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Hello my lovelies! I hope you're all having an amazing week:)

I asked you last time if you'd like some music in the background of my rambles and most of you said yes, so let me know if you like the music incorporated or not! Recording these rambles is probably my favorite thing to do outside of Youtube. 

I hope you guys enjoy listening to them just as much! 

Happy listening  ♡




🍕salty but sweet


Hi Erin, that guy sounds like he's got a lot of personal shit he needs to work out if he reacted that way to a date that didn't have the romantic/lustful spark that we all hope for while dating. Did you guys know each other from your in-person life before going out or did you meet online, and did he happen to be a fan of your audio recordings or was he unaware of them prior to your date? well either way as long as he leaves you alone now then you dodged a slew of potential Issues/Drama that could have been much more traumatic than getting your car keyed. 🍕


Hi, Erin. This is my first time ever responding to anything online. I never thought an online comment had any meaning or significance. Too much hate in the online world. However, I must say that your sincerity and empathy is clear from your words and, even more importantly, from the tone of your voice. We all have difficult experiences. It's how we react to them that defines who we are, and you look at life much like I look at my own. Kindness is missing from the world today yet it can provide an intensely positive experience to almost anyone. I believe in kindness, even when being an "asshole" (forgive me) might be considered more acceptable. Not me. The world has become far too selfish. I'd rather be kind, even to those who don't deserve it, because then I can go to sleep knowing I did what's right and good. My motto has always been to Pay it Forward. You seem like such a person. Thank you. I hate feeling that I'm alone in this regard. I commend you. You are a truly good person. Enjoy your day.


That sounds like a really fun birthday! Fall really is a fun time of the year. I know winter is a lot of peoples least favorite season, but I feel that each season has its perks. your choice of a Thanksgiving meal is amazing. That sounds like a Thanksgiving dinner to me. A guy like that does not deserve a woman like you. That dude definitely couldn’t except, and respect your feelings. I see it as a positive that it didn’t work out because it could’ve been worse if things would have progressed further. Just thankful to know that you’re safe. you can’t ever go wrong with a classic pepperoni pizza. 🍕 we all love you. never forget that.