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You end up taking care of your sister's best friend who's gotten a little too drunk after a night out, and she ends up telling you a bunch of stuff that she most likely will not remember the next morning...or will she?;)

Hello my lovely angels! How are you doing? I can't believe that this month is almost over, but you guys are going to love everything that I have coming in September. I promise! (I may be a little biased because September is my birth month hehe)

As always, let me know if you would like a continuation for this audio! Could be SFW or NSFW. Whatever you prefer! I hope you enjoy!

Happy listening ♡




Woooo, mines September too, today actually😭


These are always great audios, the craziness that happens when you drink. Xx


Needed to hear this I've never really taken time to take care of myself and only focused on taking care of others and keeping them safe thank you for this