to being in a three-way relationship. “Uhh...”

“That's a 'probably not,'” Tara replied for our mutual girlfriend, then gave Bonnie a grin. “But if you volunteer for a ride on Ron, I might be able to swing something.”

At the look of thoughtful consideration on Bonnie's face as she looked between myself and Tara, I realized something very important.

There were, in fact, a great deal of reasons why the two were such good friends.

Some of those reasons likely involved some experimentation.

I turned, Kim and I exchanging a look of surprise and trepidation, equally taken off-guard by the situation.

Then the kimmunicator went off, saving us from the predations of a pair of very horny teen girls. My redheaded partner made a dive for her pants, her pert rear ending up just in reach as she popped the device out of a pocket. “Hey Wade, what's the sitch? A stolen blimp? Sounds right up our alley!”

Bonnie gave a poke with her foot, less gentle than Tara. “That will tide me over, Stoppable, but I want the full deal. Don't think I'll let you renege on your part of the deal.”

I chuckled as I rose, stretching my back out from how long I'd been crouched and feeling a satisfying series of pops from it. “Hey, anytime you want me to put my hands all over you, just ask.”

I flicked a glance at Tara. “You coming, babe?”

Tara stared at us, wide-eyed. “A stolen blimp? For my first mission? Uhh...”


This one was a little frustrating to write, not going to lie, but I'm glad I got it done. Next chapter will have more action and run smoother, I think. I kept trying to get to the action, but there just needed to be a bigger bridge for things to properly make sense. Also, I wanted to have some conversation stuff laid out for future events.

In any regard, now I'm going to start on the next chapter of Winning Peace, which should be a wild ride.

Also, look for the possibility of a quest opening up. Something relatively simple that I can use to get back into the swing of things. That'll probably happen after I finish up the first epilogue chapter of my Code Geass qeust, coming out in a week or so.

Until then, have fun, be safe, and thanks again for the support!