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You and your girlfriend have just made up after a much heated argument and in the middle of watching Christmas movies together, somehow you two end up kissing and doing a whole lot of heavy touching. Eventually you decide that you've had enough of her teasing, and you're ready to show her just how possessive you are over her...until things take a turn.

Hello my loves, and happy Friday! I can't think of a better way to start the weekend other than with a new NSFW audio, and this one is actually a continuation of my most recent audio which you can find right here. I hope that you enjoy this one!

Plenty of you have requested rougher projects as well as an audio involving a safe word, so naturally I combined the two!! If you're not a fan of the rough sex, the audio gets a lot better and softer towards the middle!

Your feedback is much appreciated!

Happy listening ♡



Lukas Spilka

I still sadly haven´t received my password yet... :(


You know I actually really like the fact that, in the middle of the rough sex, your character realizes "oh shit this is more than I thought I could handle" and then utters the safe word. Having the listener immediately stop and basically go from a complete sadist, to the loving and sweet partner he really is. It adds a perfect layer of realism to the whole scenario. This has gotta be one of new favorite audio's honestly. Purely because of how unique it is to some of the other audio's I've heard before. Beautiful Job as always! ❤️